Sex and violence

Why is it that its considered good and essential that violence in video games becomes more and more realistic and graphic and even in 3D so you can almost feel the blood splatter off you as you hack into another random target and yet sex (which is responsible for ALL of us being here and is necessary and good) is considered to be evil and wrong.

As an example I predict at least ONE person will write (at least until they read this) "only pervs want more simulated sex", "if you want more porn just look at the internet"

I have been reading the new regulations for the R rated games and again its all about more and more violence being allowed. Sure simulated sex is now allowed subject to conditions (and Im not talking about the fact that sexual violence is banned) but if it happens to be a REAL penis or vagina (or god forbid, REAL sex) its automatically banned. It makes no sense

It's called conditioning. The parents in our culture continually tamper with a childs emotions by conditioning them to feel guilty about their private areas. We take this conditioning into adulthood and impose it as decency in law. Although the true perverts are those calling our birthday suits indecent.

If we go back in time, the natural psychology that developed in humans would not have been self-image of shame toward our bodies. To say otherwise is to say evolution has created an natural sense of filth toward ourselves. Outrageous!

The seeds of indecency are obviously a design of jealous power hungry humans who used shame conditioning to those who they wanted to control. For if the ones they want to control are seen by others as beautiful, they may loose them. Better to make them feel they are nasty for showing their bodies. I abhore the ignorant in this aspect. They are the intellectual spawn of filth and indecency.

Who is so idiotic to call our own flesh indecent anyway and call themselves a scientist?