Sex and more sex

Hay, cheers for the reply,

Most of what I wrote was following ‘if race does exist then…’. An easy answer to why I don’t like race is this statement made by L. Luca Cavalli Sforza (the web site you proposed uses his research) “I don't like the word "race" because it corresponds to old subdivisions that are inconsistent with genetic reality and unjustifiable by a rational classification.” You should note that the data on the page you listed uses the term ‘population’ not race. It might be helpful if you state how you define race, as a posed to a population, ethnicity ect.

The computer model was based on Thomas C. Schelling’s work. For me this poses some very interesting problems. :rolleyes:

I believe that there was some mitochondria DNA study which showed that women had a higher chance of interbreeding in a higher caste, than men, and this was reasoned as logical, since it would be more socially acceptable for a man to take a lovely looking wife of a low caste, than a high caste woman take a man of a lower caste.(if you’d like the reference I’ll hunt it out). I believe that there is a similar mechanism in Judaism, where non-Jewish women can intermarry as long as the children are brought up Jewish, while the non-Jewish men must convert (which has been quite hard historically)

I’d say that in today’s society good looking women still find it easier to marry outside of their social population (i.e. Asian brides). However women have a greater control over their reproduction, and thus these marriages may not result in interbreeding.

I do hope that those statistics are tongue in cheek….
I think the fact everyone is missing is that the human race originally started as homogenous. So...we've been moving away from that, and why? Location location location. By the time we had the race significantly unifying, the people in the colder climates and the people in the warmer would be moving apart again. The reason for diversity is not b/c of our genes, our genes are directly affected by our environment.
Interesting topic.
I think... I'm probably about to go off topic, oh well.
The different races occured when humans branched off and started going in different directions, living in different environments etc. Eventually these races WOULD have become different species, BUT then "travel" arose and a form of reverse evolution has occured. Races are mingling and breeding with eachother and I can only assume this will lead to one race, back where we started, sort of, we won't look the same as we originally did but we will be one race again apart from small tribes in third world countries.
Actually we'll probably just make new races rather than become one race, multicultural places like america, england and australia will eventually get their own races.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
Interesting topic.
I think... I'm probably about to go off topic, oh well.
The different races occured when humans branched off and started going in different directions, living in different environments etc. Eventually these races WOULD have become different species, BUT then "travel" arose and a form of reverse evolution has occured. Races are mingling and breeding with eachother and I can only assume this will lead to one race, back where we started, sort of, we won't look the same as we originally did but we will be one race again apart from small tribes in third world countries.
Actually we'll probably just make new races rather than become one race, multicultural places like america, england and australia will eventually get their own races.

Actually, due to the interbreeding, the genetic distance that once existed will be erased, i am very dubious of maori or pygmy invasions of europe or asia in pre-history, what will result will be nothing mor than ethnicities, differing primarily by alleles, rather than the absolute prsence or absence of particular genes, so whilst there may be slight regional difference, we will all indeed be a single race eventually.

Who knows, maybe one day we will artificially create new species or subspecies of human, there is simply no chance of preserving the current diversity in light of the fact that from my experience on both this board and in other places, people are far more superstitious than logical, the finger-pointing, and the accusations of that flawed concept ''racism'' bear witness to this. So much for my 40 000 year old seperate heritage. :(
There are more than two alleles for some genes. Since all copies of each gene can't occur in each individual we could never reach homogeneity at a certain resolution.

Besides part of the fun of having sex with everybody would be when you draw those special people. Why would you want everyone to be the same?

It would destroy variability which is one of the most important functional aspects of biology. As well as one of the most attractive esthetically.