Sex and hair loss.

Actually you need to look at your maternal grandfather. If he is balled ....

OK, who's grandpa got balled in his old age? Did he start getting balled as a young man or as he got older? Could you see him getting balled? Did he try to hide the fact that he was getting balled?
AFAIK the rate limiting step is the presence of the steroid 5-alpha reductase and not the amount of testosterone.

Spilting hairs are we? Not much data is available on the production rates and detail effects of 5AR Type 1 and Type 2 (SRD5A1 and SRD5A2). Those who have issues with Prostate are producing too much DHT which means a lot of 5AR working overtime. Now, if you have low amount of Testosterone...the 5AR can not produce a lot of DHT from thin air....
Spilting hairs are we?
Pun intended? No actually I am not.

First you have to know that the the reaction to androgens can differ from cell to cell, resulting sometimes in distinct pattern of baldness, rather than the overall DHT concentration in the blood.
IIRC the local conversion of testosteron to DHT via the reductase is the proximate factor of the individual follicel loss. While to my knowledge (which is probably lagging a few years behind) it has not been conclusively shown that female pattern baldness is caused by precisely the same factors as in males again, they appear to produce enough testosterone to be converted into DHT locally.
So in any case even with extremely low levels of testosterone (as that of women) local DHT concentration may be high enough (if sufficient steroid 5-alpha reductase is present) to affect the follicles if genetic suceptibility is present. In other words you do not need much testosterone to experience hair loss, if the genetic susceptibility is present (that was what I meant with rate limiting step).

I have seen as many bald people in China as in America.
Well, unless you have sufficient counts to actually make a statistically analysis I rather prefer published data on that subject ;)
You are correct.

testosterone negatively regulated 5alphaR-1 mRNA and enzyme activity but had no affect on 5alphaR-2, whereas FSH positively regulated 5alphaR-1 mRNA and appeared to regulate 5alphaR-2.

This means that if you produce more FSH...that produces more 5AR which in turn produces more DHT.

Regulation of FSH secretion in the male involves a complex balance between stimulation by GnRH from the hypothalamus, inhibitory feedback by sex steroids (T and E2) and inhibin B (Inh B) from the gonads, and autocrine/paracrine modulation by activin and follistatin within the pituitary.

So, someone need to track down what is the primary cause....