Sex and hair loss.


Version 1. OH!
Valued Senior Member
I recently read a strange article that mentioned frequent sex/masterbation can cause hair loss. Has anyone read anything like that. It just seemed too strange to be real and when I looked for more info I didn't come up with much.

I think this was a misconception due to misinterpretation of one of the mechanism of hair loss. Those that state that sex results in hair loss mostly think that high testosterone levels cause baldness. This is incorrect, however.
patterned baldness in males is usually caused by dihydrotestesterone, a conversion product of testesterone. So high testesterone levels do not necessarily cause baldness but the conversion of testesterone by the enzyme 5-alpha reductase to dihydrotestesterone may. In other words, high levels of 5-alpha reductase are bad for the hair, high levels of testesterone not necessarily so.
I think this was a misconception due to misinterpretation of one of the mechanism of hair loss. Those that state that sex results in hair loss mostly think that high testosterone levels cause baldness. This is incorrect, however.
patterned baldness in males is usually caused by dihydrotestesterone, a conversion product of testesterone. So high testesterone levels do not necessarily cause baldness but the conversion of testesterone by the enzyme 5-alpha reductase to dihydrotestesterone may. In other words, high levels of 5-alpha reductase are bad for the hair, high levels of testesterone not necessarily so.

OK, so I'm assuming now that you mean to say that sex boosts testosterone levels.
In my uneducated mind, testosterone increases hair growth in some areas of the body... yet dihydrotestosterone encourages hair loss?
So what's the major difference and how does dihydrotesto/testo effect the hair folicals themselves to have this effect?

If you are worried about male pattern baldness, look at your family members. The more bald men (on both sides), the greater your chances of going bald yourself. There is only one sure way to prevent that fate; castration. I cannot imagine anyone so desperate to save their hair that they would choose to be castrated instead though.
The reasoning is - DHT is a natural conversion process. However when too much testosterone is present, you have more DHT and hence baldness. Too much Testosterone (and perhaps other related chemicals) cause you to get too horny and hence the corelations.....

If you are worried about male pattern baldness, look at your family members. The more bald men (on both sides), the greater your chances of going bald yourself. There is only one sure way to prevent that fate; castration. I cannot imagine anyone so desperate to save their hair that they would choose to be castrated instead though.

All the men on my paternal side are bald, except for my dad. Now why would that be? :shrug:
I knew that was coming.

"You inherit baldness from your mother's father."

Previously, early baldness of the androgenic type was thought to be sex linked dominant in males and to be sex linked recessive in females.
Research suggests that the gene for the androgen receptor, which is significant in determining probability for hair loss, is located on the X chromosome and so is always inherited from the mother's side.[11]There is a 50% chance that a person shares the same X chromosome as their maternal grandfather. Because women have two X chromosomes, they will have two copies of the androgen receptor gene while men only have one. However, research has also shown that a person with a balding father also has a significantly greater chance of experiencing hair loss.[12][13]

There really aren't any "bald" men in my family on either side. But both sides have somewhat receding hairlines. I got the worst of it, and am pretty damned bald. Heredity can be funny that way.
I recently read a strange article that mentioned frequent sex/masterbation can cause hair loss. Has anyone read anything like that. It just seemed too strange to be real and when I looked for more info I didn't come up with much.

yep,its true,applies to men only though,has something to do with Zinc or lack of it which is in sperm,so more you cum more zinc you lose =more hair loss.

Ive heard that eating plenty of oysters helps.

If you are worried about male pattern baldness, look at your family members. The more bald men (on both sides), the greater your chances of going bald yourself. There is only one sure way to prevent that fate; castration. I cannot imagine anyone so desperate to save their hair that they would choose to be castrated instead though.

Actually you need to look at your maternal grandfather. If he is balled THEN You have something to worry about. Dont ask me why though because i dont know the genetics involved
I recently read a strange article that mentioned frequent sex/masterbation can cause hair loss. Has anyone read anything like that. It just seemed too strange to be real and when I looked for more info I didn't come up with much.

I'm not losing hair...... :shrug:
I'm not losing any hairs at 37 (not much body hair so maybe not much testo) and I am horny all the time - if I go a 2 days in a row without sex or knuckling some batter :p I start to think odd... odd indeed... cum to think of it, it has been a couple days now....haaa!
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The reasoning is - DHT is a natural conversion process. However when too much testosterone is present, you have more DHT and hence baldness. Too much Testosterone (and perhaps other related chemicals) cause you to get too horny and hence the corelations.....

AFAIK the rate limiting step is the presence of the steroid 5-alpha reductase and not the amount of testosterone.

In my uneducated mind, testosterone increases hair growth in some areas of the body... yet dihydrotestosterone encourages hair loss?
So what's the major difference and how does dihydrotesto/testo effect the hair folicals themselves to have this effect?

DHT binds to androgen binding receptors with higher affinity than testosterone. This alone does not cause baldness (as well as presence of testosterone does not cause hair growth). In addition balding people have to have a genetic sensitivity (or more precise the hair follicle has it) against DHT. Essentially DHT binding causes to the respective receptors of the cell results in the production of thinner hair and eventually results in a loss of it. I am not sure whether the specific genes have been identified yet, though.
I only remember that this is very prevalent especially in caucasian populations.