Serious Question?

Meanwhile said:
So then, there's absolutely no excuse for this human entity to leave parts of itself in the pit -- doing so is boorish, uncivilised, and demented.

So says you!

But there are others who say that if some can't or won't work to survive, then they should be left to die of their own doing.

There are others who say that giving to beggars and the needy only cause ones own family to suffer and, worse, actually rewards poor behavior and poor work ethics.

So you see, just because YOU say something is "boorish, uncivilised, and demented", that does NOT make it so. All ye're saying, in effect, is ..."My way is the right way ...and anyone who doesn't agree is wrong."

If you wish to give to the needy, the poor, the starving, then please do so. But you shouldn't try to force others to do it if they don't want to ...that's even more "wrong" than letting those others starve to death!

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
So says you!

But there are others who say that if some can't or won't work to survive, then they should be left to die of their own doing.

There are others who say that giving to beggars and the needy only cause ones own family to suffer and, worse, actually rewards poor behavior and poor work ethics.

So you see, just because YOU say something is "boorish, uncivilised, and demented", that does NOT make it so. All ye're saying, in effect, is ..."My way is the right way ...and anyone who doesn't agree is wrong."

If you wish to give to the needy, the poor, the starving, then please do so. But you shouldn't try to force others to do it if they don't want to ...that's even more "wrong" than letting those others starve to death!

Baron Max
baron max, do you pay your taxes?
In the modern world, children are luxuries to spend money on. In the third world, they are labor, helping to bring in crops in difficult conditions, chase birds away, fetch water, etc.
spidergoat said:
In the modern world, children are luxuries to spend money on. In the third world, they are labor, helping to bring in crops in difficult conditions, chase birds away, fetch water, etc.

What crops? What birds? What water?? Hell, if they have all that, then the lazy fuckers don't need none of our money!!! Fuck 'em, let 'em eat cake!

Baron Max
EmptyForceOfChi, I'm wondering, have you ever tried to understand the tribal customs of Africa? Have you ever been on the brink of starvation? Have you ever thought yourself into a situation where you have no education, your country is torn by civil war and Hope is a luxury you cannot afford? Who can think rationally in a situation such as this?

It is easy to judge from the comfort of a home in a first world country, but it is more difficult to maintain that judgment when you've actually seen the faces of those you judge.
LightEagle said:
EmptyForceOfChi, I'm wondering, have you ever tried to understand the tribal customs of Africa? Have you ever been on the brink of starvation? Have you ever thought yourself into a situation where you have no education, your country is torn by civil war and Hope is a luxury you cannot afford? Who can think rationally in a situation such as this?

It is easy to judge from the comfort of a home in a first world country, but it is more difficult to maintain that judgment when you've actually seen the faces of those you judge.


to your first question, yes i do understand tribe customs, about half of my friends are african, about 60% of my whole community is african. i know much about alot of cultures worldwide.

there are many tribes and they have many different customs, but why are custms stuck in like stone, it is possible to change, and if its change is needed then what should one do?, just carry on like nothing is wrong and be nieve?, some tribes in africa have custms to eat there enemy, and keep there skulls, it dosent mean they should keep doing it, maybe thats a good way of keeping population down?, also gaining extra nutrients maybe,

second question you asked, yes i have been on the brink of starvation before to be honest, also i didnt have much of an education as i was in jail and when i got out no other school would accept me, thats why i took a personal degree in personal training and fitness, also teaching self defence,

and about the war, ive been involved in alot of street wars, (not saying its a good thing, just stating a point) my whole country isnt at war (well it is but overseas) but we were at war on our own streets, i have seen alot of bloodshed, alot of violence, suicides, murders, assults ,robberies, abductions, kidnappings, (im not saying i am responsable for these acts personally in all aspects, just what i have witnessed overall).

i am not comparing my life with a poor boy in africa surviving day by day, but i am saying if i were in there position i would not be breeding so much.
me and my wife were speaking of this the other day, and we both commented on the same things "if i were starving and thirsty also with desiese so widespread, the last thing on my mind would be sex, sex, sex,"
and i can imagine what its liek to be there perfectly, i do understand fully, and i also understand if i were in there shoes, me and my wife would choose to not raise kids into poverty and desiese, we would only raise children if we managed to get out of there to somewhere else where we can survive, with fresh water, good crops and nice amount of wildlife/prey.

also, you said about comfort of your ow home comparing hardship with city life to rural africa,

life is best when you go alog with nature, i myself could be called a "daoist" but i am not fully, but i do seek the true way of nature, me and my wife are moving out of a capitol city, to go live somewhere more peacefull and more intouch with the natural energies, living in a polluted busy city does nothing for ones spiritual, living in luxury with over endulgance leads to desire for material things, i would rather have inner peace and happyness, co existing with nature, than have £10 million cash in my hands right now, material living, city life, pollution is indeed not the tao.

"your littering the streets thats a cash fine mate"

"i litter the streets? i wasnt aware i droped that, let me ask you something officer, did these streets not litter natures path?"

"what do you mean?"

"think about it," *walks off*

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if you were that poor starving and desiesed, would breeding be on your mind?

im not bieng horrible nor am i racist whatsoever,
but if i was there i would not be thinking about sex, i would be tryign to hunt and get food, or locate water holes like the animals do
Perhaps the strife caused by that suffering would make what little sex was available more sensual?
LightEagle said:
..., I'm wondering, have you ever tried to understand the tribal customs of Africa?

Well, strangely, it's those very tribal customs that got them into the problems that they're facing ....ignorance, poverty, sickness and hunger. And you want to make sure that they keep those customs????

LightEagle said:
Who can think rationally in a situation such as this?

I'd say that that's the damned best time to start, wouldn't you? If ye're starving, don't you think you should DO something about that first? ...rather than resort to fucking for pleasure (and producing more mouths to feed)?

LightEagle said:
It is easy to judge from the comfort of a home in a first world country, but it is more difficult to maintain that judgment when you've actually seen the faces of those you judge.

But that's exactly what ye're doing, ain't it ....judging them? You've "judged" that they need our help and our food and our education ...that's judging them!

And if their tribal customs are so wonderful, then you shouldn't be trying to change those customs by helping them. Let their wonderful customs provide for them! We should adhere to the "Prime Directive" in such matters.

Baron Max
cockroaches and blacks will outlive you....that's what it means.

Hey!, that makes a good point. cockroaches vs termites.
EmptyForceOfChi said:
conclusion in my opinion is dont mate that much when you own a hut made out of waste mud and straw, when you have no food, you all have desiese, 5 children already, why give birth to a 6th or 7th child, when you cant manage to raise 1

maybe that's why they are mating all the time.
if you're completely destitute and can't seem to find a way out of it, it's easy for you to just fall back on what's comfortable. like sex.

and even then, it's not like all countries have easy access to birth control. for example in uganda (which has one of th ehighest percentage of hiv infections but is improving lately), they have a serious shortage of condoms and companies that produce condoms are losing funding because their sponsors only want abstinence to be taught as birth control.
jhuang said:
if you're completely destitute and can't seem to find a way out of it, it's easy for you to just fall back on what's comfortable. like sex.

Fine. Then let them accept the responsiblity of their actions ...and feed and care for their own fuckin' kids!!

In the USA, we put people in jail who have so many pets that they can't feed 'em and force them to starve. If we're "forced" to feed and care for the kids, then the parents should be put in prison for starving them!

There is NO excuse, NO reason, to have children when you can't afford to care for them should be a crime against humanity and the punishment should be castration and/or prison.

Baron Max
EmptyForceofChi, I liked your sketch about the officer, I can imagine that he would walk away. Many African tribes believe their children are their wealth and prosperity.

Baron Max, you are reading things into my post I never put there. I never said anything about giving Africans western education or even western money. However, the profession of anthropology exists exactlty for the purpose to study tribal customs to provide sollutions for education and other problems. One can educate without being the traditional "know-it-all educator." Breed is a term used for animals. We are talking about people. Western society as we know it went through much of the same Africa is going through today. In fact, in many instances we are no better of. Just as it is logical to steal to survive, it is to have children to provide for your future, wheher that future is percieved to exist or not. Even the Hope of a better future in which your children can provide for you and be your wealth is a reason for some tribesman to have children, even though he/she is starving.

I'm not lobbying for mass aid to Africa, but for a bit of compassion and an attemp to understand different cultures which necessarily have different points of view and perceprions of life, children, etc.

...but if i was there i would not be thinking about sex, i would be tryign to hunt and get food, or locate water holes like the animals do,

How exactly would you do that?
If you searched high and low, night and day, without any food or water, what would you do when you didn't find any?

...they are breeding to much, how can you bring a child into the world in those conditions you make it suffer a life of aids poverty rape and famine,

They have sex for comfort. What would you do in that situation?

conclusion in my opinion is dont mate that much when you own a hut made out of waste mud and straw, when you have no food, you all have desiese, 5 children already, why give birth to a 6th or 7th child, when you cant manage to raise 1,

That's real easy to say.

If you searched high and low, night and day, without any food or water, what would you do when you didn't find any?
The very last thing I would do is reproduce. Why would I bring children into a world who I cannot feed, clothe or shelter? That's the very definition of cruelty and irresponsibility. Your attempt to defend Africans who are guilty of child abuse is noted.
EmptyForceOfChi said:
i am not comparing my life with a poor boy in africa surviving day by day, but i am saying if i were in there position i would not be breeding so much.
me and my wife were speaking of this the other day, and we both commented on the same things "if i were starving and thirsty also with desiese so widespread, the last thing on my mind would be sex, sex, sex,"
I just don’t see how you can really know this.
Of course, you can tell yourself these things all you want, but in truth you would be a very different person, with different opinions and perspectives on the matter.

and i can imagine what its liek to be there perfectly, i do understand fully, and i also understand if i were in there shoes, me and my wife would choose to not raise kids into poverty and desiese,
It’s all very good and well to say these things when you are not in the stated situation, Empty, but the fact is you can say that you can imagine what it would be like all you want, it still does not change the fact that if you did actually live there, and had done so all your life, your opinion would most likely be very different, because your experiences, your situation, your culture and your education would be entirely different, too.
mountainhare said:

The very last thing I would do is reproduce. Why would I bring children into a world who I cannot feed, clothe or shelter? That's the very definition of cruelty and irresponsibility. Your attempt to defend Africans who are guilty of child abuse is noted.

That may be the case for you, but not for most people. When people are face the threat of hunger and shotage of basic supplies, they generally panic. Look what happened in the relatvely few days in New Orleans.
My point is that it is very easy to say how you would act under extreme cirumstances.
For governments to sit and watch fellow human beings suffer and disintegrate at such rates, i think, is a humanitarian disaster, a real tragedy, which needn't occur.

Jan Ardena said:
For governments to sit and watch fellow human beings suffer and disintegrate at such rates, i think, is a humanitarian disaster, a real tragedy, which needn't occur.

Yeah, so perhaps they shouldn't watch! There are plenty of more pleasant things to watch instead.

Baron Max
All of these bleeding heart liberals still dont understand whats really going on.

The city offered them free transportation out of the city, inorder to evacuate.

The looting started the day of the hurricane, some people stayed back precisely to loot.

You cant be that desperate if you are looting new clothes, electronic equipment, beer, and shooting at medics and national guards troopers coming to help.

New Orleans infrastructure was already destroyed, which is why the government had a hard time getting into the city and helping, it was an already decaying city.

I thought that nature would eventually wipe out people as weak minded and humanistic as these leftist liberals, but apparently she failed to do her job.

What do you do? When you feel sad or helpless?
-Don't say tome me!!! You are reading books, chatting on this forum, running 10 miles a day, playing badminton or a cricket... Should I said; you are playing with your kids and go out with your friends to drink! But please;... don't say to me --- you will not have a sex if you could!!!
Please don't start a sense less thread like these ever again.