Serious Question?


ok you know int he very poor regions of the world, ie africa,

if you were that poor starving and desiesed, would breeding be on your mind?

im not bieng horrible nor am i racist whatsoever,
but if i was there i would not be thinking about sex, i would be tryign to hunt and get food, or locate water holes like the animals do,

they are breeding to much, how can you bring a child into the world in those conditions you make it suffer a life of aids poverty rape and famine,

i am fulyl aware of rape cases before anybody goes on about those incodents, wich i know are many, but there is still alot of mating going on, overpopulation will cause desiese and nature has to dispose of the overpopulated species somehow,

conclusion in my opinion is dont mate that much when you own a hut made out of waste mud and straw, when you have no food, you all have desiese, 5 children already, why give birth to a 6th or 7th child, when you cant manage to raise 1,

peace, (i think)
I know what you are saying. I have thought about this same thing many times. They should think about what they are doing before having children.

To be fair though like every race, they have to continue for the sake of humanity. It would help if Western countries gave them a bit of a helping hand with Aid and debt relief, etc.
Sex can be like a drug - feeling good when you are having it ............

If your situation is hopeless, people tend to look for something that feels good and
takes off the misery from your mind ......(some even try religions) .....

And they can´t afford condoms .......

They do not think of tomorrow - only today .........
Yeah, I think it's stupid to have children if you're poor.
However, I know I'd be thinking about sex... although I would try not to have babies. probably just by having sex with the person I love most (me... roflmao)

Don't knock masturbation, it's sex with someone I love.
Woody Allen, Annie Hall

but anyway, many people are egocentric maniacs from hell. They have kids so that the kids will help them grow crops or do work for them, etc....

and for others, religion is why they have kids. I mean, to be a good jew or catholic or whatever, you pretty much HAVE to have kids.
When moved from the mesolithic to the neolithic with the introduction of farming and moving away from the traditional hunter-gatherer societies, children became more than a means of continuing the species. Children became a vital resource. A renewable resource. A cheap resource.

In the days of the hunter-gatherer, infanticide was often practiced to prevent the tribe from outgrowing its resources. This is still practiced today in some areas although with the advent of modern civilization nosing its way into everyone's business, it's not as common as it once was.

The hunter-gatherer recognized that the tribe exists in a delicate balance with his environment and to grow unchecked would be to wreak havoc upon that balance. Having few means of abortion, infanticide is the only option. And is not looked upon poorly.

However, with the advent of farming and farming culture, with the tying to the land, with the shift from seeking a balance with nature to obtaining mastery of nature, man no longer saw it as necessary to keep his numbers in check.

Look. Man is master of the land. Man plants. And man sews. It is mans destiny to be prodigal and to overflow the land. To master the land.

At this shift in lifestyle, the old ways of the mesolithic hunter-gatherer are often turned upon their head. Old traditions are reversed. The view on infanticide is one of these. No longer are infants killed for the good of the tribe. The emphasis moves from the tribe to the family. And the farm needs hands. Lots of hands.

Tilling the soil is hard, backbreaking work.
Children make excellent slaves.
And most die before adulthood. Thus the land need not be divided too much with inheritence.

"They do not think of tomorrow - only today....."
Beg to differ. They are definitely thinking of tomorrow. An infant can't till the soil.

Now. Moving beyond a farming culture into the urban poor. Well, instincts die hard. Not only this, but infanticide has become taboo and illegal. And birth control, in most poor areas of the world, is prescribed by the religion of the area.
if you cant even fully take care of yourself, then you shouldent have children,

if you cant get a condom and dont want a baby, dont have sex,

Some lessons in life are more difficult than others. They keep having babies because the western nations of the world keep holding out hope to them for salvation ....and we never provide it!

Just think, over 8,000 little kids die of starvation and easily-cured diseases in Africa every single day ...yes, EVERY SINGLE DAY! And the people still haven't learned that lesson?? Perhaps they'll learn it in a few thousand more years??

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Some lessons in life are more difficult than others. They keep having babies because the western nations of the world keep holding out hope to them for salvation ....and we never provide it!

Just think, over 8,000 little kids die of starvation and easily-cured diseases in Africa every single day ...yes, EVERY SINGLE DAY! And the people still haven't learned that lesson?? Perhaps they'll learn it in a few thousand more years??

Baron Max

yeah maybe a few thousand or so or never,

if all of the modern societys of the world, and all of the A list hollywood movie stars and singers and celebs, and million/billion, airs put there money together they could solve all the famine and water/hunger problems, but everyone is to selfish rather buy some bling bling and a new jet plane than help the developing countries,

yeah charities are good and all but we need to get together as a whole to help these problems,

but for now as everyone is too selfish to help in this way, why dont theys top breeding so much and try to get food and water for themselves, before bringing anouther 10 children each into existance to suffer alognside them.

EmptyForceOfChi said:
yeah charities are good and all but we need to get together as a whole to help these problems,

Well, I have a problem with that, too. What do we usually call people who work and try to help people thousands of miles away, yet let people right in their own neighborhoods starve to death or die of whooping cough and such diseases? Hippo-crit?? Is that, perhaps, the right word?

But ye're right, until Africans begin to help themselves and pull themselves up out of their predicatment, no amount of money/aid is going to save them. The western nations have been giving money to Africa for decades, perhaps longer, and look what we still have in Africa ...just more of the same, LOTS more of the same.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Well, I have a problem with that, too. What do we usually call people who work and try to help people thousands of miles away, yet let people right in their own neighborhoods starve to death or die of whooping cough and such diseases? Hippo-crit?? Is that, perhaps, the right word?

But ye're right, until Africans begin to help themselves and pull themselves up out of their predicatment, no amount of money/aid is going to save them. The western nations have been giving money to Africa for decades, perhaps longer, and look what we still have in Africa ...just more of the same, LOTS more of the same.

Baron Max

i agree fully, i personally try to help others around me, i dont give to any charities, well i give money to shaolin temples across china to support the monks int here simple lives,

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ReighnStorm said:
Africans were here and very capable of caring for themselves before any western civilization was even thought of.

Sure couldn't take care of themselves when the whites started showing up, could they? In fact, many of the blacks began to capture and sell their own people to the whites as slaves. ...and you call that "taking care of oneself"?

Baron Max
Africans had loyalty to their tribe or ethnic group, not to all other Africans. So, they didn't sell "their own people". Only stupid white people lump them all together.
Baron Max said:
Sure couldn't take care of themselves when the whites started showing up, could they? In fact, many of the blacks began to capture and sell their own people to the whites as slaves. ...and you call that "taking care of oneself"?

Baron Max
The land went bad in most parts of Africa Baron Max that's all.
any excuse old geek fart bmax has for slaggin off ALL black people and he will take it...!...would loe for my hand to grow very very big....gigantic. then i find where he's at, then i pick him up byhis vest as he its typin typin his vile propagana...........and i pluck him up and drop him right smack in the middle of the furthest reach blackest there is is gleamin moonwhite badmax yeah?.........then i sit back and watch how he tells all the blacks he meets howmuch he loves em, as he begsfor food shelter and water and company.....wud he learn ?

wud he fuk. as soon as he managed te long way back to his computee, he'd be slaggin em off behind their backs

thas bmax fo ya
ReighnStorm said:
The land went bad in most parts of Africa Baron Max that's all.

Huh? Are you saying the even the fuckin' land hates blacks?!?!

And how do you explain that when whites moved onto "bad" African land, they produced a bounty of produce to feed the people?

And in many parts of Africa, the land was taken from the whites and turned over to the blacks ...and the farms became fallow and produced nothing. Why couldn't the blacks produce the same volume of food from the very same land???

It's just like the Palestine area of the Middle East ...the Palestinians couldn't even grow dirt, but the Jews turned it into a bountiful land of produce to feed the mulitudes. Just watch and wait ...the same will happen to the land that the Israelis gave back to the Palestinians just recently. The land will become fallow desert again in a short time!

The land went bad? What exactly does that mean?

Baron Max
Hmm, still haven't learned proper English grammar, huh, Duendy? If you spent as much time learning as you do here at sciforums, perhaps you, too, could learn proper English grammar.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Huh? Are you saying the even the fuckin' land hates blacks?!?!

me________no theland hates evil muthafkin white racist materialistslike yerself

And how do you explain that when whites moved onto "bad" African land, they produced a bounty of produce to feed the people?

me_______everywhere the white evil mindset-of which you are a representation of--it poisons everything. all life. species dissapear, you name it.

And in many parts of Africa, the land was taken from the whites and turned over to the blacks ...and the farms became fallow and produced nothing. Why couldn't the blacks produce the same volume of food from the very same land???

me_______probs because your filthy vile whaitey attitue which gets off demoaralzing people and driving them to despair--like you did to Native AMerican peoples etc etc etc etc etfukin cetra, had taken all their natrual confidence away for subsistance. the you lot come of course to mock it. evil fkersthat yer are....that lost their soul Looooong way back. the Native American knew what your mindset was like--bear in mind tis is not an attack on WHITE people, but A white mindset that predominates--'talkin in forked tongues'. ie., duplicitious. mean ad slyand not to be trusted

It's just like the Palestine area of the Middle East ...the Palestinians couldn't even grow dirt, but the Jews turned it into a bountiful land of produce to feed the mulitudes. Just watch and wait ...the same will happen to the land that the Israelis gave back to the Palestinians just recently. The land will become fallow desert again in a short time!

me____yuou mean land the Israleies stole OFF the Palestinians causeof some bible baloney?

The land went bad? What exactly does that mean?

me____what itmeans is that you are a complete hopess ignorant that is near death but it is too late now for yo ever to acquire any intellgewnce, empathy, compassion...........on your life-report 'failed miserably'

Baron Max
EmptyForceOfChi said:
ok you know int he very poor regions of the world, ie africa,

if you were that poor starving and desiesed, would breeding be on your mind?

im not bieng horrible nor am i racist whatsoever,
but if i was there i would not be thinking about sex, i would be tryign to hunt and get food, or locate water holes like the animals do,

they are breeding to much, how can you bring a child into the world in those conditions you make it suffer a life of aids poverty rape and famine,

A valid question and for reasons, I gues I could cite lots, such as poor education, lack of technology, cultural habits, drought, lack of money etc etc. But these aren't reasons, they are excuses.

But, let me now ask a question, which again is sexually related... why do people in the West, the supposedly best educated and most well informed people in the world, why, do they still continue to have unprotected and indiscriminate sex, adding to the growing numbers of HIV and STD carriers and to the need for abortions on a massive scale?

I guess the ultimate reason for all, would be that the sex drive is something beyond reason, it's really quite uncontollable, even if it's to the detriment of the individual and society as a whole.
The only reason anything strives to survive is to pass on it's genes.
When the situation is that grim, when the chances of your offspring being successfull is that low, you'd just naturally squirt as many children out into the wind as you can and hope maybe one will make it.
You can't expect them not to do this. What you need to get over is the fact that heaps of them are going to die.
It's only a problem because we expect all those sad little children to live, we interfere and try to keep them all alive.
Let them die and in time the situation will right itself, with a refined strain of homosapien emerging in those regions better adapted to succeeding under those conditions. If you help an inadequate one live it will multiply and produce more inadequate ones, and the situation just gets worse and worse.