September the 11th: Hoax?

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planes crashed into the towers, I don't care if goverment conspericy or alkada made 4 planes loaded with civilans crash, destroying two buildings and damage one, it happend any saying that it did not is complety out of reality.
to psuedoscience with this!

p.s Forgive me I don't have spell check on a internet cafe computer.

You are unfortunately mistaken. No one in this thread is saying it did not happen.

I would advise you to actually read the posts before making such comments.
I have a question. Why do the engines seem offset in this pic? (at the bottom of the page)
There seems to be a slight lean in the plane, but I think the engines would be less offset, and opposite of what is shown here. Am I missing something?
I think it merely has to do with the angle of the plane to the camera. Do it with your hands--make a horizontal with one hand, put your other hand vertically behind the one and twist it back and forth on its axes, watching where your knuckles are in relation to the horizontal line. Eventually, you'll create a similar visual effect.
If you were to believe in causality, you could suggest talking about an event, videoing an event and generating memorials or tributes potentially adds to what ever the event once was...

"When I die, if you were to quote me, make sure you do so correctly and not give a date I died, but a X in its place. Then by shear luck you can quote me while alive without fear of adding to causality" Stryderunknown (1977-X)

Yes, similar but this is no visual effect.

The tilt of the plane might change perspective but the angle of those engines are not even close to being a mere visual effect.

One engine is both closer and longer than the other. That would be one fantastic effect to achieve this..
The tilt of the plane might change perspective but the angle of those engines are not even close to being a mere visual effect.

According to the lens of the eye, or the unknown lens of a camera? That's the only other thing that leaps to mind at this point.
All government sponsored agencies Pangloss, common here. Does the Warren Commission ring a bell? It could be B.S. gov’t is not going to say 3 years after “It was us”…am I saying that the US gov’t did 9/11? No, I don’t believe she did, but is it a possibility hell yes.

But you take information from known partisan sources all the time, Undecided. What's wrong with considering one more? :)

You have to admit I have a point here. Can't kill ya to hear the evidence.
But you take information from known partisan sources all the time, Undecided.

Sorry but I don’t use Tripod sites, I use sites that are accredited as much as I can so I don’t buy that. Don’t degrade my sources please, they are very good and non-partisan most of the time.

What's wrong with considering one more? :)

Would you believe a Soviet commission? I wouldn’t, do you believe the Warren Commission I don’t. Only time will tell, only time will tell.

You have to admit I have a point here.

Really…seemed to have missed it.

Can't kill ya to hear the evidence.

But I've heard yours. The question is will you listen to the other point of view?

You didn't ignore the Warren Commission, you listened to what they had to say and then you made a decision. What's wrong with doing that again?
So what happened to the flights with passengers that were attributed to the three crashes? Did these three aircraft and passengers not exist? Did they safely land and put all the passengers in the Witness Protection Program and paint over the tail numbers? Were they destroyed and killed elsewhere? If so, why not simply crash them into the targets anyway?

Also, as a pseudoscience topic, this conspiracy theory fits only marginally. I'd hate to think that Pseudoscience is the destination for any whacked theory, idea, or contention. Isn't there a cesspool?
milkweed said:
I have a question. Why do the engines seem offset in this pic? (at the bottom of the page)

The material on that site is absurd. I know an American Airlines pilot, who lost friends on Sept 11th. All that site proves, is that eye-witness testimony can be incredibly misleading.

The footage is such poor quality no conclusions can be drawn, and I can't see a 'pod' or a 'flash' or anything that would seem unexpected considering the extraordinary events.

They call buying their films 'making a donation', where is the money going? I'd love to know, because it seems these goons are profiteering on someone else's tragedy.
*TWA800 +SWISSAIR111=911 they were 111 weeks apart

SwissAir flight 111 - Sept. 2 1998 (9/1+1/98
*EGYPT AIR 990 (90X11) ON THE EVE OF 11/1/99 CRASHED
*EGYPT AIR 990 WAS 1 Year, 10 Months, and 11 Days BEFORE 9/11/01
Republican National Convention
a=1 b=2 c=3


Aug 30th start date
1 month 12 days after the start of the RNC is 10/12 Aleister Crowley's birthday

Aleister Crowley died 12/1
92 days after Aug 31 is 12/1 Aleister Crowley's death date

Aug 30th is 92 weeks 1 day from 6/6/06

Convention from Aug 30th - Sept 2nd
(8/30 - 9/2)

MAdiSON SQUARE GARDEN is the site for the Convention
in NY
the G in the square from the MASONic symbol

a list of websites showing ILLUMINATI MASONIC SYMBOLS
on JAN 22nd 2003 (1/22/03 and 101 days after aleister crowley's birthday) INFOWARS HOST ALEX JONES has TEXE MARRS on talking about government and occult conspiracy in NASA (prior to the columbia disaster) he predicts an attack/disaster during this interview.
this audio file is available on kazaa.

10 days after this interview NASA's COLUMBIA shuttle disaster

on FEB 5th 2003, Alex interviews Illuminati and occult expert Texe Marrs on NASA's occult symbolism and numerology as it relates to Columbia

(111 days after aleister crowley's birthday is COLUMBIA DISASTER)
(222 days after columbia disaster is 9/11)
(333 days after columbia disaster is 1/1)
*9 months 10 days after the release of the NY us quarter coin was Aleister Crowley's birthday
*333 days after the release of the NY us quarter coin was Aleister Crowley's death date
*aleister crowley's birthday 2000 was 1+1 months 9+11+1 days before the NY coin release
*aleister crowley's death date 2000 was 1 month 1 day before the NY coin release
*aleister crowley birthday 2000 was 333+1 days before 9/11/01
*aleister crowley death date 2000 was 9 months 10 days before 9/11/01

*333 days after Aleister Crowley's birthday is 9/11
*1/10 is 90 days after Aleister Crowley's bday
*1/11+9 is 100 (9x11 then 1) days after Aleister Crowley's bday
*1 month 1 day after 9/11/1 is Aleister Crowley's bday
*111 days after aleister crowley's birthday is Columbia Accident

*JFK murder
1 month 10 days after ALEISTER CROWLEY'S BIRTHDAY 11/22
John F. Kennedy, inaugural address, January 20, 1961 (1/11+9) was 99 (9x11) days after aleister crowley's birthday

*Pres Bush Senior
Inaugural speech january 20 (1/11+9) 1989 was 99 (9x11) days after Aleister Crowley´s birthday
and 9+11 days into the year 1989
also was 1 year 234 days before 9/11/90
and also 1+11 years 234 days before 9/11/1

*President Lyndon B. Johnson had a heart attack and died 101 days after Aleister Crowley's birthday
9 days after LBJ's death is 110 days after Aleister Crowley's birthday

*APEC summit 21 world leaders (including a pres)
10/21 event was 9 days after 10/12
10/21 was 1 month 11 days before 12/1 death day"
APEC -- take out the AC for "ALEISTER CROWLEY" left with P+E=21) a=2 b=2 c=3
A 9+11+1+ C
*Pioneer 10 spacecraft has sent its last signal to Earth. Pioneer´s last, very weak signal was received on Jan. 22
P10 on 1/11+11
*9x11 then 1 day after Aleister Crowley's birthday Pioneer 10
*11 days later Columbia Accident

*the november issue (11th month) of high times magazine has a great section on "ALEISTER CROWLEY" and his name on the cover. (2003)

12/12/12 is 9 days before END OF MAYAN CALENDAR
12/12/12 is 11 days after ALEISTER CROWLEY'S DEATH DATE

MADRID, sPAIN (AP) - 10 bombs tear through commuter trains during morning rush hour , 1200 injured -
Officials blamed Basque separatists for the worst terror attack in Spanish history. --- 111+6+6+6+7+7+7 days after ALEISTER CROWLEY's birthday

*9x11 days then 10 days after FAHRENHEIT 9/11 hit theatres is ALEISTER CROWLEY'S BIRTHDAY

*123 days after the funeral of Reagan is the Birthday of Aleister Crowley
*60+60+59 days after Ronald Reagan's death is the death of Aleister Crowley

*9+11+1 days after Aleister Crowley´s birthday is Election Day 2004
*9+11+9+11+1 year anniversary of jfk murder

*3+1+3+3+7+9+11+1 days after aleister crowley's birthday is 11/19

*On Dec. 1st (Date of Aleister Crowley's death) Tom Brokaw will "sign off" from the nation's top-rated evening newscast <- Very Happy


1999-2001 (PRIOR TO 9/11/01)



*The 50 State Quarters™ Program is 'changing' the 'state' of coin collecting. Approximately every 10 weeks, from 1999 to 2008, there will be a new state quarter released. Each quarter's reverse will celebrate one of the 50 states with a design honoring its unique history, traditions, and symbols. The quarters are released in the same order that the states joined the union. 3 of the first 1+3+3+7 quarters (BEFORE 9/11/01) had stars and 11 quarters that did not have stars in the design.
The last quarter with stars released before the TWO TOWERS in NY were attacked was the NY quarter.

*9 months 10 days after the release of the NY coin was Aleister Crowley's birthday
*333 days after the release of the NY coin was Aleister Crowley's death date
*aleister crowley's birthday 2000 was 1+1 months 9+11+1 days before the NY coin release
*aleister crowley's death date 2000 was 1 month 1 day before the NY coin release
*aleister crowley birthday 2000 was 333+1 days before 9/11/01
*aleister crowley death date 2000 was 9 months 10 days before 9/11/01
From: Wednesday, December 31, 2003 00:00:00
to: Monday, June 28, 2004 00:00:00
It is 180 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 0 seconds between those dates
60+60+60 days after NY's day is IRAQI HANDOVER

From: Monday, June 28, 2004 00:00:00
to: Saturday, December 25, 2004 00:00:00
It is 180 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 0 seconds between those dates
60+60+60 days after IRAQI HAND OVER is CHRISTMAS DAY

Power handed to Iraq government -

From: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 00:00:00
to: Monday, June 28, 2004 00:00:00
It is 1021 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 0 seconds between those dates

1000 then 9+11+1 days after 9/11/1 power handed to Iraqi gov't

power handed back to Iraq gov't june 28
101 weeks and under 24 hours from 6/6/06

Iraq formally returned to self-rule 1+1 days early,2955526a12,00

From: Monday, June 28, 2004 00:00:00
to: Friday, October 29, 2004 00:00:00
It is 123 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 0 seconds between those dates
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I am sorry I didn’t need a conspiracy site to tell that the 757 assertion is highly questionable
Give me a break. What happened to all the people who were on the flight if it didn't crash? Did it crash somewhere else? I'm sure we would have heard about it if it did. Or maybe it landed in Cuba and the passengers are being held in Guantonamo Bay. Never mind that the wife of a member of the Bush administration was on that flight (Susan Olson). Or maybe that just makes you more suspicious.
I'm going to lock this thread rather than moving it to cesspool. My reason is simple... It's not a pseudoscience, its not attempting to gain any form of peer review to define fact or fiction is mearly a "ratings ploy" by picking a topic that people can exactly get away from.
(similar to how every watches films/programs about "ghosts" or "aliens")

Events have been and gone, and are still remembered, we can't stop what occured all we can do is move on and stop cashing in on the needless deaths of others.
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