September the 11th: Hoax?

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is feeling caustic
Registered Senior Member

A new 9-11 video was screened last night in Sacramento, California, leaving the audience stunned. '911 in Plane Site' is basically presented in two parts. The first segment is 52 minutes and designed for showing on television with the balance of a one hour time slot reserved for commercials. Part II continues with more film and analysis. This video is digitally mastered making details sharp and clear.

'911 in Plane Site' presents actual film from that fateful day and careful analysis focusing on the Pentagon and the two World Trade Center buildings. By slowing down the actual news feeds that day from networks like CNN, FOX, the BBC and others, what you see is quite different from what most people saw in "real time" that day. Live footage from the Pentagon and what was missed by most because of the smoke and confusion was captured up close by the media. Following the showing, a retired vet remarked, "How did we miss this all this time? I've seen media clips of the front of that building [the Pentagon] many times, but I wasn't really seeing what was there. I feel sick."



I personally never cared to watch American news or show compassion for an American population. Because I never cared to watch any of the footage, I wouldn't know anything at this time... when my good fellow conspirators are able to address it and I have ample information to participate, I will do what I may. For now I leave you with this:

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. ... corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed."
*- Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 21, 1864
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It doesn't say the twin towers disappeared, only that there was a flash of light recorded by ALL cameras from DIFFERENT angles BEFORE the planes "hit".

Surely, remember this:
"no conclusions or accusations are made by the commentator."
§outh§tar said:
It doesn't say the twin towers disappeared, only that there was a flash of light recorded by ALL cameras from DIFFERENT angles BEFORE the planes "hit".

So the airplanes hitting was just a distraction?????

A distraction to hide the fact that there were already 2 bombs planted exactly where the planes were going to hit?

Were there any airplanes then? was that a magic trick?
Without seeing their footage, it's hard to say.

Although, having seen various bits of other footage, and having friends who live and work in NYC, I have no questions or doubts about the event.

I don't think thei bunch of conspiracy theroists are going to change my position either, but if I get a chance, I'll watch their film.
There are certainly many questions about what happened on 9.11.2001, but one of the most interesting notes I've come across is the "security camera" issue, which asserts that a nearby security camera caught imagery of another plane (asserted probable F-16) actually attacking the Pentagon. Theories about this are scattered, variously attempting to explain the idea that the 757 did not actually hit the Pentagon itself but the ground directly adjacent; eyewitness accounts of the flightpath versus knocked-over telephone poles allegedly caused by an airplane, &c., &c. One page I came across implies the F-16 perished in the event, while another goes so far as to theorize that the jet made it through the explosion and stole away in the confusion. This last, of course, is unreasonable by any measure, although I must admit the images, if not necessarily the analyses, are interesting. Note the Rumsfeld quote included in the following:


One theory: UAV attack?
(Click here)

What really bugs me is that none of the analyses claiming hoaxes are able to keep that scrabbling, sweating sense of wild conspiracy theorists out of it.

After spending the last hour and a half absolutely fascinated by pictures I'd never bothered to look at before, the strongest echo is the desperation. That's unfortunate, because some of what these folks are going on about is stuff I remember from that very day. But ... such is life.

The magnitude of such a conspiracy as asserted is nearly unbelievable in itself. Of course, this administration has conducted itself in all matters, and defied the bounds of decency so ambitiously that if, someday, one of these conspiracy theories is proven true, I won't be surprised.
Ah!! I love this stuff conspiracy theories is my thing since 9-11. I used to collect thousand of stories and store them on CD. I still have a few hanging around, lately I've grown tired of them, since my pc is getting old and freezing constantly, I've been concentrating only in just reading about them.

But lets take an observatory look of history and how many conspiracy theories turned out to be in fact, factual occurances of our government. take a look here

It's a long read but well worth the time, that is if you like the conspiracy buff material.

Buildings fell as if they were an implosion? No, I think we've all seen the footage often enough, they fell because the structural members gave way under the heat of the fire and the upper stories collapsed onto the lower ones. How does that resemble an implosion?
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Can anyone here tell me what happened to the Black Boxes that were on the planes?

They were recovered. They're mentioned as evidence in the 9/11 commission report. Federal law prohibits the playing of cockpit voice recordings, by the way, a fact which conspiracy theorists just have to love.

I imagine the hijackers were stuffed into the same building as the Roswell UFO and the alien autopsy remains. Perhaps they can amuse themselves by chatting with Lee Harvey Oswald, Oliver Stone, and the latest visitors from Alpha Centauri. :)
they fell because the structural members gave way under the heat of the fire and the upper stories collapsed onto the lower ones. How does that resemble an implosion?

That's true, but actually the towers fell for slightly different reasons. The South Tower collapse was due to outer structure integrity loss, and close examination of the collapse footage reveals that the inner "core" structure actually stood on its own for a few moments. The North Tower's inner structure collapsed first, as noted in the footage by the fact that the television antenna can be seen to fall inwards slightly ahead of the outer structure.

It's interesting to note why the North Tower collapsed after the South Tower, even though it was actually hit first. This appears to be due to the fact that the second impact was off-center, causing greater structural integrity damage to one wall of the South Tower.

This is all covered in depth in an excellent 2002 episode of Nova called "Why the Towers Fell", which is available for rental from many outlets including Netflix. Highly recommended.

The problem with conspiracy theories about 9/11 is that they *require* denial of scientific evidence. It's really quite sad that people find this sort of thing so necessary.
some interesting notes;

01. Bush’s Puzzling Reaction - Why did Bush just sit there in the 2nd grade classroom reading for 25 minutes?

02. No Immediate Jet Scramble - Why was Flight 77 not intercepted after 1 hr 45 min of flying off course?

03. Collapse of the Twin Towers - Could this be the first time ever that a steel skyscraper has collapsed due to fire?

04. Collapse of the Twin Towers - How can the ‘Pancake Theory’ account for lower floors resistance at 10.4 seconds?

05. Collapse of the Twin Towers - Why does the thermal data indicate ‘hot spots’ weeks after their collapse?

06. Mysterious Collapse of Building 7 - Why did Building 7 come down if no airplane hit it, nor any debris fell on it?

07. Attack on the Pentagon - Flight 77 - Why was there so little damage done and such a small amount of debris?

08. Attack on the Pentagon - Flight 77 - Why has the Pentagon only released 5 frames out of all the video tapes?

09. Flight 93 Crashed in Pennsylvania - Why was crash debris so small and spread out over a 5 mile swath?

10. Intelligence Warnings - Why did Bush ignore an unprecedented # of intelligence warnings 3 months prior to 9/11?

11. Intelligence Warnings - Why did the FBI & CIA ignore Agents C. Rowley, Kenneth Williams & Robert Wright?

12. Precedents - the 1993 WTC Car Bombing - Why did the FBI Agent John Anticev pay Edam Salem $1.5M?

13. 9/11 and the War Agenda - What is the Project for a New American Century? (

14. History of War-triggering Deceptions - Why was Bush Sr. not incarcerated for the 1991 Incubator Baby Scam?

15. History of War-triggering Deceptions - Why did FDR knowingly let the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor (1941)?

16. History of War-triggering Deceptions - Has the military been planning another Operation Northwoods (1962)?

17. Al Qaeda and the Intelligence Ploy - Why didn’t CIA arrest bin Laden in Dubai (July) & Rawalpindi (Sep 10)?

18. Al Qaeda and the Intelligence Ploy - Why was the 9/11 Money Man (Gen. Mahmoud) visiting DC on Sep 4-13?

19. Al Qaeda and the Intelligence Ploy - Why was J. Michael Springmann issuing US visas to Saudi terrorists?

20. Al Qaeda and the Intelligence Ploy - Why did Pakistan’s ISI air-lift Al Qaeda to safety Nov 2001 - Jan 02?

21. The Bush and Bin Laden Family Ties - Why was Bush Sr. meeting bin Laden’s brother at the Ritz on 9/11?

22. Manufacturing Terror - How did anthrax produced at an American weapon’s lab end up on T. Daschle’s desk?

23. Installing a Police State - Why would they pass the PATRIOT Act before everyone had a chance to read it?

24. The Coverup - Why was key evidence for the WTC site and Pentagon destroyed by the US Government?

25. Investigative Commissions - Why did it take 411 days to form the 9/11 Commission when others took 7 days?

26. The Motives - Profits of Death: Financial Scams - Why was there 1200% more ‘puts’ on UA & AA on 9/11?

there is a very good powerpoint presentation with graphics and graphs (data) on these anamolies, you may visit it at:
I don't believe there is any video footage of the UA77 crash into the Pentagon. There are still pictures taken from a security camera, but it doesn't show an airplane. It was just moving too fast for the single-frame camera to catch.

Many of the conspiracy sites get pretty outlandish, making wild claims about debris in the wrong places and even using trumped-up "pictures" that don't even bother to try and be accurate (like comparing a picture of a 757 to the wall of the Pentagon, without bothering to correct for scale).

The 9/11 Commission report includes *eyewitness testimony* of the 757 striking the Pentagon. That really ought to be good enough, even if there wasn't a ton of other evidence.

A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing.
(like comparing a picture of a 757 to the wall of the Pentagon, without bothering to correct for scale)

I'd be curious to see that image. I came across one that I'll go fish for that claims to be properly scaled. It's somewhere in about fifty pages I went through last night, so ... I'll try to dig it up.
To me at least I think the engines should have been sheered off well before the aircraft hit the Pentagon. Also I don’t believe that almost nothing was left of the aircraft, I’ve seen the picture of the twisted piece of metal with AA colors on it, not very convincing. The aircraft was flying so low it would have taken a very good pilot with a lot of experience at extreme low level flight to accomplish that feat. The pictures imo do not show a 757, it is too small, even if the aircraft was going at high speed, I should at least been able to figure out a silhouette of something like that or even a tailfin, nothing. Highly suspicious.
One thing that might be helpful to you would be to look at the NTSB, 9/11 Commission, and other non-partisan, non-ideological sources. Almost inevitably the 9/11 conspiracy sites are anti-Bush, anti-war, or far left in some way.

I suppose in the final analysis it's probably a healthy thing to have these conspiracy sites, even if they are pretty ridiculous. The price of freedom and all that.
One thing that might be helpful to you would be to look at the NTSB, 9/11 Commission, and other non-partisan, non-ideological sources. Almost inevitably the 9/11 conspiracy sites are anti-Bush, anti-war, or far left in some way.

All government sponsored agencies Pangloss, common here. Does the Warren Commission ring a bell? It could be B.S. gov’t is not going to say 3 years after “It was us”…am I saying that the US gov’t did 9/11? No, I don’t believe she did, but is it a possibility hell yes.

I suppose in the final analysis it's probably a healthy thing to have these conspiracy sites, even if they are pretty ridiculous. The price of freedom and all that.

I am sorry I didn’t need a conspiracy site to tell that the 757 assertion is highly questionable.
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