Separation of Church & State.

Most non-americans seem very suprised when they experience first hand the level of some of the religious "fervor" exhibited, especially in the "bible belt". I'm an east-coaster, but I'm still subjected to daily threats of hell and damnation as advertised on at least three large signs on my way to work.

And the money thing - yes. We seem overly concerned with spending more time (as a nation) than any other nation in getting it. Maybe it's because we can't afford simple health care? :rolleyes:

Regarding your signs, I find it interesting how much religion seems to need to frighten the shit out of people to gain converts but still maintain that god is love.

I was appaled when I saw a documentary on Phelps and his family shouting abuse at a funeral, among other things, telling a family that their sun was burning in hell. I regard what he has done to his children as abuse, by moulding them to his sick worldview.
I was appaled when I saw a documentary on Phelps and his family shouting abuse at a funeral, among other things, telling a family that their sun was burning in hell. I regard what he has done to his children as abuse, by moulding them to his sick worldview.
Phelps is one fucked up individual.
I'm surprised none of the Phelps family have been killed at one of their funeral protests. Don't they know everyone has guns?