Send A Book Back In Time!

Nero is mad!

How about some we send some Personal Self-help books back to good old Emperor Nero! I'm sure this would have major consequences on the old world - considering he allegedly burnt down Rome but oh well!
I would send them a book about aliens and UFOs to fuck up their imagination.
actually burning down Rome didn't have any such major changes. There were other problems.

I actually think that we have to send a completely harmless book - how about hydro-electrial power plant sketches...

If we sent smthing like- "Brief history of Time" then a whole religion might form around it, but because that time people wouldn't understand it, they'll probably make smthing simmilar to christianity. And we'll hae another problem- besides it would lead their future scientists off course, because they would want nothing to do with that religion , but Hawking has some good ideas there and many scientifical facts. It would be bad if it is regarded as a fairy tale and if those scientists think that black holes is bs, then it would make some 100 more years to discover them.

a simple invention scheme I think would be the best

(please don't draw lines to christianity- I am talking only if it was Hawkings book, not some mythological legends)
if you are saying that we can send a book through time, why not send the book about time travel>?:bugeye:
bad idea- "primitives" would probably trash all past and use it in conquering cases that can badly affect us