Send A Book Back In Time!


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
Okay, here's the deal. You are get to send ONE book. The goal is to have the maximum positive effect on mankind. Which book would you send, and to what era? (i.e. you probably wouldn't want to send a calculus text back 3000 years, because other fundamentals of learning weren't in place yet). Some obvious candidates might be:
  • Grays Anatomy, sent back 1000 years or so?
  • Darwin's Origin of Species to the beginning of the Renaissance?
  • A book telling the story of the whole alien/govt. conspiracy theory regarding Rosswell to July 1, 1947? This would give American's about a week to go and check it out first hand. Two results:
    1. turns out there is nothing to the whole story; it really was a weather balloon -OR-
    2. a bunch of dead Americans in the desert that we now are trying to get to the bottom of.
  • The Two Towers back to a young JRR Tolkein with a note: "Hey, J, this is gonna piss some people off."
  • The Handbook of Chemistry and Physics back to Isaac Newton?
What others?

I would send The Meaning of Relativity back in time to good old Albert. I would send it back to 1896 when Einstein was just finishing school at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.

I think that will do...
This is an explaination on why I wouldn't send one!

I had gone over this point before, the one more likely to have been sent because of mass delusionment and the fact that everyone in the world has heard of it would be the Bible. (although for it's positive influences I can not assure you.)

What I can suggest is any book that you sent back would mean that if it was to find its way into mass publication, then that Author would never write that book in the future, of if they wrote the book int he future it would have changes because of the social changes the book made in the first place.

This would cause Entrapy.

I had a an explaination of this sort of entraphy with an automated card dealing machine, that would deal a different card to you through the use of parallels. The idea was that you wouldn't know it was dealing like that, but you would be give cards that would have different hands on each universe.

This would cause such a confliction with how you perceive a Queen to an Ace (and all the other cards) that you would find yourself mentally incapacitated.

The same can be said about any book you send back that makes a large enough impact. So if the Bible was sent, it would actually plague mankind with Madness and suffering.
The world turned out pretty alright, all things considered....I wouldn't want to screw with the past like that.

But if had to, I would send a medical book for sure, back as early as people could understand it. It would get rid of a LOT of suffering. :(
Originally posted by Neutrino_Albatross
Send a few history books to any time far back. Mabey it'll scare a few kings into stoping war.

Oh man, that would be a terrible thing to do, it's giving me a headache just thinking of the consequences, lol. :)
goofyfish ...

"The Handbook of Chemistry and Physics back to Isaac Newton?"

Why not just the math tables? They used to be published separately,
maybe still are. Less chance of a mental overload.

Take care. ;)
Originally posted by Stryderunknown
So if the Bible was sent, it would actually plague mankind with Madness and suffering.
And this would be different than its current impact... er, how? :D

I rest my case Mwhahah!.

Actually to tell you the truth no matter what book you sent back you'd be messing the universe up, Three reasons:

1: You would have to have it written in an ancient language otherwise people wouldn't be able to read it.

2: You would have to write it on Papaya, as paper of a refined quality would be unheard of.

3: You would have to pick things of relevance, or people wouldn't understand things. (like CAR, COMPUTER, CD, CONDOM [Had to].)

Personally I think I would send a book on GEOMETRY, especially Topology, maybe some philosphical physics that came from the period. (that way I don't mess with the timeline too much)
It might be interesting to send some kind of encyclopedia of technology back to pre-christian Rome, written so they could understand it, on some material deisgned to last a very long time.
A copy of a major person's biography to him before he was 12. ANYBODY. Pick a person.

I would pick Everiste Galois(did I spell his last name right??). The mathematics he did were beyond anything anyone did. If he knew he would die at 21, perhaps he could prevent it, providing us with his genius as later times. If not his biography, than any current math(beyond algebra) or physics book.
How about sending a copy of the New Testament
back to Jesus and ask him to edit it for accuracy? :bugeye:

"Anatomy of Melancholy"->to the young Sean Connery and Forest Whitaker. That was completely random:)
I would send George Orwell's 1984 back to the 20's.

hey, are the football results allowed and i could send them back to myself and make some money. :D :D
What about a book speculating about how the pyramids were built to the time when they were being built? Maybe someone would record how they did it for posterity and save all these questions. Same with the Easter Island giants. I'm so curious as to how they got there. Anyone got any new theories?
