Selling the Dome of the Rock

Oh, it's THAT rock.

It makes me wonder again, WHY on Earth did Early "peace loving Muslims" not give this sacred site back to the Jews? I mean, as they handed out candy on their love journey across the Persian and Byzantine Empires why not stop and give the Jews something nice too? It's as if they only had candy enough, for Persians and Romans.

Really now, it's stands to reason that this was an antagonizing act?

Given all of it is made up, why would the people who were making it up, do this? Surely any forward thinking person could see the ramifications?

The site was chosen by a Jewish convert to Islam Maybe he was nostalgic?
The site was chosen by a Jewish convert to Islam Maybe he was nostalgic?

The Dome of the Rock was erected between 685 and 691 CE. The names of the two engineers in charge of the project are given as: Yazid Ibn Salam from Jerusalem and Raja Ibn Haywah from Baysan. Umayyad Caliph Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan who initiated construction of the Dome, hoped that it would “house the Muslims from cold and heat” [2] and intended the building to serve as a shrine for pilgrims and not as a mosque for public worship. [3] Historians contend that the Caliph wished to create a structure which would compete with the existing buildings of other religions in the city. al-Maqdisi writes that he

”sought to build for the Muslims a masjid that should be unique and a wonder to the world. And in like manner, is it not evident that Caliph Abd al-Malik, seeing the greatness of the martyrium of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and its magnificence was moved lest it should dazzle the minds of Muslims and hence erected above the Rock the dome which is now seen there.” [4]

Prof. Shlomo Dov Goitein of the Hebrew University states that the Dome of the Rock was intended to remove the fitna, or 'annoyance,' constituted by the existence of the many fine buildings of worship of other religions. The very form of a rotunda, given to the Qubbat as-Sakhra, although it was foreign to Islam, was intended to rival the many Christian domes
I'm not suggesting people are dieing over the dome of the rock, but it's a still a powerful gesture to sell it. I mean, me, I'd sell it and let Jews build a temple there in exchange for Statehood and other concessions.

I wonder if Palastinians have ever thought of selling it?
Isn't there a prophecy about this, and the events following involve the Anti-Christ and Armageddon?

Something about a white horse, and hell following.
No idea all I know is some guy called ka'ab al-ahbar is the one who told umar it's history and wanted to build the dome there
Wow wiki!!!!!
It must be true!!!!
It makes sense. When a city is conquered, the people that were conquered need to be reminded of who their new masters are.

Geesh SAM, according to you it's the People of Iraq who are responsible for the HUGE mega military complex/US Embassy there. Why? Oh, because some Iraqi politician who supports the invaders had a nostalgia for such big military complexes. :bugeye:

Anyway, that aside, it's still in my mind, just a stupid f*cking rock! It's a rock. OK? A freaken ROCK! Plenty more where that rock came from too!

.....I'd sell it.
Eminent Domain has taken land from tens of thousands of people here in the US, with almost no violence.

That's like a handful of people for every thirty thousand individuals. There's nowhere near enough people to mobilize any sort of opposition, nor is there any sort of systematic targeting of a single group, or history of conflict.

When the government steals your land to give to corporations, you at least get paid.