Selling the Dome of the Rock


Valued Senior Member
I was thinking, if the Palestinians own the Dome of the Rock, maybe they should sell it?

It's a great bargaining chip really. The Dome can be moved and rebuilt somewhere near by and the Jews get their Temple Mount back. Which they can rebuild and everyone is happy.

Seems like a win win to me. I mean, it's not the location that's important to Muslims is it? I thought it was the magical rock. If so ... then simply move the rock, move the magic.

What could selling the spot where the Dome is bring the Palestinians? Real Land. I don't know about Gaza strip, but if I lived in the West bank, I'd be in favor of selling it and having a little State right there. All sorts of concessions could be bought for this little chunk of land. Heck, even the serious threat of selling it (I mean the location not the rock) may even prompt Arabs into spending a little less money on ski fields in the desert and a little more on food and water for people? That is, if they care about the rock. If not, meh, sell it.

Seems like a GREAT opportunity being completely overlooked,
yea well maybe Israel should move itself and part of its Jewish Jerusalem somewhere else, like into Crete.
I suggest somewhere farther away. Whats wrong with Utah? They can rename it Israel. At least, there the neighbors will like them.

yea well maybe Israel should move itself and part of its Jewish Jerusalem somewhere else, like into Crete.
That would be good too. Or even better, not be a Theocracy. But, as I thought (maybe I am wrong) the important thing to the Jewish superstition is the "place" whereas for the Muslims I thought it was the "rock". So, it's obvious, move the damn rock.

Anyway, we need to think outside the box.
What I want to know, is, given there is no God and no Mohammad didn't leave this world floating from the Rock, why did this become part of their superstition? I mean, it's like Scientologists saying the meteor worshiped at Mecca is from Xenu and claiming it as their Third Holiest of Holys (After Hollywood LA and Crete ;) ...

why do it?

anyway, I still think if I lived in the West Bank, I'd be selling that plot of land. Probably you could secretly move it a few hundred meters and no one would know.
I'd like to see what you'd do if your neighbor built a fence that bisected 58% of your house and took over it. Then if you fought, he used violence to take 78% of it while locking you up in the remaining 22% as defined by his "right to exist"
Emminent Domain has taken land from tens of thousands of people here in the US, with almost no violence.
How many have been made refugees and denied the right to stay on their lands? How many put in a concentration camp and starved if they fight for self determination? Israel is an apartheid neo-colonial state. The sooner it is dismantled, the better.
Self-determination of the Palestinians doesn't require the destruction of Israel.

It does when Israel defines itself as a Jewish state on a land where Jews were a minority and keeps out non-Jews as a deliberate policy.

It does when Israel starves the Palestinians and massacres them routinely because they want to be independent.

It would be like Detroit Muslims asking for a sharia state in the US.
Moving the Dome would be fine...but you'd see all out war if they tried to move the rock. It'd be my best guess that Mossad agents pay careful attention to the Mosque 24/7/365 to insure it's not displaced. If it ever was, there would be riots and Jews absolutely annihilating every Muslim they saw.

The "rock" as you call it, is actually the location where sacrifices were brought to the Temple, they were done on that "rock". It's also where Abraham took Isaac if I recall...

The Muslims don't care about sacrifices NOR do they really care about there's no good reason for them to have it. It's the holiest site in Judaism, and it's hardly holy at all in Islam.

In fact if I recall...there are Mossad agents acting as Muslims that regularly go to the Dome of the Rock to insure its status. A common tactic by Israelis in Mosques world wide.
Or am I wrecking the joke?

S.A.M. said:

I suggest somewhere farther away. Whats wrong with Utah? They can rename it Israel. At least, there the neighbors will like them.

I feel like I'd be wrecking the joke if I say it.
I'd like to see what you'd do if your neighbor built a fence that bisected 58% of your house and took over it. Then if you fought, he used violence to take 78% of it while locking you up in the remaining 22% as defined by his "right to exist"
Yes, but suppose if I thought (because of my superstition) that the land was in fact, actually mine to begin with, I could justify anything!

What we'd have is an endless cycle of tit-for-tat violence until either one side was completely annihilated or one side made a BIG gesture.

Now, the way I see it, if the USA were at All Out War with the ME and "Islam" and just suppose the USA annihilated Mecca. Now suppose some Scientologists said Ron Hubbard left this world from the magical meteorite. the Kaaba was smashed up from the bombing and so meh, why not build a Temple to Xenu.

now SAM, do you think that in 1500 years the Muslims that have returned might, just maybe, feel that this is their land? Oh, we'd have to agree, you and I, that it's NOT Muslim land anymore, it's the Scientologists land now. But, due to superstition Muslims would think it was.

Suppose tit-for-tat fighting went on and on and on until the Muslims had the upper hand. The remaining Scientologists live in camps. Maybe, now I don't know, but because of the irrationality of religion, just maybe if the Scientologists handed over the meteorite it could improve things. And, really, when it's all said and done, it's just a God damn rock.

It's just a God damn small peace of land. If returning it, in return for REAL Statehood is what it takes, well, call me pragmatic, but I'd return it. I'm not saying smash the Dome... just move the God damn rock. It's just a rock. One could move the whole things brick by brick if you were so inclined.


I mean, people move and rebuild entire Castles.

Lots of Temples in Japan say founded in the year 900 something... but that place was gone long ago and may not even be on the exact same spot. They still like the temple that is there or near there.

Anyway, just thinking outside the box.

Oh, and about someone taking my home. I'd probably sue. If I couldn't sue for justice, really, I'd try to migrate somewhere else. That would probably be my life's goal. If that didn't work, I'd try hard to become my oppressor. Why not? If I were an Arab Muslim I'd convert to being an Arab Jew - if possible.
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Moving the Dome would be fine...but you'd see all out war if they tried to move the rock. It'd be my best guess that Mossad agents pay careful attention to the Mosque 24/7/365 to insure it's not displaced. If it ever was, there would be riots and Jews absolutely annihilating every Muslim they saw.

The "rock" as you call it, is actually the location where sacrifices were brought to the Temple, they were done on that "rock". It's also where Abraham took Isaac if I recall...

The Muslims don't care about sacrifices NOR do they really care about there's no good reason for them to have it. It's the holiest site in Judaism, and it's hardly holy at all in Islam.

In fact if I recall...there are Mossad agents acting as Muslims that regularly go to the Dome of the Rock to insure its status. A common tactic by Israelis in Mosques world wide.
Oh, it's THAT rock.

It makes me wonder again, WHY on Earth did Early "peace loving Muslims" not give this sacred site back to the Jews? I mean, as they handed out candy on their love journey across the Persian and Byzantine Empires why not stop and give the Jews something nice too? It's as if they only had candy enough, for Persians and Romans.

Really now, it's stands to reason that this was an antagonizing act?

Given all of it is made up, why would the people who were making it up, do this? Surely any forward thinking person could see the ramifications?