Selfless Love?


No it simply means you have no concern for yourself.

Is this a good thing or not?
With selfless love you become a thing - you are not a human with emotions any more. The same as a serial killers - no selfless love. We have to be middle and righteous to survive!

You could not be cold or hot all the time. Did you saw movie Crash? It's a circle, depends how strong is your judgment or should I said a middle force. Watch it.
P.S Cris - your search will come true soon!
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Oh no, I'm wrong about everything I have ever said, I'm a worthless human being and I deserve to suffer!

But if you are selfless (having no self) you can't suffer.

That's nuts.

That is true, it isn't nuts.
There needs to be a self that can register that suffering takes place. With no self, there is no suffering.

Suppose that rocks have no self. Do they suffer? Can they suffer? If yes -- why? If no -- why?

To everyone, you will live like somebody else wont you to. You will eat sleep and go to vacation when your friends decide to, your decision will not count because you won't have any. You will agree with everything, even with bad things.
Qorl said:
To everyone, you will live like somebody else wont you to. You will eat sleep and go to vacation when your friends decide to, your decision will not count because you won't have any. You will agree with everything, even with bad things.

This is the description of someone who is a whore in every aspect, not the description of a person who loves selflessly.

As it has been said before, in order to love others, one must first learn to love oneself.

Granted, what comes out if one tries to keep both a big ego and love others, is what you have described.
A person with a big ego will either behave authoritarian, or submissive; the inferiority and the superiority complex are two sides of the same coin: being dependent on others for one's feeling of worth. When such people attempt to love, they are trying to please others so that other people's recognition and affection would make them feel worthy.

Selfless love, on the other hand, has no such agenda and is independent of how other people are treating the person who loves selflessly.
Life is a circle the same as love and hate. You could not love someone who killed your family, but you could forgive him. Will you? If you will it doesn't mean you love him.
"Love is the most important thing"...something to think about.Although im fairly sceptical of the christian 'selfless love',I truely belive one can love selflessly, especially for a loved one, maybe only a loved one.