Self-fullfilling Prophecy

What is the objective of your prophecy ? Is it related to others or to your own self ? If it is related to others humans that may be prophecy. Beside it depends on your relation with God then he may illuminate you , otherwise you are your own god.
Many things.
Where I will be living.
Things that will come into my possession. How someone will work out or develope problems.
I think one can imagine things and somethings turn out but I dont think God is involed.
And in my mind I am convinced I am not devine.
Modest maybe but certainly I am not getting carried away with dellusional belief that God is showing me the future.
Example.. When I purchased my first Tandy 16k tape feed computer I said to the boss where I worked, who thought computers were some sort of toy for geeks, that in ten years you would be virtually unemployable if you could not use one... well it became pretty much that way.. I imagine a few other folk saw the potential... Many prophets on that one.
The funniest instance was prior to the Japanese Earth quakes. I had just finished reading the bible and talking to a friend who had a problem with Japanese because of a Chinese copy of a Japanese sword I said "they should be smitted and (here I was specific) three of their reactors melt down.
Well the next day I turned up after the earthquakes and he said" look what you have done" I said "no not me I said three reactors would melt down".
My mate is a loop. He reads tarot cards, believes all sorts of nonsence so when the three reactors started to burn he naturally thought I had the power to cause it or the ability to see the future.
I could have started my church there and then with a membership of one.
There are folk who enjoy nonsence but I am not one of those types.

Here is one.... In the future I see a war.. Many great powers will be involved and many will die and the war will change little.

I predicted one day man will walk on the Moon

I predicted that just as Armstrong came out of the Eagle

How good was that?

I see it now.
The Church of the New Age Prophets.
Brother Micheal tell me what do you think?
Do you know how to set up a donation page for a new web site I have in mind?
I have a vision of millions of dollars in our account.
Modest maybe but certainly I am not getting carried away with dellusional belief that God is showing me the future.
Example.. When I purchased my first Tandy 16k tape feed computer I said to the boss where I worked, who thought computers were some sort of toy for geeks, that in ten years you would be virtually unemployable if you could not use one... well it became pretty much that way.. I imagine a few other folk saw the potential... Many prophets on that one.
The funniest instance was prior to the Japanese Earth quakes. I had just finished reading the bible and talking to a friend who had a problem with Japanese because of a Chinese copy of a Japanese sword I said "they should be smitted and (here I was specific) three of their reactors melt down.
Well the next day I turned up after the earthquakes and he said" look what you have done" I said "no not me I said three reactors would melt down".
My mate is a loop. He reads tarot cards, believes all sorts of nonsence so when the three reactors started to burn he naturally thought I had the power to cause it or the ability to see the future.
I could have started my church there and then with a membership of one.
There are folk who enjoy nonsence but I am not one of those types.

Here is one.... In the future I see a war.. Many great powers will be involved and many will die and the war will change little.

Ah yes Alex. . . what's new? . . . (to paraphrase) "There will always be wars, and rumors of wars" . . . . . (source: somewhere in the Bible) (HSIRI)
Hence: basic morality is meaningless, or ultimately just a means to one's personal ends.
The ultimate result can be immorality.

Can be? May be

Yes. When you believe that morality has no meaning or is just a means to your own ends, then the result can easily immorality.
Didn't Dostoyevsky talk about this?

So let's say your neighbor decides that morality is meaningless or is just a tool for his own ends. So he agrees with some robbers to tell them when you are away so they can rob you, and your wife and Mom both start cheating on their respective husbands . Really those things aren't necessarily "bad", since from the soulless totally non-moral POV, such a thing as "bad" and "good" don't really exist. Your neighbor, your wife, and your Mom all like doing those things, so it's not "bad", according to pure relativistic Nihilism.

Most people though are going to say that it's bad and wrong if neighbors help in robbing their neighbors and if wives cheat on people.
It looks like more of a denial of reality if someone teaches that there is nothing right or wrong about those actions.
"Humans are basically mud with electroids"

I do not know who thinks that... What is an electroid - some sort of energetic hemroid? :wink:
"Electroids, primates robotized by electronic brain programming, are of course, unaware that they inhabit a reality that has been selectively imposed on them."

In the soulless version of materialism, a human is just a carbon & water - based physical piece of matter that had pieces of matter that have electrical processes.
It's practically just an "electroid" robot. Free will, the soul, and everything else is really nonexistent about humans, except for electricized moving pieces of otherwise dead matter.

In this empty soullessness, "A million deaths is a statistic" as Joseph Vissarionovich once said. The death of a million has less meaning in the nihilistic ideology than the death of a fly does in the Abrahamic religions, where life itself is imbued with spiritual value, as a gift from God and as spirit that goes beyond matter.
That is nice that this crazy guy could get his book published.
"Electroids, primates robotized by electronic brain programming, are of course, unaware that they inhabit a reality that has been selectively imposed on them."
Why are you taking about science fiction?
In the soulless version of materialism, a human is just a carbon & water - based physical piece of matter that had pieces of matter that have electrical processes.
It's practically just an "electroid" robot. Free will, the soul, and everything else is really nonexistent about humans, except for electricized moving pieces of otherwise dead matter.

In this empty soullessness, "A million deaths is a statistic" as Joseph Vissarionovich once said. The death of a million has less meaning in the nihilistic ideology than the death of a fly does in the Abrahamic religions, where life itself is imbued with spiritual value, as a gift from God and as spirit that goes beyond matter.
That's nice.
How potent do you think this is in our society? In Social Sciences Sorcery, Stanislav Andreski writes "Even such perely academic theories as the interpretations of human nature have profound practical consequences if diseminated widely enough. If we impress upon people that science has discovered that human beings are motivated only by the desire for material advantage, they will tend to live up to this expectation, and we shall have undermined their readiness to be moved by impersonal ideals. By propagating the opposite view we might succede in producing a large number of idealists, but might also help cynical exploiters to find easy victims. This specific issue, incidentally, is of immense actual importance, because it seems that the moral disorientation and fanatical nihilism which afflicts modern youth has been stimulated by the popular brands of sociology and psychology with their bias for overlooking the more inspiring achievements and focusing on the dismal average or even the subnormal. When, fraudulently basking in the glory of exact sciences, the psychologists refuse to study anything but the most mechanical forms of human behavior--often so mechanical that even rats have no chance to show their higher faculties--and then present their mostly trivial findings as the true picture of the human mind, they prompt people to regard themselves and others as automata, devoid of responsibility or worth, which can hardly remain without effect upon the tenor of social life."

How far are we to be manipulated by some forms of modern science, which suggests that we are only material? Is this no different than prophets of old? Are the majority of people just as duly influenced by what their scientist say as the prophet? Yet at least the prophet was governed by something that appears rational, organized, even if it was only their false projection of God. Instead the scientist is influenced by his or her results, save no other, which are increasingly having a negative effect upon society's values.

Most people do not think for themselves, as reflected in the negative reaction to anyone who dares think outside the box. If everyone thought for themselves, free thinking outside the box would be considered normal and not a spooky and taboo. For most people , it is easier to let others; experts, think for you. One determines what to think based on a prestige scale rather than on a truth scale. That being said, if fools or thieves are placed high on the prestige scale, the herd will still let these others think for them, but now the herd will lose touch with reality; college students in safe zones afraid to think.

The advantage of a living God; inner man and inner spirit, is it allows one to think outside the boxes placed by the prestige of man. God trumps man, to the religious person, therefore the outer man of the superego can be listened to, but does not have to be place above based on manmade up prestige scale. An inner voice implies more responsibility, which may be why atheism is very popular; dependency on the prestige of man so one can appear smart. This is shallow form of wisdom with many taboos.

Romans 12:2-8

2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
3 For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you.
4 For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function,
5 so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.
6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith;
7 if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach;
8 if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.

The atheists don't understand how belief in God allows humans more capacity to be objective to the scams of man. Without anything higher than man, scammers has more freedom to create a reality conducive to scammers. They only need to weasel places of prestige to be called leaders, from which they can program the masses to be dependent snow flakes; university. I would wager that the spiritual students have the most resistant to this.
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""Electroids, primates robotized by electronic brain programming, are of course, unaware that they inhabit a reality that has been selectively imposed on them.""

Why are you taking about science fiction?
I am using it as a metaphor or fictional illustration.

If souls, spirits, the mind, and free will are nonexistent, then it's as if humans are primate-like robots. Life becomes meaningless other than being purely physical electrical processes in a purely physical brain. Killing someone would tragically have no more meaning than trashing a computer. That's very unpleasant.
The advantage of a living God; inner man and inner spirit, is it allows one to think outside the boxes placed by the prestige of man. God trumps man, to the religious person, therefore the outer man of the superego can be listened to, but does not have to be place above based on manmade up prestige scale. An inner voice implies more responsibility, which may be why atheism is very popular; dependency on the prestige of man so one can appear smart. This is shallow form of wisdom with many taboos.

Since I do not believe in a living god

not even that god ever existed in the first place

I guess all I have is the box

However it is a box of my own making and I can move outside it anytime

I note others have their own box and is possible to compare boxes

Sometimes I pick a feature from another box

Sometimes another person picks a feature from my box

When I try to compare my box with those who have a god box

I cannot comprehend what it is made of

Nothing seems to match any part of my box

And even if I liked a feature on a god box I would be pushed to find a place on my box where it would fit IF it would fit

I am using it as a metaphor or fictional illustration.

If souls, spirits, the mind, and free will are nonexistent, then it's as if humans are primate-like robots.
There is no evidence of a soul or spirits. There is plenty of evidence of free will. I do not know what a primate-like robot is. A robot is a man-made device.
If you mean there is no 'higher purpose' or some sort of 'reason' why people exist - I would agree with that.

Life becomes meaningless other than being purely physical electrical processes in a purely physical brain.
The meaning of life is purely subjective. I guess that at a certainl level I'm fine with, "life is a purely physical electrical processes in a purely physical brain." That is OK, my purely physical brain loves my wife and children and thinks life is pretty cool.

Killing someone would tragically have no more meaning than trashing a computer.
The right or wrong of killing someone is based on societies values. As far as killing that is easy. Nobody wants to be killed so society got together and decided that it is wrong and illegal. I do not believe in a soul or a spirit and I think killing is wrong.

During times of war killing is looked at as something that you should do - I have trouble with that, it still seems wrong to my purely physical brain...
I am using it as a metaphor or fictional illustration.

If souls, spirits, the mind, and free will are nonexistent, then it's as if humans are primate-like robots. Life becomes meaningless other than being purely physical electrical processes in a purely physical brain. Killing someone would tragically have no more meaning than trashing a computer. That's very unpleasant.

:) BIG BIG secret so don't tell anyone :)


Aways has been

Always will be

However if you are talking about people with a life your talking about something different

Your talking about a self replicating process which lives and dies but within most of the time between has the opportunity to observe much of the Universe

And if so motivated explore its wonders

One of the wonders is the fact that others exist with the same opportunities


you can share with them your wonderment
