"Seek and Ye Shall Find"

Not all people are born seekers, some don't even contemplate from their daily routine, things like religion, god's existence or lack thereof, some fall through the trenches and rather be the leeches of society, and I don't mean the homeless or the poor.

I mean the ones who live by deceiving those who are gullible, look at any televangelist, are they poor? Have they sought? They sought to make one hell of a pay day for themselves, they cry and beg for parishioners to send more money, to feed the children or what not, but have they solved world hunger? No. Catholicism and the richest church Mormonism should have solved world hunger by now, they are literally worth billions! have they sought? they sought how to deceive gullible masses of people like IAC, Vital et all believers who support these leeches of our human society.

These people don't produce anything of real value, surely they help a few, just to show face, and hide their billions from public scrutiny.

Who truly then are the seekers?

Those whom have entered any field of science, whether they be religious or not, are seekers, these people are compelled to understand, discover, and solve real world problems, doctors, physicists, astronomers, and just about any scientific field that can produce values for society, these honest people, who make their living by earning it, rather then living by deceiving the general public with fairy tales, whether they believe in a god or not, these people have sought at least to make an honest living.

The other leeches who have fallen through the cracks are career politicians, these sob's are the worst, they only seek more ways to tax the living shit out of society, nearly killing the middle class around the globe, they have only sought an easy way to deceive the gullible masses, promise the poor, better benefits, steal from the producers to support the degenerates of society. Have they sought? They too live off the gullible mindless cheeps that support them, and their false promises.

Sorry for rant. I know IAC meant spiritual seekers, but aren't we all seekers one way or another?

The only truths I know is; Think for oneself, lead others as you would like to be led, and love those whom love you. All else we leave to speculations..