"Seek and Ye Shall Find"


The Bible says those who want to know God should "seek and ye shall find," so the obvious corollary is that if you don't honestly seek, though you say you do, then you don't find God.

So true seekers of God find Him, and disingenous seekers do not, interesting concept in that those who say they have tried to relate to God but haven't, in reality, would admit in their heart of hearts that they really hadn't sincerely tried. In other words there are honest seekers and dishonest seekers.
Interestingly, the Buddhists say the same thing with regard to enlightenment. Seeking spiritual revelation allows it to happen, those who don't seek don't find anything. It's not a given that seekers will all find the same thing.
Interestingly, the Buddhists say the same thing with regard to enlightenment. Seeking spiritual revelation allows it to happen, those who don't seek don't find anything. It's not a given that seekers will all find the same thing.

I think that goes for pretty much everything in life.
Of course, only one faith can be the way to the true Creator God, as they all contradict each other in irreconcilable ways.

In other words, either one of the faiths is the way, or none of them are.
The Bible says those who want to know God should "seek and ye shall find," so the obvious corollary is that if you don't honestly seek, though you say you do, then you don't find God.

So true seekers of God find Him, and disingenous seekers do not, interesting concept in that those who say they have tried to relate to God but haven't, in reality, would admit in their heart of hearts that they really hadn't sincerely tried. In other words there are honest seekers and dishonest seekers.

M*W: There is no such thing as a "dishonest seeker." There are people who seek and people who don't. Only a seeker of truth will find the truth, and a seeker of lies will believe the lies, and those people who refuse to seek have already deceived themselves.
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The Bible says those who want to know God should "seek and ye shall find," so the obvious corollary is that if you don't honestly seek, though you say you do, then you don't find God.

You think that's an obvious corollary?
"If you work hard for success, you will achieve it."
Does that necessarily mean that those who do not will not?
That no one stumbles upon success?

Interestingly, the Buddhists say the same thing with regard to enlightenment. Seeking spiritual revelation allows it to happen, those who don't seek don't find anything. It's not a given that seekers will all find the same thing.
That depends on the school of Buddhism.
It is also said that the fool could stumble upon the Dhamma and find enlightenment.
Of course, only one faith can be the way to the true Creator God, as they all contradict each other in irreconcilable ways.

In other words, either one of the faiths is the way, or none of them are.

I would say none. Firstly, there is some experience that transcends ordinary consciousness, then people tend to superimpose the interpretation that suits them, or that culture has taught them. That's where it tends to go wrong.
Of course, only one faith can be the way to the true Creator God, as they all contradict each other in irreconcilable ways.

In other words, either one of the faiths is the way, or none of them are.

M*W: Although I know you don't want it, but my point of view is that the "creator god" is the "sun" and/or "sun-of-god." Sun worship evolved into many, if not all, religions. Therefore, god, the personification of the sun, has been there always for everything in nature and for humankind. No man-made religion is the right way to believe, ergo, all religions "contradict each other in irreconcilable ways...". Your religion, in particular, has caused division, strife, and bloodshed among each other and inflicted on the other 75% of humankind, because your interpretation is wrong.
I agree, a person can only know God by seeking....

"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you" (Matt 7:7)

"So I say to you, Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened" (Luke 11:9-10)

"So I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours" (Mark 11:24)

Ofcourse, my favorite quote on this subject is:
"Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will reign over all" (Gospel of Thomas, 2)
Of course, my favorite quote on this subject is:

"Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will reign over all" (Gospel of Thomas, 2)

M*W: Yeah, I like that one, too.
Of course, only one faith can be the way to the true Creator God, as they all contradict each other in irreconcilable ways.

In other words, either one of the faiths is the way, or none of them are.

Not according to the testimony of thousands of people who claim they have had near death experiences. Religion apparently,is just considered a tool to aid people in spiritually finding God.

These people come from all backrounds and religion,Christian,Jewish, Budhist,Muslim,etc...doesn't matter...its what you did in life and your motivation for doing so that's important.Some are not religous at all.
The contradictions you speak of are the man corrupted element we all(ok,well not all..) are familiar with.

Many were told this is the same principle all across the universe, as it itself is brimming over with life of almost unlimited variety.

And no Ice..this is not my research;)
The Bible says those who want to know God should "seek and ye shall find," so the obvious corollary is that if you don't honestly seek, though you say you do, then you don't find God.

So true seekers of God find Him, and disingenous seekers do not, interesting concept in that those who say they have tried to relate to God but haven't, in reality, would admit in their heart of hearts that they really hadn't sincerely tried. In other words there are honest seekers and dishonest seekers.
I'm gunna go ahead and tell you what most theists tell non-theists when they go off just one line in a scripture; you can't take that statment by itself/literally.
For example, "ask and ye shall recieve". Does that mean if I ask for a million dollars and a harem of girls, I'll get it?
I've been 'seeking' a job that pays a shitload of money. Does that mean I'll find it?
In other words, either one of the faiths is the way, or none of them are.
Or all of them are, or some of them are. If you are unable to contemplate these possibilities then you are failing to use your God given intellect. Perhaps you were at the back of the queue when he was handing that out.
When IAC's parents told him Santa Clause didn't exist, he wrote 2 books proving Santa's existence.
When IAC's parents told him Santa Clause didn't exist, he wrote 2 books proving Santa's existence.

Aren't those two books part of a volume set; with the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy due shortly thereafter?
Of course, only one faith can be the way to the true Creator God, as they all contradict each other in irreconcilable ways.

In other words, either one of the faiths is the way, or none of them are.

This an interesting dilemma for a fundamentalist like yourself.

Assumption 1: There is no god, all religion is false, you have wasted your life being delusional.

Assumption 2: There is a god... In this case how do you know the 'correct' religion even exists? Man has invented many religions, but far too few for any one of them to be realistically acurate.
Just roll the bones. Life, perhaps the whole universe is a massive gamble. I find that Truth or rather the pursuit of Truth is the only religion most (reasonable)people can agree on.
Just roll the bones. Life, perhaps the whole universe is a massive gamble. I find that Truth or rather the pursuit of Truth is the only religion most (reasonable)people can agree on.

M*W: How right you are! I suppose then according to your theory, I do have a religion and, yes, it is also an addiction.