Seeing the Wizard

What’s interesting to me, is that in all of our recorded history, it seems that it has been only recently, since the 1940’s or so, that UFO’s have entered our collective periphery. And for the most part, stayed there. UFO’s, seeming as if, being always on the outer edge of the mainstream, as if we were meant to be conscious of them, but too much so - not at the forefront of our collective psyche.

They seem to have wedged themselves into that netherworld, of tabloids and fanatics, allowing them to be easily dismissed, while we remain cognoscente of them, whether or not we believe them to exist.

Most cultures, and societies it seems now have a reference for them, and remain aware of them, but not directly so, seeming as they do, to exist on that fine edge between reality and fantasy.

It may be that they are gradually introducing themselves into our culture, so as not to overtly disrupt anything – allowing us to digest their significance in our lives over time – over generations.

We after all, have a fragile picture of our existence within the universe. And they may be gradually pulling the curtain back for us - allowing us to see the wizard.

At any rate, it would seem to me that a gradual introduction to those beings of a higher order might be best. Gradually entering our psyche from the periphery of our consciousness, so that we may then say, “oh yeah, (conceptually) they’ve been around for some time now, but we always thought it was just so much nonsense.”

Our perception of time, is just that – our perception. Those creatures of a higher order don’t necessarily abide by our perceptions of anything, including time.

One of the most difficult things for us to understand (pertaining to beings of a higher order) is that those creatures of a higher order do not abide by our customs, our social and societal paradigms, our way of living, or of thinking for that matter. They don’t play by our rules.

It’s rather like using a forum contrary to the accepted norm, and posting thoughts without necessarily relying on a conversation style of dialogue, most common in such situations. Some may resent the fact that someone is operating outside of mutually recognized and accepted behavior patterns, as it pertains to posting in forums.

My answer for them might be – “expand your idea of what a forum is”.

”it is our thought process,
that process by which we think,
that can go about to limit us,
and what it is that we experience
within our lives”

When asked about my experiences as an abductee by a member of the board today (via a private message), i resonded with the following. Thought others may want to see it as well - cheers

Hello X,

I liken the abduction experience to riding a school bus to school (simply a means to an end). A lot of folks want to know what the school bus looks like, number of windows, when it arrives, all of the details and such - I am more interested in the overview of the whole of the experience (e.g., what is the purpose served).

Being as concise as I know how, they are modifying our genetic make up to suite their purpose. They need only modify a small percentage of the populace, and then allow time and our (human) breeding habits to do the rest (the changes are replicated in great numbers - within the general populace- within a few of our generations). Remember they are less time sensitive than we.

This has been ongoing throughout man's existence - it’s just that they, for whatever the reason, are allowing us 'now' to glimpse their presence.

It’s rather like using a forum contrary to the accepted norm, and posting thoughts without necessarily relying on a conversation style of dialogue, most common in such situations. Some may resent the fact that someone is operating outside of mutually recognized and accepted behavior patterns, as it pertains to posting in forums.

My answer for them might be – “expand your idea of what a forum is”.

so strange you say that !

i have a forum that is exactly like this.

we do not see casual conversation as the main purpose, we want to spread information. we want to expand minds, let others know about certain things that may be and might come to pass, things that have happened that may hold high importance.


one thing that really tickles my brain is wondering about the several supposed races of Aliens.

now, what i want to know is which kind of Aliens are doing the abducting?
from what i gather it is only the Greys. But, some information says some Greys are working for Reptilians, so that clouds the issue.

if reptilians are involved then the motives may be more Grim.

if the Greys are doing it out of their own will, then perhaps that is ok. I feel a little sympathy for a Race like the Greys, who have sort of ran into a Dead-End with their striclty scientific genetics engineering 'mindset'

and that brings me to a final point:

can you guys notice how opposite we are from the greys? we are very opposite, in our nature that is. so what i ask myself is this:

has Destiny driven some of the Greys race to earth to Re-Learn things they have forgotten in the Past? Have they been sent here to teach US as well as WE TEACH THEM ? many will argue that the greys are very emotionless, due to generations of genetic engineering and gaining a superior group consciousness. perhaps they have met us in order to re-learn emotions, to reverse engineer themselves back into more individual persons, instead of a Zeta Group Mind.

information seems to show Greys in a Clone - like race, and some sources claim they are one of the few Alien races to achieve time travel.

its clear they are VERY smart, VERY organized in their Methods. Why else do you think we cannot prove they exist !!

take care
"now, what i want to know is which kind of Aliens are doing the abducting?
from what i gather it is only the Greys. But, some information says some Greys are working for Reptilians, so that clouds the issue."
where do you get this info from?

"if reptilians are involved then the motives may be more Grim."
why, and who are the reptilians

"if the Greys are doing it out of their own will, then perhaps that is ok. I feel a little sympathy for a Race like the Greys, who have sort of ran into a Dead-End with their striclty scientific genetics engineering 'mindset'"
how do you know so much about these "greys" and why do you think its ok for them to abduct people against there will and do what ever they do to them.
Another ‘private message’:

but what i am curious about is the nature of these creatures, or Greys.

I would like you to let me in on a personal basis to understand what happens/happened.

what i want to know is if they communicate to you during any of this? do they tell you anything ?
are there others present that u can see (humans) and if there is any reason for you to consider why they have chosen YOU ?

can you speak back to them? do they respond? how do you react to this ?

please let me know some more detailed answers if possible.

My Response:

Q. What do you ask creatures of a higher order?

A. Nothing – they will tell you what they want you to know, and will not tell you what they don’t want you to know. There is no conversational dialogue with them. Whenever I am with such creatures, I know that they will tell me what I am to know – period.

Our problem, if you’d choose to call it that, is that we, by way of intellectual ceiling, have no way to comprehend what it means to have an intellect greater than our own. We can’t imagine the unimaginable. There is no ‘give-and-take’ in any interaction with them. They know all about us – they are performing their task, as efficiently as possible.

They call all of the shots.
do you have full recolection of your expierences, if u do what would u think to be the most amaizing or frieghtning thing revealed to u by them
greywolf said:
do you have full recolection of your expierences, if u do what would u think to be the most amaizing or frieghtning thing revealed to u by them

Hello greywolf,

The most frightening would have to be when I was 6 years old or so, and they came for me late one night. I ran into the basement and hid by the hot water tank. For some reason that was the most terrifying. The feeling I had was one of dread.

The most amazing was being taken through the ceiling of my bedroom, passing through the walls and roof of the house, and seeing the house from the air. I was taken very slowly that time so as to see it clearly I imagine.

But at any rate, those two events stand out in my mind.

Oh yeah, on a funnier note, they use to bring me back and leave me outside of the house on occasion – I’d have to bang on the door in the middle of the night for my mother to unlock the door and let me in. That still makes me smile to think about it.

I don't have complete or full recollection - but I can remember as much as I supposed too I guess.

u sound so at ease with the whole situation. why? do they still take you? have u ever or can u even fight back?
greywolf said:
u sound so at ease with the whole situation. why? do they still take you? have u ever or can u even fight back?

Both my son and I are abductees. We have discussed it many times. Before I married my wife I sat her down and explained to her that I was one of those people known of as 'Abductees" - taking the time to explain it as best I could. Her reply to me the next day was, "what worries me is that I'm not worried". You have to know Beth I guess to appreciate that remark. She has seen them on one occasion, while (or after) I was abducted, and has seen marks of different types (symbols and the like) on my body as well as having black helicopters following us for weeks on end and having one damn near land on our roof late one night (the house shook so hard I thought it was crashing), and on and on, and on. Her usual comment is something like, "how do you deal with all of it?"

GW, I am what I am - regardless of how I might feel about it, nevertheless it is who I am.

Fighting it? Well, I can't say that it’s an option - they pretty much paralyze me during the event.

Honestly, my mother fought cancer for nearly twenty years, (it stuns me even now to think back on it) so compared to that, my experiences, taken in total, are nothing at all. That I say from my heart.

I think, with all due respect to others like me, that a lot of abductees probably whine too much about it - just deal with it and move on. Really, why whine? Nobody promised us anything in this life. All of us, whether abductees or not, are what we are. I have no patience for whiners.

Sometimes I learn a lot from rereading my posts. I see that the way, in which I think, is more akin to my Keepers, those gray beings that all abductees have (and in my case, being my instructors and teachers as well), than my fellow humans. I don’t think like most people think, that’s for certain.

I don’t think this is good or bad, right or wrong – it just is. It is how I am. And although it is how I am, it is not how I think everyone else should be. Simply because I am tall, does not mean I think that all people should be tall.

I was brought up by them to think as I think, for whatever the reason.
do u have any idea as to why you? and does your son see the whole situation as you do?
damn! well jo once again i must go b4 i can get into a real good conversation with you about your experiences. that sucks! well till the next time. tell those greys i said hey!

Evolution is an integral part of creation. All things evolve. All things are expanding or contracting, ascending or descending, growing or dieing. Creation exists with evolution in mind.

The universe expands and contracts over time, as if it were a beating heart, howbeit operating over billions upon billions of years per beat. As if it were a wave, a frequency too long for us to ever imagine.

All things were designed to evolve. We exist on a sea of change - evolving as we go.

It is upon this backdrop then that those creatures of a higher order continually see to it that man’s evolution suits their purpose. We are, have been, and continue to be highly manipulated creatures. Designed and refined as we are over time by those creatures of a higher order. And all of this taking place over such long periods of time - over such long periods of man’s history.

In the great debate over nature or nurture, over environment or heredity – it takes both.

All things were created with evolution in mind. All things possess the ability to evolve. All biological creatures are created, genetically, with the ability to evolve – with the evolution gene if you will.
greywolf said:
do u have any idea as to why you? and does your son see the whole situation as you do?

My son has been instructed as well, but not along the same lines as me. He has more conscious relocations of his encounters as well. From my perspective, he seems more at peace about the whole affair, and from an earlier age.
