Seeing the Wizard


Registered Senior Member
Seeing the Wizard

The life that we live is the manifestation of our
higher self. The higher self places us within the
various lives that we live, seeing the overview of all
of our lives in total – having as it does, the
perspective of the whole of the experience. That is,
the whole of the experience of all of our lives lived,
or yet to be lived.

Tense, past, present or future, is not a concept to
which the higher self is subject - of course the past,
present and future exist, but they exist merely as a
framework for the existence of the whole of the
creation. A framework if you will, that houses or sets
the stage for the creation that exists around us, of
which we are an integral part.

The higher self exists as an extension of the
collective consciousness, which itself exists as an
extension of the creation frequency, which exists as a
part of a yet far greater collective; so on and so
forth. To what end one might ask. Well, the concept of
an end or a beginning is unique to those creatures
having a finite existence, which of course is not the
case universally. All creatures are not born and then
die. But such is the case with the human condition.

One of the most difficult things for us to imagine, is
that all of this biological/cosmological complexity,
of which we are a part, was created with forethought
and purpose. We, for the most part, tend to dismiss
all of this complexity as we go about our ‘daily’
lives, simply because it is so difficult for us to
continually entertain.

Simply because we cannot grasp certain concepts or
ideas, does not make them invalid. There are, I
imagine, plenty of valid concepts and ideas spread
throughout the universe that we may never come to
comprehend, because they exceed our intellectual

The first step we must take then, is the
acknowledgement of our own intellectual limitations -
genetically, as a species, we are predisposed to
existing within our intellectual ceiling. It may be
that at some point in time, in our existence, that
some higher order may take it upon themselves to
genetically alter us so that we may become more
enlightened, thereby continually raising if you will,
our intellectual ceiling.

Or is it that that is exactly what is and has been
happening within the abduction phenomena. Perhaps,
that has been the case throughout man's history - the
continual and systematic intervention over time by
those of a higher order, for the purpose of the
continual, on-going, enlightening of mankind.

Throughout man’s history there have been abductees,
time-and-again those creatures of a higher order have
intervened on man’s behalf. It’s just that as part of
the enlightenment process, it has now come time to
pull back the curtain and see the wizard.

What makes you think a "higher order" has any interest in us? That's being a little egotistical, don't you think? As far as abductees go, did you ever wonder what an animal that gets bagged and tagged for zoological studies communicates to others of his herd or pack when released back to the wilds? We aren't trying to enlighten them, so why should we think that anyone is trying to enlighten us?
I liked the Orz from Star Control 2, didn't you? A species of alien that represented the intrusion of parts of a single entity upon the space that we live in - that was pretty cool.
What makes you think a "higher order" has any interest in us?


we have come to a time, where the past and future are coming into solidity.
the twisted history of religions has given fall to the unraveling of time.
either by hard science or soft enlightenment, peoples around the globe are awakening.

others aren't, yet they shall be if they want so.

we can see the ancients and the knowledge they were seeded with.
immense studies of the stars, with data that they possibly didnt even know,
or is it perhaps that WE do not KNOW, what our ancient brothers are trying to tell us ?

what do their symbols and structures and prophecies and maps mean to humanity ?

foolish one would be to dissmiss all this valuable information as just 'art' without purpose.

one does not know that one of the purposes of Art is to maintain a record of history, amongst other things.

it is not our fault false teachers have taken the words of blessed Human Beings (and Higher Orders) and converted them into their liking.

it is not our fault religions have turned False and cannot be trusted.

But These Happenings Are Planned, Since Destiny Can Re Write Itself.

you see, our eyes are being opened (at least they try) to all the False.
we can see it in the churches, we can see it in our leaders, and we can see it in ourselves.

We Dont Think About Life Anymore, We Simply Live It.

Almost as if were under some kind of control. We wake up go to school or go to work or both and get home so tired you dont even have any time for your own self. you sleep only to wake up and do the same routine all over again. money money all for money so that we can have a bite to eat and a roof over our head. where's the love?

It doesnt have to be like this.


Returning to our history, which evolves into our present.
You may see in many scriptures the Higher Order event.

Why else would so many books of religions aim towards the same concept ?
Some one, or Some People, certainly of Higher Order, came to the Earth for a life seeding project.
God(s) or Not, history speaks for itself.
You may conclude what you will, and you have the right to deny
But how else do you think that Intelligence came to be so quickly ?

Take a look at science, who stutters at Evolution.
We thought we knew the answers, with Darwin gaining appraise.

But now we can see even further in time, both backward and forward.
And the Answers to Questions we once thought solid
Have melted away under the Bright Hot Sun.

We find Ancient Apes, Or were they humanoid ?
We've found Cavemen that walked amongst the Dinosaurs!
We speculate that a Meteor/Comet may NOT have killed the Dinos.
We cannot find the direct connection of evolutionary steps between Ape and Man.


they weren't 100% Correct, that should be obvious.


There are plenty of New Books from New Age Thinkers and Researchers who aren't afraid to test the facts and reveal the truths.

They are on shelves available for the public to read.


Yes, my friends, we have been and are being visited or monitored by "Higher Order" peoples and entities. Spirituality has sunken in our minds and this is what prevents us from seeing the true answers. Perhaps this was how it was meant to happen. Perhaps Destiny is Re Writing itself as we speak. I believe it Always is.

Those who deny this are denying their own creation, and they should see this.
We are Creators, and we have been Created. This is how the universe works.

This is what he speaks of when he says we are connected to a Higher Self. We have many aspects of the Soul that we are currently unaware of.


"When the Student is Ready, the Teacher Shall Appear"
Oxygen said:
What makes you think a "higher order" has any interest in us? That's being a little egotistical, don't you think? As far as abductees go, did you ever wonder what an animal that gets bagged and tagged for zoological studies communicates to others of his herd or pack when released back to the wilds? We aren't trying to enlighten them, so why should we think that anyone is trying to enlighten us?

We are frequency-based creatures; we emote, or continually give off a dominant frequency by way of, throughout, our existence. That is to say, simply by living, and in turn being who we are, we give off a frequency. We, as humans, are all about our emotions. These emotions of ours are actually our resonating to certain set frequencies (pre-designed into us, and executed through, or by way of, our genetic structure), much the same way that microwave ovens resonates to a set frequency (microwaves) when they are turned on.

The question is, who or what benefits from the frequencies to which we continually resonate?

Six billion of us, all resonating to the frequency of our emotions.

We are, after all, simply biological machines - howbeit with the ability to replicate, thereby creating ever-growing numbers of biologically based frequency generating machines.

Rather then vague proclaimations why not actually demonstrate this. Do you mean we resonate a physical wave if so what causes it and how do you measure it. Or do you mean in a metaphorical way in which case what you say is arbitary and doesn't really show anything.
BobG said:
Rather then vague proclaimations why not actually demonstrate this. Do you mean we resonate a physical wave if so what causes it and how do you measure it. Or do you mean in a metaphorical way in which case what you say is arbitary and doesn't really show anything.

Hello BobG,

Proof? I am not a scientist. Pseudo, according to Webster's: (adj.) sham; false; spurious; pretended; counterfeit. This is the 'Pseudoscience' forum. The very term ‘pseudoscience’ in and of itself may be an oxymoron.

Your comments of: "arbitary and doesn't really show anything"; of course whatever you choose to call my words, is entirely up to you. Let me say, straightaway, I respect your right to say so, and I appreciate the logic behind your comments.

If you see no real value in what I say, then that is that.

Postulate (again per Webster's): to assume without proof to be true, real, or necessary, esp. as a basis for argument. I can postulate in a pseudoscience forum I imagine. With all due respect, if proof is what you seek, then this may not be in the right forum, or thread for you, for that matter.

There remains an enormous amount of things that I cannot prove – nor would I care to.

My postulations, for the most part, are based on my programming at the hands of my keepers, those gray-beings with which all abductees interact at various points in their lives.

Why do abductees exist?

Why do those creatures of a higher order interact with them?

I may have been programmed incorrectly, or it may be that our scientific community has yet to prove what I know, by way of my programming. Either way, it is of no concern to me – I simply postulate, from time-to-time.

Ok I see your point about this being a Pseudoscience forum. I was wondering however if you are able to elaborate on the point about frequencies or are you not just making a rather random metaphor for emotions
BobG said:
Ok I see your point about this being a Pseudoscience forum. I was wondering however if you are able to elaborate on the point about frequencies or are you not just making a rather random metaphor for emotions

Hello BobG,

Metaphor (Webster's): a figure of speech containing an implied comparison, in which a word or phrase ordinarily and primarily used of one thing is applied to another (Example: the curtain of night, “all the world's a stage”)

To be honest, I’m not much for metaphors.

To my way of thinking – as I see it, etc., we are the product of those that would (can) most benefit from our existence, and are the sum of all of their efforts to date.

We are the product of those creatures that have created us for their service, and as such we are in continual servitude to our creators. Whether or not we know it. And it may be that we are continually being kept from that knowledge - howbeit, with no small amount of effort on their part.

But what service might we provide to them – what can we provide to our creators, those beings of a higher order, merely by way of our existence.

What is it that we produce – what is it that we give off – what is our benefit to them?

In a word – fear.

Fear – our most prevalent, most dominant and powerful emotion – not fear itself, but rather the frequency that fear is – for we continually emote (or vibrate to) the frequency that fear is, not by chance but rather by design.

Much in the same way that a microwave oven generates energy via a frequency, we, by way of our emotions, generate energy - a frequency based energy that is utilized by our creators.

Fear is our most prevalent emotion, and not without reason or purpose, for there is reason and purpose to all things human.

We were created simply to fear. Created to emote or vibrate to the frequency that fear is. Created as a source of that specific frequency required by our creators.

We fear, that is give off the emotion or frequency of fear, in servitude to our creators.

We, by way our emoting the frequency of fear, are the food source if you will, for our creators.

Biological fear transmitters, with the ability to replicate - the ability, by way of our sexuality, our genetically coded behavior pattern, to be driven to replicate.

With much forethought by those who created us, we are biological machines with one overriding purpose - to emote as programmed, day-in, day-out, for as long as we live, while in the course of our living, doing our part to create more biological fear transmitters. And generation-upon-generation, it continues on…….what a perfect cycle indeed.

We are the product of a higher order - we are bound by the confines of time. Our timetable continues on, day-by-day, until our eventual demise at some future point.

We are all heading to that point, whether we might care to or not - ultimately being replaced by newer biological machines, vibrating away to the frequency of fear as we have done.

Our purpose may be a simple one, but there is unimaginable complexity inherent within the means to bring that purpose to pass.

It strikes me that in all of the world, there are no absolutes, no ultimate truths - but rather temporary truths, which simply take us from one relevent concept to the next. We as a species, are merely on a journey which takes us to the next step after we have grasped the present one.

Truth, any truth, is relative to where we happen to be at any given point on this journey of ours.

There again, this of course is simply my perspective.


i respect you of course, but i wanted to say some things to you:

i am sad to know that the Greys have tricked you into thinking Fear is the primary frequency, and that it is what the Higher Order wants...

This is not totally true my friend. The Greys (and their Masters) have played quite a trick on your emotions and mind.

I can realize that any abduction experience from these small persons may very well come off as quite scary... but at the same time i realize that this is what they are trying to Drive INTO you... the Fear.

Yes, i can see that Greys (and Reptilians) may like the Fear Frequency. It is evident throughout all their history and information. They are the ones who are control freaks, the ones who have pushed physicality(technology included) to its limits and given away much of their spirituality.

My friend:

Fear isnt the only primary frequency, as you should know everything has 2 sides(duality)

Love is its opposite, Caring and Helpfulness- and this is what our forefathers(Lyrans and Pleiadians and Nordics) tried so desperately to teach us(Ancient God(s) and Dieties) Alas their opposition(Reptilians/Greys) always took advantage of the new-forming life forms(humans) on earth.

They who abduct are planning to drive Fear into their abductees, so that they are somewhat programmed to their liking. Perhaps they also install other devices and who knows what else, but I am sure that this is very very wrong according to divine rules of intervention. although they have found a loophole, their plans are deceptive.

Not all Greys are like this, and not all Nordics/Pleiadians are Caring. It shouldnt be surprising to know that even some Nordics were abducted/kidnapped in their own childhoods, and some of them are now following Reptilian orders.


Do not give into Fear, because it is not the ONLY frequency that is worth anything.

You say we are reproducing Fear producers, but i say:

What urges us to Reproduce?

LOVE is what causes this reproduction, we are above animal instincts no matter what anyone tells you. Our Creators have given us intelligence (amongst many things) and we also have emotions.

Remember, these Greys have evolved themselves into an inbred clone society, and thru such massive genetic engineering, they have deteriorated their own individual emotions. They aimed for a Group Consciousness, and wanted to be so precise and perfect in their technologies (plus they are said to have lived underground for so many generations during this) that their appearance clearly shows their downfall.

So, i see a reason for them conducting all of these experiments:

a) they are doing research, and experiments, to help bring them back to their individuality: they want to become more human and less clone like.
b) the Greys that have decided to join in the seeding/monitoring of earth must also have nutrients for their own bodies, and perhaps they abduct for this also
c) they want to re-learn the emotions they have forgotten, and we Humans are FULL of emotion.
d) it is said that Reptilians control some Greys, and that they order the abductions for their own purposes as well, which include food also, but the Reptilian agenda is much more deeper:
------ the reptilians have a long history of battle with our genetic root forefathers. you may see this in many books such as the bible. Where as our forefathers (Pleiades) thought that us Humans should not know too much of our own past, and that we should begin life anew with a CLEAN SLATE; the other persons in our solar system thought that not letting Humans know the truth was almost like Lying/Deception in itself. This is where you see the symbolism of the Serpent telling Adam/Eve about the Tree of Life, and that it is our own right to Know. Hence the story unfolds, where Two sides Fighting Against Each Other because of Conflicts around the Way Earth Should Be Treated....

So, its strange to realize that the Snake(serpent/reptile) was really the one who opened our Eyes in the Past, but now we see that they have been taking this to extreme levels in the present. this is directly referencing the Abduction Experiences.
Think about it, is there a more blunt, direct, and shattering way to expose the truth to someone than to abduct?

So, here are some of my concluding thoughts:

- I think it was a 'good' thing the reptilians opened our eyes in the past
- I think it is a 'bad' way to continue their exposure thru abduction.

one pivotal moment in our current Human history was when the alleged Greys made deals and secret treaties with Power Nations of our Globe. This occurred during the middle of the 20th century, and im sure many of you know what im talking about.

when this event occured, our forefathers must have been crying, for Power People in the Power Nations had given in to the Deception of Service-to-Self. And there is no other way to look at that- the Power Peoples ONLY care about themselves, and pretend to care for their Nations these days. It is SAD.

So our forefathers watch closely but dare not interfere with our own Destinies(Free Will) like the Greys have. They walk a more spiritual path, as opposed to a technological one (physical one) hence they rather Channel thru mediums rather than abduct and implant to force cooperation. Our forefather are the true nature of Service-to-Others. For why else would they scarifice generations of their kind to seeding a planet with new life ?

Think about my words, they may not all be 100% true, but their message is 100% clear.
Hello zonabi,

To my way of thinking, deception goes hand-in-hand with, and is at the very core of all of this.

We are shown what we are meant to see - whether correct or incorrect, it is simply what is next in line to be entertained.

I think of them as leadings; we, as a species, are led along that path pre-established for us to follow. And deception playing no small role in all of it.

We are human; we can be convinced of anything. We can easily be deceived.

true indeed.

but what i envision time after time is an end to all of this conflict by realizing that segregation isnt the answer to ridding problems, it only postpones the two sides clashing again in the future.

it is time to integrate, to come together, to combine instead of divide.

and in my country, our government (pres) seems bent on dividing everything, such as forcing peoples to make a decision on gay marriage, like are you FOR or AGAINST the WAR ? like are you FOR or AGAINST Stem Cell ?

they just want us to split into groups, because they know most of us are already pre-programmed to be FEAR inducers that will more likely follow their plans.

i hate to see the world coming to that, even if many dont think its that bad... it is.
Pseudoscience is called pseudoscience because it pretends to be science. It pretends to present evidence. It pretends to explain things.
Maybe what you're looking for is the "Metaphysical Musings" forum.
sideshowbob said:
Pseudoscience is called pseudoscience because it pretends to be science. It pretends to present evidence. It pretends to explain things.
Maybe what you're looking for is the "Metaphysical Musings" forum.

To you, it may seem that I speak of the metaphysical - to me, it is my reality. That is to say, it is real – tangible. Abductees are not like non-abductees. All abductees have been genetically changed as part of the abduction goings-on. And in my case, educated at the hands of my keepers, those gray beings with which all abductees interact.

We are more, not less, by way of our experiences.

Wow, you mean you are part of a select elite because of your experiences that you cannot prove happened? I can understand why you have to be so gnomic and pretend you don't actually want to explain anything when you are confronted by direct questioning, because if they ever knew the truth(tm) most people would probably still just say you are nothing but an attention whore. Let me repeat that -You are nothing but an attention whore-.

Is that part of your special genetic reprogramming? Are you some sort of alien DNA carrying super braggart who must gnomically assert how vastly superior he must be to others because of the experiences he claims to have had and cannot answer direct questions about?
My point was that both "real" science and pseudoscience need to "show" evidence to others to support their hypotheses.

If you don't feel you need to "prove" anything, that's fine.
My comment was about the nature of science and pseudoscience.
I don't mean to belittle your experiences.
sideshowbob said:
My point was that both "real" science and pseudoscience need to "show" evidence to others to support their hypotheses.

If you don't feel you need to "prove" anything, that's fine.
My comment was about the nature of science and pseudoscience.
I don't mean to belittle your experiences.

Hello sideshowbob,

I never took your comments as belittling in any way whatsoever, and appreciate your taking time to comment.

As I've stated before elsewhere, it's not unlikely that illegal practices could be done on individuals because of the legal standpoint.

Take for instance the test of the water done by the Raelian ?cult?, the proposed genetically engineered human to forward their own religious creed, the governments of the planet became aggreviated because it's against the law for the most part.

However all went silent after that (I think they found them to be media whoring and bogus).

Thats why I mentioned the current legislation on Genetherapy is that current use has involved a number of people dieing from such therapy, however if someone wanted to do the research they might find themselves suffering form the legal torments and therefore turn to clandestine methods to gain their results. Genetherapy involves the genetic re-engineering of a subject to try and remove any fault traits (Which are currently still being discovered and defined correctly, since the deaths were slow and painful cancers.)

To suggest "aliens" are responsible for abductions and genetic alterations is ridiculous, since if they were in to interbreding why mess with us on our planet and use us as hosts when they could just replicate the same with a gene sample on their homeworld. Thats why I suggest the creatures that mess with us are creatures of the same brethren (Notibly ourselves doing secret projects that are advanced because they have remained clandestine and don't curtail to the law).
Stryderunknown..."That’s why I suggest the creatures that mess with us are creatures of the same brethren (Notably ourselves doing secret projects that are advanced because they have remained clandestine and don't curtail to the law)."

Hello again Stryderunknown,

That one theory I'd never have thought of.
