See and entropy BUSTER..... the solitron!

What on earth is a "soliton patch"? I shan't even try to decipher the rest of your post!! Bishadi, I am trying fairly hard to have a conversation with you, about the subject you brought up - that of solitons. Sadly, we're not getting very far! I can't see anything in your posts that has anything to do with solitons!

read another person's method of sharing the state of a soliton

"For physicists and mathematicians, systems in equilibrium are like the ocean, they are in a tranquil, settled state," explained Sen. "But when you talk about solitary waves propagating in a system, you're as far away from a system in equilibrium as you can be because these systems carry significant amounts of energy as propagating energy bundles, sort of like a propagating shock front"

I don't know what you're hoping to get out of this thread?!?! My patience can only last so long! :eek:

that there are exchanges between mass that PROVE that equilibrium is stagnet and even reverses.... ie... abuses entropy (this is supposed to be and unequivocal 'law' that most all physics is based from (planck).

so the soliton is an observed phenomena, not only in use (optics) but a system that proves the current paradigm is wrong......
read another person's method of sharing the state of a soliton
Bishadi, I've asked you a very straight forward question - I think it would only be polite if you answered it. I just asked what a "soliton patch" is. I've never come across this term before.
Bishadi, I've asked you a very straight forward question - I think it would only be polite if you answered it. I just asked what a "soliton patch" is. I've never come across this term before.
'non-linear' .... schroadinger equation

or i think in optics manakrov (cylinders)
H Frauenkron and P Grassberger
Dept. of Phys., Wuppertal Univ., Germany

Abstract. Employing a particularly suitable higher-order symplectic integration algorithm, we integrate the one-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equation numerically for solitons moving in external potentials. In particular, we study the scattering off an interface separating two regions of constant potential. We find that the soliton can break up into two solitons, eventually accompanied by radiation of non-solitary waves. Reflection coefficients and inelasticities are computed as functions of the height of the potential step and of its steepness.

F = 2 Spinor Bose–Einstein
Masaru Uchiyama1, Jun’ichi Ieda2 ∗ and Miki Wadati1 †
1Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-0033
2Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8577

We study soliton solutions for the Gross–Pitaevskii equation of the spinor Bose–Einstein
condensates with hyperfine spin F = 2 in one-dimension. Analyses are made in two ways:
by assuming single-mode amplitudes and by generalizing Hirota’s direct method for multicomponents.

We obtain one-solitons of single-peak type in the ferromagnetic, polar and
cyclic states, respectively. Moreover, twin-peak type solitons both in the ferromagnetic andthe polar state are found.

Spatial Coherence of a Polariton Condensate

Hui Deng,1, ∗ Glenn S. Solomon,2 Rudolf Hey,3 Klaus H. Ploog,3 and Yoshihisa Yamamoto1, 4
1Edward L. Ginzton Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, USA
2National Institute of Standards and Technology, Physics Laboratory,
100 Bureau Drive, MS 8423, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA
3Paul-Drude-Institut f¨ur Festk¨orperelektronik, Hausvogteiplatz 5-7, D-10117 Berlin, Germany
4National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan

We perform a Young’s double-slit experiment to study the spatial coherence properties of a twodimensional dynamic condensate of semiconductor microcavity polaritons. The coherence length
of the system is measured as a function of the pump rate, which confirms a spontaneous build-up of macroscopic coherence in the condensed phase. An independent measurement reveals that the position and momentum uncertainty product of the condensate is close to the Heisenberg limit. An experimental realization of such a minimum uncertainty wavepacket of the polariton condensate opens a door to coherent matter-wave phenomena such as Josephson oscillation, superfluidity, and solitons in solid state condensate systems.

all over the world this phenomenon is being observed

point is, energy has a little more 'coherance' than most realize
just getting into this one

However, this is not the whole story. We must also take into account that there may
be a nearest neighbor valence bond connecting regions A and B. Whether or not this
is present depends both on the parity of r and on whether the soliton is in region A or
B. If r is even, then this valence bond is present when the soliton is in A. Conversely,
if r is odd, then it is present when the soliton is in region B. When this valence bond
is present, it contributes an additional ln 2 to S. The probability of it being present is
p for r even and 1 − p for r odd. Adding this extra term we obtain:
S(r) = −p ln p − (1 − p) ln(1 − p) + [1/2 + (−1)r(p − 1/2)] ln 2. (3.5)
As remarked earlier, when J′K = 0 and R is odd, the impurity site is unentangled
with the rest of the chain which contains only nearest neighbor valence bonds, between
Quantum Impurity Entanglement 16
sites 2i and 2i+1. The only source of entanglement between A and B is a valence bond
from site r and r + 1 when r is even. Thus
S = (1/2)[1 + (−1)r] ln 2.

For most eigenfunctions we can neglect the perturbation due to this
coupling. The only important exception to this statement are the low energy states, with
wave-lengths of order the system size and energies of O(v/r). We can expect these to be
strongly perturbed by the coupling to subsystem B and consequently expect S(T) to be
strongly modified from the thermal entropy, Sth(T) at low temperatures. However, when
T ≫ v/r, we expect these states to make a negligible contribution to S(T) since the
density of states is much larger at higher energies. Therefore we expect S(T) to approach
Sth(T) when T ≫ v/r. This argument suggests that this should occur regardless of R.
We also expect this correspondance to hold regardless of boundary conditions. The

thermal entropy for region A becomes independent of whether it is calculated with pbc
or obc when T ≫ v/r. Similarly the entanglement entropy becomes independent of
whether region A is part of a system, A + B which obeys pbc or obc at T ≫ v/r.
In order to provide numerical evidence that S(T) indeed does approach Sth, the
thermal entropy, we have performed exact calculations for both quantities on an XX
spin chain of length R = 100. The finite T entanglement entropy is calculated for a
subsystem, A, of size r within a total system A+B of size R obeying periodic boundary
conditions. We have also calculated the thermal entropy, Sth(T), for a system of size
r also with periodic boundary conditions. We then compare S(T)/r to Sth(T)/r. Our
results are shown in Fig. E1 where both entropies are plotted per unit length of the
subsystem. Four different sub-system sizes of r = 2, 20, 50, 98 are considered and in all
cases do we observe excellent agreement with the thermal entropy at sufficiently high
temperature. In Fig. E2 is shown the finite temperature entanglement entropy for a
R = 100 site XX spin chain for two different subsystem sizes of r = 2, 98. At T = 0 the
two entanglement entropies are identical and the difference between the two is shown
as the solid line, quickly approaching 0 as T → 0.

love to see progress......

these are all o7 publications

None of your posts have answered my question. I'm afraid my patience has worn a little thin - I'll leave this thread to you.
None of your posts have answered my question. I'm afraid my patience has worn a little thin - I'll leave this thread to you.

the term is my term;

schroadinger's NLSE soliton is the patch

because that system cannot be defined by anything of standard physics

kind of basic
schroadinger's NLSE soliton is the patch
So you make up a term then are suprised when noone knows what it means.
because that system cannot be defined by anything of standard physics
And yet you just linked to a bunch of papers from mainstream physics on solitons. :rolleyes: The concept of solitons is more than 100 years old.
So you have worked out how to use the search function on ArXiv. So what? I can use the search function on PubMed, doesn't make me a doctor. I am 100% certain that you don't understand the maths and physics in those papers you link to.

You seem to think that we are denying the concept of solitons in physics. We aren't. I'm the one who told you about them! I'm the one who has said he went to a lecture course on them. I'm the one who linked you to a Cambridge graduate course in solitons in theoretical physics! :rolleyes:
'non-linear' .... schroadinger equation
Non-linear doesn't mean solitonic. There's plenty of non-linear systems which do not have solitonic solutions. It's a particular kind of non-linear systems which have solitonic solutions.

And I have actually reviewed a paper on the non-linear Schrodinger equation for a journal.
point is, energy has a little more 'coherance' than most realize
You're the one who said that it's impossible for a chaotic system to get suddenly coherent, despite my example proving you wrong. :rolleyes:
kind of basic
Yes, what you've done is 'kind of basic', you just used Google to find papers with the word 'soliton' in it. You haven't demonstrated you even know what the word means. Infact, you've demonstrated you don't know what the word means!

What's the matter, can't you define what 'soliton' and 'chaotic' mean to mathematicians and physicists?
measure of order? makes sense but in which direction?

look up the 1st law, and find it nills the second, as the system must be conserved, right? then how could entropy be submissive to time.....

i.e.... if the 2nd law was absolute, then 'the evolution of life' could not exist

it is a perspective; not a law

The second law applies to a closed system as a whole. Life is but a tiny portion of the matter in the universe, so it doesn't contradict the tendency towards increasing entropy.
So you make up a term then are suprised when noone knows what it means.
that was not fair....

i said that the soliton patch is used to define a system the standard model cannot.

it is the same thing that chemistry does with Higgs 'free energy' to share the potential crosses a cell wall without a loss or mass crossing.

it is like patching Newtonia physics to particle accelerator physics; they are patched because the 2 frames DO NOT JIVE. (fyi; that was another technical term; created. )

And yet you just linked to a bunch of papers from mainstream physics on solitons. :rolleyes: The concept of solitons is more than 100 years old.
and to this day, please tell me; if you see the action, notice that it is a real phenomenon, then why are you stuck in old theories of incorrect math, when you have a living tangible form, that has no perfection in math to define the phenomena?

if you are well versed in soliton, then why are you not aware of how it works?

them pubs are all of different frames of math to define a tangible set of evidence and still perfection does not exist because not a one can make planck work in 'living' systems?

the last publication is the first i have seen to combine the entangled states

I am 100% certain that you don't understand the maths and physics in those papers you link to.
and go screw yourself too....

Non-linear doesn't mean solitonic.
dah..... it is almost like removing time....... don't screw with me, i am trying to help and if you cannot comprehend you best quit the f______ ing attacks

i learn every day, and yes you shared a new toy..... but life itself is old too

and can you define life?

And I have actually reviewed a paper on the non-linear Schrodinger equation for a journal.
Who gives a shit.... you still have no clue what it is.

monkey man; it is the 'life' of energy and to know of this phenomenon, then you should be working on it; punk

What's the matter, can't you define what 'soliton' and 'chaotic' mean to mathematicians and physicists?

'life abuses entropy'

so tell all your punk professors thay are also morons for not comprehending that a soliton proves unequivically that energy is the life of a system....

play nice or i will continue being a prick

all i want is honesty to stand up before your beliefs

meaning no man EVER arrose from the dead either, period!

get the point!