See and entropy BUSTER..... the solitron!


See an entropy BUSTER..... the soliton!

we must thank the alpha numeric guy for opening a can of worms.

this form shares that energy upon mass will combine within an environment increasing its potential greater than the sum of the combined parts.

basically a form to share how 'life' exists upon mass; it abuses entropy!

read a quote as suggested from Mr Russell himself
In 1834, John Scott Russell describes his wave of translation. The discovery is described here in Russell's own words:

"I was observing the motion of a boat which was rapidly drawn along a narrow channel by a pair of horses, when the boat suddenly stopped - not so the mass of water in the channel which it had put in motion; it accumulated round the prow of the vessel in a state of violent agitation, then suddenly leaving it behind, rolled forward with great velocity, assuming the form of a large solitary elevation, a rounded, smooth and well-defined heap of water, which continued its course along the channel apparently without change of form or diminution of speed. I followed it on horseback, and overtook it still rolling on at a rate of some eight or nine miles an hour, preserving its original figure some thirty feet long and a foot to a foot and a half in height. Its height gradually diminished, and after a chase of one or two miles I lost it in the windings of the channel. Such, in the month of August 1834, was my first chance interview with that singular and beautiful phenomenon which I have called the Wave of Translation".

then read how they are just now observing this phenomenon in biology

The Soliton model in neuroscience is a recently developed model that attempts to explain how signals are conducted within neurons. It proposes that the signals travel along the cell's membrane in the form of certain kinds of sound (or density) pulses known as solitons. As such the model presents a direct challenge to the widely accepted Hodgkin-Huxley model which proposes that signals travel as action potentials: voltage-gated ion channels in the membrane open and allow ions to rush into the cell, thereby leading to the opening of other nearby ion channels and thus propagating the signal in an essentially electrical manner.
and not of binary potentials............. imagine that?

The Soliton model was developed beginning in 2005 by Thomas Heimburg and Andrew D. Jackson, both at the Niels Bohr Institute of the University of Copenhagen. Heimburg heads the institute's Membrane Biophysics Group and as of early 2007 all published articles on the model come from this group

brand new stuff.

well good...

perhaps cages are being rattled

how about the justification mentioned

The model starts with the observation that cell membranes always have a freezing point (the temperature below which the consistency changes from fluid to gel-like) only slightly below the organism's body temperature, and this allows for the propagation of solitons. It has been known for several decades that an action potential traveling along a neuron results in a slight increase in temperature followed by a decrease in temperature.

another abuse of entropy?

imagine that...... heat combines, increates a potential to the focal energy and leaves the environment cooler................

that would be impossible to a standard model of physics......
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Please forgive my ignorance, but I can't quite see the point to this thread. Are you just pointing out that solitons have been observed in nature?

Please forgive my ignorance,
u b the fairest observed on this site; my opinion

so please allow yourself most any question; it seems you care more to simply observe possibilities, and that is the best kind of teacher any could be

but I can't quite see the point to this thread. Are you just pointing out that solitons have been observed in nature?


perhaps as alpha numeric suggested; rogue waves

in which the unit 'wave' as the collective 'coherant' construct could be the solitron but

me not a 'tron' kind of guy......

not particle oriented.

i.e...... an electron is a portion of an existing unit; entangled

an atom is a unit; in time.

a paradigm shift to unfold is combining the three; mass, energy, time.

life 'is' purposed in which energy itself is the life upon mass

change of thought; energy is light upon mass in time

everything unfolds from this
august 1 08

science digest
Transient Electronic Structure and Melting of a Charge Density Wave in TbTe3

F. Schmitt 1, P. S. Kirchmann 2, U. Bovensiepen 2*, R. G. Moore 3, L. Rettig 2, M. Krenz 2, J.-H. Chu 1, N. Ru 1, L. Perfetti 2, D. H. Lu 4, M. Wolf 2, I. R. Fisher 5, Z.-X. Shen 6*
1 Department of Applied Physics, Via Pueblo Mall, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA.
2 Fachbereich Physik, Freie Universität Berlin, Arnimallee 14, 14195 Berlin, Germany.
3 Department of Applied Physics, Via Pueblo Mall, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA.; Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA.
4 Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA.
5 Department of Applied Physics, Via Pueblo Mall, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA.; Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials, 476 Lomita Mall, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA.
6 Department of Applied Physics, Via Pueblo Mall, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA.; Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA.; Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials, 476 Lomita Mall, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA.

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
U. Bovensiepen , E-mail:
Z.-X. Shen , E-mail:

Obtaining insight into microscopic cooperative effects is a fascinating topic in condensed matter research since through self-coordination and collectivity, they can lead to instabilities with macroscopic impacts like phase transitions. We use femtosecond time- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (trARPES) to optically pump and probe TbTe3, an excellent model system to study these effects. We drive a transient CDW melting, excite collective vibrations in TbTe3, and observe them through their time-, frequency-, and momentum-dependent influence on the electronic structure. We are able to identify the role of the observed collective vibration in the transition and to document the transition in real time. The information we demonstrate is accessible with trARPES will greatly enhance the understanding of all materials exhibiting collective phenomena.
is it possible they talking about coherance of energy upon a system?

Entropy is a measure of order, not a law of nature. Orderly things do not "abuse" entropy. Entropy doesn't always increase on a local level, only within a closed system.
I'm afraid I don't quite follow. Perhaps you're speaking about something else entirely: what is a "solitron"? :)

didn't make sense, but now i see the mistake.


not a 'tron' ..............

oooops..... been sickened once again by dealing with 'standard' stuff

but take a peak at something i was playing with

Current self-oscillations, spikes and crossover between charge monopole and dipole waves in semiconductor superlattices

David S´anchez1, Miguel Moscoso2,3, Luis L. Bonilla2,3, Gloria Platero1 and Ram´on Aguado1 1Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales (CSIC), Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain 2Escuela Polit´ecnica Superior, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Avenida de la Universidad 20, 28911 Legan´es, Spain. 3Also: Unidad Asociada al Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales (CSIC)

(February 1, 2008)

Self-sustained current oscillations in weakly-coupled superlattices are studied by means of a self-consistent microscopic model of sequential tunneling including boundary conditions naturally. Well-to-well hopping and recycling of charge monopole domain walls produce current spikes –high frequency modulation– superimposed on the oscillation. For highly doped injecting contacts, the selfoscillations are due to dynamics of monopoles. As the contact doping decreases, a lower-frequency oscillatory mode due to recycling and motion of charge dipoles is predicted. For low contact doping,
this mode dominates and monopole oscillations disappear. At intermediate doping, both oscillation modes coexist as stable solutions and hysteresis between them is possible.

In conclusion, we have dealt with self-sustained oscillations
of the current in SLs whose main mechanism
is sequential tunneling. Depending on contact doping,
these oscillations may be due to recycling and motion
of two different charge density waves: monopoles and
dipoles. Experimentally, only the monopole oscillations
have been observed, for the contacts doping is usually
set to values which are too high. The dipole-like oscillations
could be observed constructing samples with lower
doping at the contacts.
Entropy is a measure of order, not a law of nature. Orderly things do not "abuse" entropy. Entropy doesn't always increase on a local level, only within a closed system.

measure of order? makes sense but in which direction?

look up the 1st law, and find it nills the second, as the system must be conserved, right? then how could entropy be submissive to time.....

i.e.... if the 2nd law was absolute, then 'the evolution of life' could not exist

it is a perspective; not a law
we must thank the alpha numeric guy for opening a can of worms.
By which you mean I've mentioned something you don't understand but have Googled and now you think you have all the answers to?

I bet you don't know the first thing about solitons and their applications to physics.
didn't make sense, but now i see the mistake.


not a 'tron' ..............
Aha - ok, so we are talking about solitons! Great! So I think we've (or rather, you've) established that solitons are important and have been observed in nature.

What else should we discuss? I saw you mention "Daveys" in a different thread. Are you referring to results concering the Davey-Stewartson equation? This might be relevant to your discussion in this thread.
Completely offtopic but I was greatly disappointed that this thread didn't mention the "Soliton Bomb" (At least thats my recollection from the film, as opposed to the wiki entry which says solarbonite and "Sunlight molecules") from Plan 9 from Outer Space and people were worried about the LHC... watchout for the Soliton's (*add some B-Movie cliff hanger sound effects*)
Aha - ok, so we are talking about solitons! Great! So I think we've (or rather, you've) established that solitons are important and have been observed in nature.

What else should we discuss? I saw you mention "Daveys" in a different thread. Are you referring to results concering the Davey-Stewartson equation? This might be relevant to your discussion in this thread.

or simply schroadinger (nonlinear)

at least there is something to account for the non local

again, but simple patch work
or simply schroadinger (nonlinear)

at least there is something to account for the non local

again, but simple patch work
But the DS equation and NLS equation are not the same! The DS equation is 2+1, and reduces to NLS as you move down a spatial dimension. I don't understand the rest of your post I'm afraid - I think there's a language barrier!

not sure if you noticed but simple conveying the understanding that patch work is the only way to even get close to conveying 'life' in physics.

ie.... the biggest difference of Newton and Einstein.... closed-open system.

but to put them together takes a big change and to share and present the integrity of this fact is the toughest part of being the first
I don't mean to sound rude, but could you make your posts a little less cryptic? I'm trying to understand what you're saying, but I think you're making it difficult!

I thought we were talking about solitons!
my fault....

i observe a soliton like a life form; the unit of energy has purpose and can cover time/distance without loss; entangled to its environment sustaining a continuance.

maybe to see a Gibbs resonance conveying across a medium without loss will offer a simpler scenario?

me like any person; still learning

i will be fair with you; this soliton and the new Davey's path are not on the tip of my tongue and why i have spent these last coupled days in the mess

but they reminded me of Schroadinger's dimension(s) and fields but with an algebraic twist

my fault for not being capable
i observe a soliton like a life form;
Hmmm, ok. I think of solitons as very special solutions to some nonlinear evolutions equations - so this might have been the source of our confusion!

my fault for not being capable
It's not about being capable - we were just talking about different things. It might be an idea to stick to the scientific definitions when on a science forum though, so not to confuse people! Alternatively, define whatever you want to talk about (in this instance, "life forms with certain properties") and then you can try to draw comparisons between them, and the scientific notion of a soliton!
Bishadi, can you define, precisely, what you mean when you say 'soliton'. Just so we're working on the same page.
I don't mean to sound rude, but could you make your posts a little less cryptic? I'm trying to understand what you're saying, but I think you're making it difficult!
They aren't 'cryptic', they are evidence that Bishadi doesn't even think coherently. That or the education system of the country he lives in failed him and has not provided him with a sufficient grasp of the English language to be able to express himself coherently.

I see it all the time on Facebook, people have conversations on their 'walls' and their spelling and diction are terrible. Sometimes they will spell things in a phonetic way or in a 'txt spk' way but which turn out to be longer than the real spelling of the word! As if they are putting in more effort to avoid spelling things correctly. But then I suppose cranks do that with physics and maths, they put in more time explaining any they don't have the time to answer a question I ask them than it would take to answer the question! :shrug:
Hmmm, ok. I think of solitons as very special solutions to some nonlinear evolutions equations - so this might have been the source of our confusion!
thanx for the patience

It's not about being capable - we were just talking about different things.
'Life' is the ENTROPY buster, in all sense of the idea.

It might be an idea to stick to the scientific definitions when on a science forum though, so not to confuse people!
i understand your point and that is what the thread was for. To share that energy is 'purposed to continue' which is what the soliton patch is used for. As in any newtonian frame, conveying in d/t without a loss is an entropy buster.

it is why them mathematical patches were created; they saw something that their normal math cannot represent, so a patch is created. It is normal but most do not see it that way and why we have variated math in every branch of science and much is based on the error in paradigm.

Alternatively, define whatever you want to talk about (in this instance, "life forms with certain properties") and then you can try to draw comparisons between them, and the scientific notion of a soliton!

energy within a 'good' environment can add up to increase a potential greater than the sum of the added part; this is how i define 'life' upon mass.

"Purposed to continue" revealing a clear reality; life abuses entropy.


the rogue wave.......

basic oxidations......

a dog


and even some human beings

point is in physics, the arrow has a single intent in time; as if purposed to equilibriate and that is an incorrect assumption. All other 'patches' are just that patches to fix that error

yu have my opinion in a nut shell (my head)

this is how my last 30 years of learning is based; i recognized it a long time ago and have yet to publish since PNC sharing the brain works by light (em/resonant) exchanges between neural contacts and not the stupid binary ideas of current paradigm..... i worked during my teenage years, because no one understood why alzheimer's harmed memories; and i found out their whole model was wrong

so either i need a padded room with a sweater with long sleeves and a cute little bow in the back or "OH shit, i stumbled on the big one"

which after almost 30 years of homework (and still at it)....... i did not make a mistake at the change of thought

the foolishness is that i will not submit to the monkeys of the so called intellectual communites methods of complacent submission...... meaning no one can own the material, nor oppress another country, culture or class just because of being politically correct. I could care less if these monkeys on this forum want to listen because if one kid learns something, then i did good

and it is in Planck that is the easiest point to begin at but most are just too stubborn to actually do the work and i could care less about publishing just to let monkeys play with the math and have not even the responsibility to be honest with themselves and recognize 'life abuses entropy.'

meaning if there was integrity in the man's world than i would have no problem;

but look around

do you see any?

i mean.......... people can fly in rocket ships and build multi billion dollar particle accelerators; but not a man on earth can share how the phospholipid bilayer assemble. (the cell walls of basic life)

resonance.... them lipids occilate and maintain their collective without peptide bonds because of the energy upon the mass.

i have known this for decades and not a monkey professor (our teachers) can put it to math

for 'life', is the cause of my work; and not for anything else
To share that energy is 'purposed to continue' which is what the soliton patch is used for.
What on earth is a "soliton patch"? I shan't even try to decipher the rest of your post!! Bishadi, I am trying fairly hard to have a conversation with you, about the subject you brought up - that of solitons. Sadly, we're not getting very far! I can't see anything in your posts that has anything to do with solitons!

I don't know what you're hoping to get out of this thread?!?! My patience can only last so long! :eek: