Secular Fanaticism?

The protesters say if the Pope wanted to speak, he could do so from the Vatican.

It's certainly true. I don't see the massive deal, I wouldn't want the pope to come speak in my house either, it's hardly fanaticism. So they don't want him there, get over it and move on..
It's certainly true. I don't see the massive deal, I wouldn't want the pope to come speak in my house either,
erm - then I guess you shouldn't invite him
it's hardly fanaticism. So they don't want him there, get over it and move on..
the "they" were a minority, who, despite being given a designated space to voice their protest during the occasion, took over the whole university
This seems to be projection on your part, light. After thousands of years of fanaticism, some kids laugh the Pope off the stage and they call them fanatical...
Freedom of speech is incidently a secular value, since it doesn't refer to religion, but censorship is also a secular value. Secularism just means not involving religion.
This seems to be projection on your part, light. After thousands of years of fanaticism, some kids laugh the Pope off the stage and they call them fanatical...
The issue (at least from my perspective) was more about the revered holiness many atheists reserve for secularism, and how it is constitutionally diametrically opposed to dogmatism.

This appears to be a myth.
the "they" were a minority, who, despite being given a designated space to voice their protest during the occasion, took over the whole university

So you're a person that advocates that we should ignore minority groups? I'll bear that in mind.
Freedom of speech is incidently a secular value, since it doesn't refer to religion, but censorship is also a secular value. Secularism just means not involving religion.
In one sense you are correct

In another sense (the sense that it is commonly bandied about here on sciforums) it's ethics are expanded to encompass a wider application
I wasn't aware they were being ignored - I mean they were provided with a designated space to protest

And clearly the protest worked. That's life. I would suggest that the pope pick a more appropriate place to conduct religious speeches.. like in a church or something.

probably just your imagination

No, he's actually right. If everyone takes up abstinence then humans cease to exist. :bugeye:
sure - at the expense of secularist ideals

I dunno, wherever you have freedom of, surely you'll also have freedom from? I think the best all round idea is to pick appropriate places. One does not go to discuss their atheism in church.

Yes, that is something we have to definitely be careful of

This is inconsequential to my statement. :rolleyes:
I dunno, wherever you have freedom of, surely you'll also have freedom from?
they weren't free to not attend the ceremony?

I think the best all round idea is to pick appropriate places. One does not go to discuss their atheism in church.
It's not clear how theism is diametrically opposed to universities.
It is clear how theism is diametrically opposed to your values, however.

This is inconsequential to my statement. :rolleyes:
it reflects the consequential nature of your remark