second coming


dude...**** it,lets go bowling
Registered Senior Member
there is a guy in bulgaria who claims to be the second coming.why do you think so few people believe him?
i think he has about 500 followers living in a village with him.i just remembered about him and it struck me as odd that christians over the world werent rejoicing about this.i guess it must come from a logic and disbelief that persists in christians,i mean how can you be sure he isnt.i may of course be completely wrong and there might be proof he isnt the second coming which i'm not aware of.
he's telling anyone who'll listen.i kinda liked him, he looked like he thought someone was going to hit him.
Charles Manson had a bunch of followers too.

What are the chances this will end in a mass suicide. Pretty good in my opinion.
umm,i think as a christian he will probably be quite anti suicide.
christians worldwide have done enough to ensure that no body will want to hear what the man has to say even if he is a messiah
M*W: The 'second coming' doesn't apply to those who believe in Pauline christiantity. They need not wait.
kenworth said:
there is a guy in bulgaria who claims to be the second coming.why do you think so few people believe him?
I take a wild guess,
b/c he didnt come down from the sky and cant perform miracles like the Real mesiah is supposed to? ;)
b/c he didnt come down from the sky and cant perform miracles like the Real mesiah is supposed to?

But wait... What are you getting at? Do you honestly think christians require evidence? Need to observe these things happening? Shit, and there I was being led to believe that christians had 'faith'.
kenworth said:
there is a guy in bulgaria who claims to be the second coming.why do you think so few people believe him?

Matthew 24:23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here [is] Christ, or there; believe [it] not.
Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
Matthew 24:25 Behold, I have told you before.
Matthew 24:26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, [he is] in the secret chambers; believe [it] not.
Matthew 24:27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Matthew 24:28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.
ghost7584 said:
Matthew 24:27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

thats nice!

but for the christ to return suggests that he left.

did christ leave?
ellion, please don't encourage more Biblical quotations. Of course Christ "left" - ISSITB*.

kenworth said:
i think he has about 500 followers living in a village with him.i just remembered about him and it struck me as odd that christians over the world werent rejoicing about this.i guess it must come from a logic and disbelief that persists in christians,i mean how can you be sure he isnt.i may of course be completely wrong and there might be proof he isnt the second coming which i'm not aware of.
Belief in the Christ story may come from many sources, and does not automatically entail blind credulity in anything. If you grew up a Christian your belief in Christ is part of your very being, something you would no more reject than the idea of breathing to stay alive. In such circumstances it takes a considerable amount of self-examination to get to the point of rejecting the creed you've known all your life. That does not mean you will (even if you are totally unaware of Matthew 24:23) automatically believe a Bulgarian looney-tune.

*It Says So In The Bible
Can anyone link me to a story about it? I haven't heard of this yet, and just want to read about it.
M*W: Whazza matta, ghost? Using bible quotes because you're too dense to opine by your lack of intelligence? This guy in Bulgaria could very well be the return of Jesus Christ. ("Oh ye of little faith.") Are not these the "end times?" Why is it that christians of all people fail to believe it when there's a possibilty that Jesus Christ has returned? The lot of you are frauds. Face it, you wouldn't know Jesus Christ if you passed him on the street. After all, he's not going to be wearing a long white dress and sporting long hair and a beard. He may be in a three-piece business suit, or more likely, jeans and a t-shirt. I say this because he most likely will still be wearing sandals. Some things just don't change. But one thing you can count on, he will most likely look like an Arab instead of the blond hair, blue-eyed Caucasian he is depicted as. When he comes to America, he will arrive by plane as he will be coming through the clouds. Of course, the jet engine will sound just like trumpets blaring. So, give the Bulgarian guy half a chance to prove he's god.
it will end up like it did 2000 years ago. another lamb to the slaughter.
The gentleman in question must have been back many times, just like all of us, so anybody claiming to be only the second coming must be misguided, to say the least.
Medicine Woman, your constant goading really makes it a hassle to read your posts. Could you tone it down a bit?

I don't see how quoting the Bible shows a lack of a desire to opine by his own intelligence. His intelligence tells him that it is more convincing to cite the Biblical passages than to say "the Bible says that we shouldn't believe in false Christs." Furthermore, he knows that, to a Christian, the Bible is an authority and that by citing it he makes it needless to write any more than the passages. I don't see why anyone who isn't a Christian would be concerned with this alleged second coming of Christ in any case, so why would you say that quoting the Bible is an unintelligent act?
Ozymandias: Medicine Woman, your constant goading really makes it a hassle to read your posts. Could you tone it down a bit?

I don't see how quoting the Bible shows a lack of a desire to opine by his own intelligence. His intelligence tells him that it is more convincing to cite the Biblical passages than to say "the Bible says that we shouldn't believe in false Christs." Furthermore, he knows that, to a Christian, the Bible is an authority and that by citing it he makes it needless to write any more than the passages. I don't see why anyone who isn't a Christian would be concerned with this alleged second coming of Christ in any case, so why would you say that quoting the Bible is an unintelligent act?
M*W: Then don't read my posts. It's your loss. I don't give a rat's ass about the second coming, but I will comment on it if I choose. The bible is not an "authority" on anything except worthless musings. All "christians" are doomed. I'm not "concerned" with any "second coming," but I still retain the right to comment on it. You, my friend, are a fool. Take you bible. Open it to the second chapter of Job. Fold the pages down. Say a prayer for Jenyar -- the "Fool of Sciforums," then close your bible, and stick it up your ass.