Scripture implies undiscovered science

I wonder if the notion that the earth is round (well, it isn't of course) is scientific.

The bible probably also states that the sky is blue, which it can be for a large part of the day.

They mention the existence and even creation of species. Obviously that is not regarded as scientific. Why would a vague reference to the roundness of the earth then even be considered to be scientific?

It would be scientific if they used a logic principle or experiment to deduct that the earth is round. And possibly to try to assess how 'round' it is.
Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
The dungeon where Peter and Paul were killed, just outside the Vatican as I recall, in a place formerly called "Nero's Circus," was dark and eerie. It made me really think about why, if they were saints, would they be beheaded and crucified right here for their beliefs if their beliefs were true.
I have the answer for you:

John 21
Jesus said, "... I tell you the truth, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go." 19Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God.

My guess is that all of the martyrs ended up in evil places like the one you mention because people with evil intentions took them there.

There's just too much discrepancy about Jesus being associated with xians. I get the picture that he wanted no part of it.
Everything you've mentioned depend on your surroundings, and they are wholly unbiblical. There is a discrepancy because most of what you heard is anecdotal (and you probably won't find them outside Catholic circles). You'll feel like that many places in the world where death and suffering was present. Have you been to Auswitz? Does the feeling you get there mean the Jews were all liars? No, and Jesus probably wanted no part in that either.

M*W: I don't see our Creator as having a "will" nor a "personality." Those attributions are what "WE" have given it. The God I know and understand cannot make choices. The only choice is to be or not to be. God cannot make decisions. God cannot do anything except weigh the positive with the negative as in an electrical force. Holy is another word used for "positive." Unholy would be "negative." That is all God really comprehends--the alpha and the omega.
Oh, you don't see it that way... does that mean you are right? Was Jesus and all the Rabbi's wrong to believe God chose Abraham, chose David, chose his servant (1 King 11:34)? Did God not say:

"I choose the appointed time;
it is I who judge uprightly.
When the earth and all its people quake,
it is I who hold its pillars firm." (Ps. 75)

"Holy" means "separated or put aside for God". It means not following your own will, but God's will. The two cannot be the same - it goes against the defintion of holiness.

M*W: It's not God's choice, it is our choice. We are the ones who decide where God dwells.
Do you even realize what you are saying? What is God then, just a puppet of our wills? Aren't you doing exactly what the Prophets warned about, saying "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High." (Isaiah 14). The outcome of such thinking is nothing other than spiritual death (Is. 14:15).

M*W: First, I don't believe the Earth will ever be destroyed. It may change as we know it, but it will never pass away. That's God's promise. God will always be positive energy, and that will never go away. Everyone can "enter" into God's presence. It's their choice. God doesn't discriminate at all. People are in control if they choose to be filled with positive energy, no energy, or negative energy. God leaves it up to the container (the ARK) the individual to carry the degree of energy the individual wants. It's not a judgmental thing. Only humans judge. God does not judge.
Everything that is material is temporary and decays. That includes our bodies and the earth, even the universe itself. Only spiritual things can ever be immortal. You call it "positive energy", but don't you think "negative energy" is just as immortal? You have defined heaven and hell right there. And there is no doubt God will judge between the two.

Ezekiel 18:30
"Therefore, O house of Israel, I will judge you, each one according to his ways, declares the Sovereign LORD. Repent! Turn away from all your offenses; then sin will not be your downfall.

If there ever does come a time when the Earth doesn't exist anymore, that wouldn't be a problem. The One Spirit of God that is within the human race and all creation would just simply exist as the One Spirit of God. This energy wouldn't die. It never dies. There may be a time while we are living totally in the spirit--no wars, no matter, no need for food, clothing, nothingness, only pure positive energy. I can see that happening, but we would still exist, only without the need of an Earthsuit. This would be the ideal.
So we will all continue not just as gods, but "as God"? The energy might not die, but it might not be God either. It might just be you, as it always was, and then where will you be?

If everything that remains to exist after everything that can be destroyed is destroyed, is us, then what is left to define "God"? Do you see how you will have replaced Him then? You make no distinction between us and God, and that is the greatest lie ever believed.
Originally posted by Jenyar
I have the answer for you:

John 21
Jesus said, "... I tell you the truth, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go." 19Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God.

My guess is that all of the martyrs ended up in evil places like the one you mention because people with evil intentions took them there.

Everything you've mentioned depend on your surroundings, and they are wholly unbiblical. There is a discrepancy because most of what you heard is anecdotal (and you probably won't find them outside Catholic circles). You'll feel like that many places in the world where death and suffering was present. Have you been to Auswitz? Does the feeling you get there mean the Jews were all liars? No, and Jesus probably wanted no part in that either.

Oh, you don't see it that way... does that mean you are right? Was Jesus and all the Rabbi's wrong to believe God chose Abraham, chose David, chose his servant (1 King 11:34)? Did God not say:

"I choose the appointed time;
it is I who judge uprightly.
When the earth and all its people quake,
it is I who hold its pillars firm." (Ps. 75)

"Holy" means "separated or put aside for God". It means not following your own will, but God's will. The two cannot be the same - it goes against the defintion of holiness.

Do you even realize what you are saying? What is God then, just a puppet of our wills? Aren't you doing exactly what the Prophets warned about, saying "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High." (Isaiah 14). The outcome of such thinking is nothing other than spiritual death (Is. 14:15).

Everything that is material is temporary and decays. That includes our bodies and the earth, even the universe itself. Only spiritual things can ever be immortal. You call it "positive energy", but don't you think "negative energy" is just as immortal? You have defined heaven and hell right there. And there is no doubt God will judge between the two.

Ezekiel 18:30
"Therefore, O house of Israel, I will judge you, each one according to his ways, declares the Sovereign LORD. Repent! Turn away from all your offenses; then sin will not be your downfall.

So we will all continue not just as gods, but "as God"? The energy might not die, but it might not be God either. It might just be you, as it always was, and then where will you be?

If everything that remains to exist after everything that can be destroyed is destroyed, is us, then what is left to define "God"? Do you see how you will have replaced Him then? You make no distinction between us and God, and that is the greatest lie ever believed.

Why don't you just get on a xian forum and chat all you want to? You judge everything I say, yet you don't even try to understand what I'm saying. You're ignorant. Go ahead, believe your lies. They suit you well. Do not contact me again. I do not wish to waste my time with the likes of you. I will not change my beliefs for you or anyone. As far as I'm concerned, you're dead. This isn't a xian forum. Why do you keep trying to make it one? As a xian, you are an embarassment to your religion. You're also an embarassment to this forum. Why don't you just go and stick your Bible up your ass where it belongs?
Shame on you M*W!

I do not believe- or care for- a lot that is said, but there is no need to write like that. It serves no purpose. The person who answered you has as much right to answer you as do to you to answer others. Perhaps printing out a few pages of comments, and looking over them wouldl help you see this. If not, why not take a break.

They do differ quite a bit. Protestant sects are more filtered down to nothingness than is the Catholic Church. It's almost as if Protestants are afraid to make the same commitment as Catholics. In that, there are more Catholic possessions than xian.
Stop trying to create an artificial division.

It made me really think about why, if they were saints, would they be beheaded and crucified right here for their beliefs if their beliefs were true.
Didn't you say on other thread quite a while back that you didn't know how Paul died? I think your exaggerating your expierence a bit. Perhaps you should have spent sometime out of Rome. I think Paul was crucified outside of Rome because he was a roman citizen and Peter was crucified inside Rome. In fact, the tradition goes that Peter was excaping from Rome when he saw a vision of Jesus carying his cross.
Originally posted by P. M. Thorne
Shame on you M*W!

I do not believe- or care for- a lot that is said, but there is no need to write like that. It serves no purpose. The person who answered you has as much right to answer you as do to you to answer others. Perhaps printing out a few pages of comments, and looking over them wouldl help you see this. If not, why not take a break.

Mind your own business. I'll take a break when I feel like it. I don't care what you believe. You're responsible for your own decisions, and I'll be responsible for mine. As far as serving no purpose, what are you doing here?
