Sciforums religion survey 2014

What do you believe? (Select all that apply.)

  • I don't believe in God now, and I never did.

    Votes: 12 26.1%
  • I don't believe in God now, but I used to.

    Votes: 15 32.6%
  • I believe in God now, but in the past I did not.

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • I believe in God now, and always have.

    Votes: 5 10.9%
  • I have no opinion on God/do not wish to select one of the above options.

    Votes: 6 13.0%
  • I don't believe in God, but I believe there is a higher power, life force or similar.

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • I don't regard myself as religious, but I am a spiritual person.

    Votes: 7 15.2%
  • I believe that human beings have a soul or life force which remains after the death of the body.

    Votes: 5 10.9%
  • I believe in reincarnation.

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • I describe myself as a follower of a recognised religion.

    Votes: 3 6.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Your conclusion from those claimed quotes of evidence do not constitute evidence of aliens or other intelligences. All you have are potential mysterious that we haven't explained.

Again it is a logical fallacy, and the predominately apparent method to your religious thinking, to infer a fantasy solution to something that is unknown. This is how most religions began - when something could not be explained then something supernatural was invented to provide a highly desirable answer.

You do not have any evidence for your claims only imaginative fantasy propositions in the absence of actual evidence. This is the logical fallacy known as argument from ignorance.

Essentially, if we just talk without mentioning the super natural, then most of what I'm saying is natural. Earth is a mother of life as we know it.

The only facts we know concerning life as we know it, are that the earth is the only planet we know of that actually sustains life, and through evolution created intelligent life. This is all we know, the rest is speculation and conjecture.
When evidence is absent the correct conclusion is to state - "we do not know", and not create alternative propositions and assert them as truth. It is still healthy to explore imagine alternatives, just remember that they are just propositions to be explored.

I know.
You might think your posts inspire people to become atheistic, but in reality they are very informative and logical which inspires people to search for their own answers. You will get like minded people who cling on to every word you say, but I think that is the minority Cris.

Haha - well perhaps, and I think I read a compliment in there a little. For those who have doubts about their beliefs I have indeed managed to encourage a change of heart in some, certainly with my more objective posts rather than the sarcastic style. But you are correct that those who are locked to a particular belief, change in the short term from arguments here might be rare.

I think the world would be a much better place if everyone could think more clearly - something that should be taught in schools but is sadly lacking. Knowledge helps a great deal providing people are open to it, especially new knowledge.
There is a perspective here that I do not quite understand. Given that earth is just one planet among countless trillions, why should it be considered special just because we are on it? Isn't that simple arrogance?

Because it is special, I believe life should be celebrated. There could actually be quadrillions of planets, but there is no evidence of life anywhere. I do however think there is life, just not life that was created through cosmic evolution.

"Without nature what point would intelligence have? " I don't understand what that means. Intelligence simply evolved, it has no point other than it has strong survival traits, hence its current existence.

It means that you being part of life on this amazing and beautiful planet where we get the chance to lust, to swim, to climb, to drink a glass of fine wine and eat the finest of foods, to father/mother children, to give the possibility to love those children is all down to nature. Without nature humans might as well not exist. What is most important in your life Cris?

"What enjoyment would there be?" Life does not imply any particular benefits to individuals. Life can be cruel, harsh, fun, short, long, unpleasant, happy, and everything in-between. Life has no objective or purpose - it simply is, for good or bad.

How could you enjoy well being if you have not experienced horror. For every negative there is a postive.
I think the world would be a much better place if everyone could think more clearly - something that should be taught in schools but is sadly lacking. Knowledge helps a great deal providing people are open to it, especially new knowledge.

I agree. Society is in a stagnant state, your everyday Joe is simply treat like cattle by their leaders. Which is another subject.
Is that a justification for God allowin children to suffer horrors... an if so... what "well being" comes from children starvin to death.???

The onus is on us as a race to "heal the world" if you like, and we are doing a piss poor job of it, or should I say our leaders are.
UPG covers a very broad array of things. The most personal are often hard to describe in words. It's an ineffable feeling, most of the time. Sometimes there are visions or images, especially in a trance-like state. But usually it's a feeling while in a certain context or situation.
Other times, it's been literally conversing with a spirit or god.

How can these "spirits" be god? Surely they are simply spirits.

They're not physical beings. So the things you mention make no sense. They don't take up physical space, they don't require means to transport themselves across space, they don't "live" in a physical location like you and I do. They are not bound by the physical world.

Surely the entities you talk about, have the power to live within the physical realm as a human being, even if it just temporary?

Not in the sense you're probably meaning. Zeus rules over all the other gods, and can defy most restrictions that even the gods normally comply with. But even he can't fully escape fate or prophecy, or breach a sacred oath. No god is omnipotent.

So, do you believe in something higher than these spirits? Zeus etc...
How can these "spirits" be god? Surely they are simply spirits.
The things I was describing are gods. I don't understand your confusion.

Surely the entities you talk about, have the power to live within the physical realm as a human being, even if it just temporary?
Sure, they can. But it's unnecessary, and is not the default state. They don't require physicality to be effective.

So, do you believe in something higher than these spirits? Zeus etc...
Do you know anything at all about Greek mythology?
davewhite04 said:
How could you enjoy well being if you have not experienced horror.

cluelusshusbund said:
Is that a justification for God allowin children to suffer horrors... an if so... what "well being" comes from children starvin to death.???

The onus is on us as a race to "heal the world" if you like, and we are doing a piss poor job of it...

Does God bear no responsibility... eventho he knew beforehand that millions of children woud suffer unspeakable horror after he put his creation plan into action.???
The things I was describing are gods. I don't understand your confusion.

I'm not confused, I'm stuck for words. Do you believe in a god of war for example? Does each god have a specialty? Were they once human?

Sure, they can. But it's unnecessary, and is not the default state. They don't require physicality to be effective.

Okay, I might touch on this again later.

Do you know anything at all about Greek mythology?

I know a bit, about the legends etc. Is your belief solely focused on the Greek gods, or do you accept the possibility that there is also Egyptian gods for example? Also, are the Roman gods simply reflections of the Greek pantheon?
Does God bear no responsibility... eventho he knew beforehand that millions of children woud suffer unspeakable horror after he put his creation plan into action.???

Of course He does. What you have to remember is that God is the ultimate serial killer as well as the ultimate friend. If you don't want to know Him, then don't pursue Him. Us as beings have got rules, and WE break them all the flipping time.

Sometimes I wonder, why the hell does God bother with us.

EDIT: Removed potentially offensive word.
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No that does not follow. The two states are independent of each other. I do not need to experience darkness to value the benefit of light. The darkness would simply be an irritant if I needed light at that moment. Similarly I do not need to experience cancer to value being cancer free.

If darkness and cancer never existed it would not devalue the benefits of light and health.

King David at some stage explains what I'm trying to say much better, I just can't remember the verse, not that you'd be interested, no offense.

I, personally, have suffered a great deal in life, but it has only strengthened my faith in God, go figure...
The question wasn't is it possible or likely that there is life on other planets. It was that your most likely scenario for mica being transported to Teotihuacan was for aliens to have done it.

It is not possible for a bunch of glorified caveman to build the megalithic structures without some outside help.

Also, what was so special about "pyramid" structures? Did they get the idea from the Egyptians? Why didn't they simply build a square?

Consider just how hard it would be for us to transport a large quantity of mica to Mars. Consider that the nearest planet is over 4 light years away. You can't possible believe what you are saying if you are thinking about it in the least.

I don't understand why or what your saying here.
It is not possible for a bunch of glorified caveman to build the megalithic structures without some outside help.

Also, what was so special about "pyramid" structures? Did they get the idea from the Egyptians? Why didn't they simply build a square?

I don't understand why or what your saying here.
We are "aliens" from the viewpoint of someone living on Mars. Why would someone from another planet bring mica to this planet or have machinery large enough to transport it on this planet?

Regarding pyramids, you can see the advantages of such a construction if you wanted to build a tall structure.

They weren't "glorified cavemen".
We are "aliens" from the viewpoint of someone living on Mars. Why would someone from another planet bring mica to this planet or have machinery large enough to transport it on this planet?


Regarding pyramids, you can see the advantages of such a construction if you wanted to build a tall structure.

I do see the advantages, however I have difficulty accepting that 2 separate civilizations came up with the same idea. Maybe they shared the information, is there any evidence of that?

They weren't "glorified cavemen".

I know, maybe I am wrong to assume that these people did move stones through jungles and up hills.
I thought I'd post a poll to see what the religious mix looks like on sciforums right now. Please select all applicable responses, above.

Apparently I'm an apatheist. Since an informal slot or description like "Zzzzzzzzz..." isn't available.

[X] "I have no opinion on God/do not wish to select one of the above options."