Sciforums NICKNAMES!!!!!ONE


Careers and Hobbies
Bank manager Judge
Diplomat Head of state

Reading Debating
Chess Philosophy

Famous Owls
Nelson Mandela, Oprah Winfrey, Abraham Lincoln.

(jupiter sized question mark)

Wait....WAIT!! Is someone else being wacky? Whoooo!
Genera and species: Cygnus Atratus
Collective Term: A ballet of swans

Throughout the ages, swans have been venerated for their elegant grace and gentle beauty. So it's little surprise that these personalities attract such admiration as they sail serenely through life. The swan's noble reputation is its greatest asset and it takes care to cultivate its image by always appearing calm in public. But things are very different just below the surface, for fueling the swan's elegant glide, is a high-energy paddling that consumes most of its emotional energy. While it's common for a bird personality to exhibit this kind of emotional volatility, it is particularly noticeable in the swan when contrasted with its tranquil exterior. Princess Diana was a swan, displaying both its grace and flighty characteristics.

Appearance is important to the swan who enjoys the finer things in life and it spares no expense in pampering itself. It would be a mistake to simply dismiss it as a fragile beauty though; for it is a well traveled, worldly bird who has seen the best and worst of the human condition. Its experiences have made it a well-rounded and worldly individual who can adapt to almost any career. It has no problem with taking direction from a boss and is always prepared to accept input from others.

Its career is well integrated into its life and it strives to find balance in its career and family life. Because swan personalities are often gangly and awkward as children, they have substantial experience in dealing with difficult people and are well equipped to handle conflicts in the workplace.

The swan swain is monogamous and mates for life. It brings an air of sophistication to its relationships and considers itself to be a connoisseur of sex -- willing to try anything at least once, provided it's in realm of good taste. These birds enjoy being pampered, and are willing to spoil their mates in return. If there is a weakness to its otherwise unflappable personality, it is in condoning its mate's boorish behavior, which is not always in the swan's best interests.

Careers and Hobbies
Therapist                                Doctor
Personnel Manager              Dancer
Actor                                      Writer

Music                                     Ballet
Quiet vacations                     Social causes

Famous Swans
Princess Diana, Celine Dion, Nuryev, Grace Kelly, Winona Ryder.

Well, I was a swan, didn't find any picture code though...:)
Interestingly enough, i used to play in this play-by-mail gladiators / arena game (Duelmasters), and the name i gave my stable of warriors was Shrikeforce X.
WQ=o are you!

<img src=""><br><a href="">Which Angelina Are You?</a>

This kinda reminds me of the old eight ball prophesies where one would ask a question, shake the eight ball, and then get a RESPONSE,,,,,
leave my nickname alone:p

i think its a cool nickname:D

asuming star ment it to be pronounced "As ie" rather than "Ass ie":p
The animal in me is..
An Owl, Sable, or possibly A Bison.
So I guess I'm A "Sabowlson"!:D

But you guys & girls can call me anything you want.
It's like a zoo in here! :D

Wildcat+Rooster+Sea Lion=Wildoostealion! or Wilroosealion!

<img src=>
<a href=>Meooooowwrrr!!!</a>
Nicknames for Adam are poohead, stinky bum, meanie boy, old man, grump, fart breath, snot face...the list is quite endless
But he knows I love him :p
i've chosen the uncool path of a harrykarry and to make matters worse i can't figure out how to get my thingy picture icony thing to post with my name and i will be forever junior because i can't figure how to change that either.

my friends call me budda because i used to have a ponch when i was little and it just stuck but i'm exploring the unpopular harrykarry because it allows me to be the class loser. i demand to be the class loser as i hurt a few people with my cool cockiness so now i'm applying self-torture.

(no animals were killed in the changing of my nickname...)

i thought it was five.

In answer to your questions,


The "title" junior is post driven. At around 30 posts you will become a member. At around 100 posts you will become a senior member. Only after a set amount of time and posts will you be able to change your title. You could keep trying until the option becomes available. You should find that option in control panel at the top of the screen.