Sciforums' Medieval Total War battles

After years in science I have come to the conclusion that there are more benefits to faking data in science than not.

Moreover, doing a solid study on a topic where you double check your data will get your nowhere, except out of science.

Shame I can't make myself to fake data or publish shit data. I would then be a class A scientist. Like the rest of the immoral fuckers.

yes. I currently a bit fed up with the politics of science.

Faking science is a great way to lose one's Ph.D.
Faking science is a great way to lose one's Ph.D.

No, it isn't. How many people lose their PhD each year because of faking data? About zero? How many people get high impact publications each year because of faking data and hence further their career? thousands.
Geez, testy. I only ask because my wife's Native American, which is a different model altogether, and I have no idea when the knife's coming. She's an accountant, which makes it harder of course, since accountants have no heart anyway and only love money.