Sciforums Fleet

"Just what the hell is he?" Audrey thought as Rico kept his stride all the way to the top without missing a stride and as if she wasn't there and the steadiness of his running was amazing, it was smooth, soft and efficient. She knew he was a Royal Executioner, and read his records, but she thought either he had it easy or they made a mistake somewhere. She had no doubts he was elite, but she couldn't fathom just how good they are. She have seen Royal Executioners before, but nothing like Rico and his wing. It's impossible for anyone, let alone teenagers to do what her sources said they could do, especially Rico, the ease and confidence of which he carried her up the mountain was scary, it sent a chill down her spine.

Rico lowered her and said,

"Here we are, you okay?"

"Yeah..." she responded, snapping back to reality.

Rico searched his body and pilled up a small pile of electronics,

"If you have any electronic devises, just throw it in that pile,"
Did you remember the doctor my guy had a thing for way back in the story? Yeah, shes gonna pop up and rescue my guy and Audrey and take us to a Red Cross camp on the planet, and your guy have to find us (should be pretty easy) and Audrey will do a lot of explaining.

Unless you got something else planned in mined and want me to incorporate it :D
"Sutori!" A voice calling out,

Sutori whipped around to see the captain with a gun. He evaporated and reappeared behind her, he punched her in the kidney and gingerly took the gun away.

Gasping she coughed "Why did you betray us?"

Sutori bent down straight into her face, eyes filled with menace he said "Because you betrayed me." And with that he disappeared again.


Reappearing in the control center Sutori caught Isaac, the helmsmen offguard, "Sutori!" Isaac said trying to find his pistol, in another second Sutori plunged a needle into his chest, Isaac collapsed in his chair, knocked out.

Sutori sealed the bulkheads across the entire ship and ripped apart that particular console to keep anyone from messing with it.

A voice came over the intercom, it was Kim's

"Im sorry Sutori, just leave, for the love of G-d just leave." the voice said

He could feel fear, but he wanted them to live, they may hate him, despise him, and eventually destroy him. But he still loved them and what they stood for.

It felt like tearing his heart out every time he beat one of them to a pulp. Sutori got underneath the primary data console and started pocketing as many data drives as he could, indiscriminately taking away the memory banks of the ship.

"I'm warning you Sutori, leave!" This time it was Kent yelling

With the bulkheads sealed there was no way for them to get at him, or so he thought. He heard a door hiss open, jumping up the wind was knocked out of him as a plasma beam erupted across his chest, burning the armor and his skin.

Pain lancing through his vision a cool figure loomed over him with a gun pointed at his face. "We warned you, now you have to die." Kent said
OOC: Sure, but what are her powers are stuff?

In Game:

Rico sat down beside a rock, using it as a table he started taking apart everything for valuable parts to use.

"What are you doing?" Audrey inquired looking at Rico who was concentrated on the task.

"Building ourselves a all-frequency transmitter to get us out of here," Rico surgically took apart the pieces with precision and controlled force.

"You can do that?" she asked surprised,

"Yeah, it's not that hard really if you have the right pieces and know how transmitters work, and plus all we have to send is S.O.S. signals, which is pretty basic," Rico carefully took a looked like a purple wire from Audrey's datapad, "Bingo!" a smile light up on Rico's face.
OOC: Sure, but what are her powers are stuff?

In Game:

Rico sat down beside a rock, using it as a table he started taking apart everything for valuable parts to use.

"What are you doing?" Audrey inquired looking at Rico who was concentrated on the task.

"Building ourselves a all-frequency transmitter to get us out of here," Rico surgically took apart the pieces with precision and controlled force.

"You can do that?" she asked surprised,

"Yeah, it's not that hard really if you have the right pieces and know how transmitters work, and plus all we have to send is S.O.S. signals, which is pretty basic," Rico carefully took a looked like a purple wire from Audrey's datapad, "Bingo!" a smile light up on Rico's face.

OOC: It's not quite like geass, they all are able to phase, its that each one is subtly different, she is able to evaporate and stay phased out for a period of time while the others have to reappear in real space shortly after they phase out.

Five continued to watch them,

Looks like he's building something, never was good with electronics but I'd have to guess that's a transmitter.

She saw a dark figure clad in robes a distance from her, then another, spies. For who she didn't care, you don't spy on Sa'kage business.

She evaporated from the trees and reappeared behind one, drawing a knife she slashed his throat and then threw the knife into the other one, killing them both. They both hit the ground hard enough to make noise, and now her targets knew something was up.
OUT OF GAME: I've got an idea now. I'll put the whole Aggressor/Omega/Tiberius thing on the shelf, i've got an idea for a new character who's an ex-military officer turned bounty hunter.

In Game: It was slightly drizzling upon the pavement. I was told to report to the capitol city, with caution. My country(Ustorok) had lost to the alien scum and were now in the process of hammering out the terms of surrender. Being that i'm the Captain of our last remaining battleship, my presence was requested.

"Good to see you Captain Ridel."

"Sorry sight this is Tom. Never thought we'd fall prey to this."

"Yeah well, our allies weren't trust-worthy and our enemies, well... you know."

"Yeah... Well, let's get this crap overwith. I've got a feeling happy hour is gonna be full of politicians and soldiers today."
OUT OF GAME: I've got an idea now. I'll put the whole Aggressor/Omega/Tiberius thing on the shelf, i've got an idea for a new character who's an ex-military officer turned bounty hunter.

In Game: It was slightly drizzling upon the pavement. I was told to report to the capitol city, with caution. My country(Ustorok) had lost to the alien scum and were now in the process of hammering out the terms of surrender. Being that i'm the Captain of our last remaining battleship, my presence was requested.

"Good to see you Captain Ridel."

"Sorry sight this is Tom. Never thought we'd fall prey to this."

"Yeah well, our allies weren't trust-worthy and our enemies, well... you know."

"Yeah... Well, let's get this crap overwith. I've got a feeling happy hour is gonna be full of politicians and soldiers today."

Who are you gonna hunt?
Rico drew his pistol and shot three times at the source of noise at lightning speeds. He then stared at his hands when he consciously realized what he just did, his quick draw was lightning fast, with perfectly efficient form and accuracy. He didn't even think, he just reacted. He thought to himself, "where the hell did I learn how to do this?", but no matter, there is another time for that, right now is not it. There will be plenty of time left to think later, recently, which is after he was heavily wounded in combat right before his graduation he have had flashes of brilliance, unbelievable skills, and unreal instincts and he has no clue where he received such training. He cleared his mind and ran to his target...

Audrey froze..."could it be?" she thought to herself. She have seen the same quick draw before, it was used by one of the psychic spooks sent to protect her during the war with Earth. Could Rico be a psychic?


"We're here!" Cera said as they walked out of the terminal of the spaceport. Herself, Cecilia, Minamoto and Shin finally arrived at Tarsonis, the capital of the Black Hole Empire. They split up into twelve teams of 4, all of them personal friends of Shogun who volunteered to search for him. The Vichi Empire also pledged their existing intelligence network to assist them whenever they request it, money, safe houses, transportation, corrupt government officials, or whatever they needed and they had. After all, Shogun was a prince. They will find him, she swore to herself, now the real search begins.

OOC: I got bored so I went back and read what we did back then and got some of the terms and names we used back then to be consistent :D BTW, some of Rico's "hidden powers" are from his days before the memory wipe and some are just installed by the psychic guys that kidnapped him.

P.S. Dude, try skimming what we did back then, it is pretty interesting looking at it from a new perspective :D
Rico drew his pistol and shot three times at the source of noise at lightning speeds. He then stared at his hands when he consciously realized what he just did, his quick draw was lightning fast, with perfectly efficient form and accuracy. He didn't even think, he just reacted. He thought to himself, "where the hell did I learn how to do this?", but no matter, there is another time for that, right now is not it. There will be plenty of time left to think later, recently, which is after he was heavily wounded in combat right before his graduation he have had flashes of brilliance, unbelievable skills, and unreal instincts and he has no clue where he received such training. He cleared his mind and ran to his target...

Audrey froze..."could it be?" she thought to herself. She have seen the same quick draw before, it was used by one of the psychic spooks sent to protect her during the war with Earth. Could Rico be a psychic?


"We're here!" Cera said as they walked out of the terminal of the spaceport. Herself, Cecilia, Minamoto and Shin finally arrived at Tarsonis, the capital of the Black Hole Empire. They split up into twelve teams of 4, all of them personal friends of Shogun who volunteered to search for him. The Vichi Empire also pledged their existing intelligence network to assist them whenever they request it, money, safe houses, transportation, corrupt government officials, or whatever they needed and they had. After all, Shogun was a prince. They will find him, she swore to herself, now the real search begins.

OOC: I got bored so I went back and read what we did back then and got some of the terms and names we used back then to be consistent :D BTW, some of Rico's "hidden powers" are from his days before the memory wipe and some are just installed by the psychic guys that kidnapped him.

P.S. Dude, try skimming what we did back then, it is pretty interesting looking at it from a new perspective :D

OOC: I use microsoft one note to try and keep up with it.

"Kent, how nice to see you. More to the point." Sutori was saying,

he twisted around grabbed the barrel of the gun and kicked Kent right off of it. He twisted the gun around.

Kent got up and just looked at him in the eye.

"Oh come on." Sutori said he pulled out the mag "It's not even loaded!"

"Well I figured you might take it." Kent said

Sutori threw it quickly as he realized it was rigged, the gun reached a corner and disintegrated in orange sparks.

"It's like you don't know me at all." Sutori said bowing

"Cut the crap Sutori, besides, this one is." Kent drew out a pistol, Sutori evaporated into thin air, reappearing behind him, twisting one arm around Kents back he swept him off his feet and elbowed him into the ground.

Sutori evaporated out of the room. Reappearing in the storage room he found what he was looking for, a jump pack, chute and all.

He stepped into the air lock and sealed it, putting on his helmet he heard a cry.

"Sutori stop!" Kim said, red eyed, she was on the ship side of the airlock.

"Kim, how did you get here?" Sutori asked

"I figured you out, you hitched a ride on Adder's machine when you collided with it, pity without Retribution your just a pathetic man." she said

"I intend to get it back, in the meantime, this pathetic soldier just got this." Sutori said waving a dark blue transceiver at her.

"No way! Give that back!" she said "How do you even know that exists?"

"Because I'm friggin brilliant." Sutori said sarcastically, he punched the emergency release and the airlock vented him out into space. Clear of the ship he pulled out a detonator and blew up the engines with a pair of explosives he had 'requisitioned earlier'

Turning down he made his dive back into the planet.
"Dead bodies" Rico thought to himself, he saw the wounds on the bodies, they suffered massive blood loss and both were killed instantly.

He went through the jackets of the victims, there was nothing. Judging from the impact and the trail of blood, they were hiding in the trees. He sensed footsteps coming closer and closer, he pretended he didn't notice them until they were right behind him. He swiped whoever it was behind him off their feet, he then lunged for his stalker's neck...he stopped. Audrey shielding her head with her arms.

"Damn, why didn't call out my name first?"
"Dead bodies" Rico thought to himself, he saw the wounds on the bodies, they suffered massive blood loss and both were killed instantly.

He went through the jackets of the victims, there was nothing. Judging from the impact and the trail of blood, they were hiding in the trees. He sensed footsteps coming closer and closer, he pretended he didn't notice them until they were right behind him. He swiped whoever it was behind him off their feet, he then lunged for his stalker's neck...he stopped. Audrey shielding her head with her arms.

"Damn, why didn't call out my name first?"

Okay, slightly confused, who said that last line? Was it five or someone else?
That was my guy to Audrey :D

I think I'm missing something subtle, what am I missing? Why is your character saying that? What's the significance?

And how should five get involved best? I figured your guy would figure her out.
Who are you gonna hunt?

OOG: No clue yet...

In: "These precedings are being held to discuss your nation's surrender. Your government? Absolved. Military? Disbanded. And your planet? It will be integrated into our empire. Any questions?"

Every face in the room was blank. The carelessness of the alien's speech made it al feel weird.

The President spoke, "What of rights? Freedoms? Liberties?"

"We shall inform you when we integrate you. Anything else?"

"May I make one last announcement to my people; while they still are?"

"But ofcourse. It eases the transition. Now if you'll excuse me, I must work on my putting. Sign the surrender, and we'll be through."

Everyone was silent. The President seemed to wanna hit the alien representative square in the... well... what we guessed was his nose.

Ridel turned to Tom. "This is it? I thought there was usually more precedure to this."

"Times have changed Captain", Tom said.

Ridel looked at him with an immense seriousness. "I'm not a Captain anymore."
I think I'm missing something subtle, what am I missing? Why is your character saying that? What's the significance?

And how should five get involved best? I figured your guy would figure her out.

Audrey accidentally snuck up on my guy and he overreacted. You decide how to get her involved :D My guy still doesn't know who it was.
Audrey accidentally snuck up on my guy and he overreacted. You decide how to get her involved :D My guy still doesn't know who it was.

Five sees another spy close to the group she was watching, disappearing she emerged right behind him, snapping his neck, the guy shouted for an instant.


She looked up and saw that Audrey and Rico had seen her, she evaporated away, but the damage was done.
"Down!" Rico shouted, rising his pistol and aimed at where she was. Holy shit, he thought to himself. He then calmed himself and focus.