sciforums attacks psuedoscience endlessly

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waiting for something
Registered Senior Member
sciforums HATES psuedoscience, and they do not let any decent conversation happen here. all we get when we attempt to bring awareness is bashing and then our threads become closed, moved, or deleted.

im starting to think this forum is controlled... very controlled.

phlog- you devil worshipper i dont give a shit what you say anymore.
Maybe they just have a keen appreciation of the truth. The highest form of desire for a paradigm shattering phenomenon can be manifest as intense skepticism.
Maybe they just have a keen appreciation of the truth. The highest form of desire for a paradigm shattering phenomenon can be manifest as intense skepticism
This from a Zenish goatboy?
The kind of mind that would dissolve itself down to nothing talking about shattering phenomena?
That's like saying you'd like to stab through flesh with a noodle.

sciforums HATES psuedoscience, and they do not let any decent conversation happen here.
Because, my simple little moron, you've epitomized the oxymoron by using
'decent' and 'conversation' and 'pseudoscience' in the same sentence.

That said- nice handle.
This from a Zenish goatboy?
My name's not Giles.
The kind of mind that would dissolve itself down to nothing talking about shattering phenomena?
The Zen experience is what I would call a paradigm-shattering phenomenon, so much so that ordinary language can't contain it. As far as the mind goes, all that disappears is the idea (repeated so often in so many ways that it becomes reality) that our thoughts are ourselves. The mind doesn't dissolve exactly, it's put in it's proper place. The Zenist's goal is to make Zen obsolete, because simply adopting a Zen-style philosophy is not the object of persuing Zen. The endpoint comes and reveals our own foolishness in seeking something already at hand. In a way, the pursuit of Zen is foolish, as you are no doubt all too willing to point out, like a fish trying to find water while surrounded by it, because to seek it is to move away from it.

When Houdini went around debunking psychics, it wasn't because he didn't believe such things were possible, he was trying to discover true psychics and mediums, and reveal the fakes.

Really, how many of your threads have been closed, moved or deleted?

By "bashing" do you mean people asking for evidence of your fantastic claims?
i yah i know antisipatience why do you hate sciforums so much... i find it the most open minded forum i have ever found!
You obviously don't like this website. Either join another sciforum, or make a better one. In the mean time, quit yer bitchin'.
Yeah, most of this 'bashing' comes in the form of asking for scientific support.

You'd think this place was called SCIforums or something.
Well I've only closed the Titor thread, because the thread just keeps getting recreated and recreated to spread the word of Titor, it's funny how the name 'Titor' was used, sounds like someone is just doing it for a laugh *Titter*.

Originally a reply to this thread didn't occur, but I basically pointed out that firstly the complaint is on the form of a "Blog" if you want to generate personal posts on anything that ails you, start a blog on a website (get a website to put a blog on).

Forums are meant not just for 'Discussion' but 'Debate' upon topics.
The original use of Forums from Ancient Greece was to fill a public Auditorium with not just people that listen to the content of the topic, but also who could "Add" to the overall topic.

To search for the axiom of truth through Philosophical means meant to describe the logical path that drew the conclusion you had, and then for the peers that are listen to decide whether your logic is sound(proven) or not.

In fact the very fundementals of Philosophy was to understand that their is "No singular perception to a theory", the idea being that you have to balance up all the angles to generate an "Overall" preposed ascerted answer to a question.

Currently the idea of a forum in Pseudoscience is for a person to raise a topic and then perhaps write how they perceive the answer to be. They should try to explain the logic within their reasoning, afterall if there is no logical progression to an answer, the answer will lack logic for support.

I have attempted to suggest to people to try and adopt the Philosophy mannerism of not asking for evidence but to either draw up a logical arguement "for" or "against" a persons subject, so that their "Logic" could potentially aid in the conclusion of other people that study the subject matter.

However the majority of posters here only post as a hobby and aren't looking towards professional debates.

In conclusion, if you can't stand someones responses just ignore them, if they aren't getting responses from you they will either think that you've acknowledge what they wrote or realise that you aren't responding, either way it means that to the most part they stop posting.
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Did you hear that anti? Stryder is really working for the goverment and trying to make you look stupid. Read between the lines. Fight the man!

You'll succeed in getting yourself banned one day, wether these info control agents like it or not. Power to you!
Trust Fiery. She is actually an alien with knowledge of teh galactic senate. Her word is golden throughout half the galaxy.
That's right, sci-forums "hates" pseudoscience - any day now the admins are going to turn around and realise that they've accidentally somehow created an entire forum where pseudoscience claims can be discussed.

Those of us of a scientific and (let's be frank) anti-pseudoscience turn of mind come in here to try to educate and to train those who have been misled, train them in the proper techniques of skepticism. People anxious to hang on to their nonsensical views can feel a little slighted, particularly by words like "nonsensical".

BTW, I just bought Nicholas Humphrey's Soul Searching: Human Nature and Supernatural Belief which tries to provide an explanation for humanity's need for the supernatural world, and quite early on he points out that people with such beliefs (not restricted to religion, but also to people who believe in telepathy and psychic powers etc) are by and large less likely to suffer from mental disorders than we on the rational side! It's a hard row to hoe....
people who believe in telepathy and psychic powers etc) are by and large less likely to suffer from mental disorders
So basically one mental disorder sheilds them from the rest? Interesting.
antisipatience said:
phlog- you devil worshipper i dont give a shit what you say anymore.

I'm an atheist, so don't believe in the Devil either, sorry kid.

So you're going to ignore me because I ask you questions about your claims?

You admit defeat then? That there is no proof, or reputable source for any of your conspiracy theories, just a bunch of crank web sites?

Before you claim otherwise, btw, you'd better answer ALL my refutations on the 'In Plane Site' thread first, with evidence, of course.
Originally Posted by antisipatience

"im starting to think this forum is controlled... very controlled."

No Kidding? Thats why I haven't posted here in Months... Its like covering the ears and Humming.. Very childish when one fears the truth so much!
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