Sciforum Members - What do we believe?

I believe that if the truth were to be known, it would be far stranger, far more beautiful than anyone could imagine. It would be like a roundworm being shown advanced mathematics in such a way that it could know that advanced mathematics existed.
Hi Sciforums - I was wondering what Sciform Member's have for beliefs, or lack thereof - what do we all believe? I know there are some interesting sub-sects of Islam and also some pantheists and maybe some UFOologists?

As for me, I'm atheist.

(one could say agnostic atheist but atheist all the same)
...But what do I believe (to be The God), well, TIME ( ;)LG ) will tell since I havent found out it yet, or maybe I have but I didnt recognize it then, but right now I´m thinking God Is.
If you have think about God even once in your life time, then The God has been/is in you/in your mind and therefore exist. :D What The God is, is up to you then ;)
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What's a 5%er?
your guess is a good as mine.
The main sect and sub sects of islam: Sunnis: (hanafi,( barelwi, deobandi)hanbali, maliki, shafi'l). Shi'ites, (Twelvers, Usooli, Alevi, Ismailiyah, Nizari, Bohras, Dawoodi Bohras, Sulamaini Bohras, Alavi Bohras, Zaiddiyah.) Sufis:( Bektashi, Chishti, Naqshbandi, Oveyssi, Qadiri, Suhrawardiyya.
)Kahrijites: ( Ibadi, Sufri.).Salafism Wahhabis, Ismailis, Zaidis, Fatimids, Nizari, Alawis, Druze, Baha'i, Zikri, Ahmadiyya.
there are subsub, and even subsubsub sect etc...
he could mean one of the subsubsub sects but then that would makes kadark's claim moot.

and in answer to the OP, a once born rational. (when it's done right, it only need be done once.)
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I am an atheist. I am also an amermaidist, aghostist, avampirist and awerewolfist among other things. I don't play golf either.

Isn't it peculiar... you ask what a person is, the atheist seemingly has little choice but to tell you what he isn't.
Isn't it peculiar... you ask what a person is, the atheist seemingly has little choice but to tell you what he isn't.
Actually you are as free to list your beliefs as any one else. Assuming you have some beliefs and are not a complete skeptic. You could list those.
I believe in Huey ( god of waves, weather, and fish).

Also believe in playing the fool with kids, in undermining self-righteous, self proclaimed authoritarian figures.
Believe in making the most of the mortal coil existence we're fronted with.
Believe in amking light of heavy situations, having fun, laughing a lot..shit like that.

Ahh... with an atheist bent of course.
Hi Sciforums - I was wondering what Sciforum Member's have for beliefs, or lack thereof - what do we all believe?
Solitary-practising Wiccan, theologically leaning towards agnostic atheism or pantheism, but I see no conflict between those necessarily. I am also a Kentuckian patriot-autonomist, and I believe Kentucky's contributions to the US's history and progress merit Kentucky being granted further autonomy.

I believe in the sanctity of all the universe, both chaos and order, life and death, humanity and nature.
I believe that sin is nonexistent, and that morality is based on one's actions and the effects towards society, and therefore a saviour in unnecessary.
I believe in a universal, physical force of balance, and that one's actions are reciprocated in one way or another, with an equal reaction.
I believe in a universal force of energy, generated and maintained by all living beings, interpreted by some belief systems as a "spirit", which can be manipulated for purposeful use by one's will.
I believe in the interconnectedness of all living and non-living things, as part of a greater ecosystem, which humans, with our advanced and complex minds, have a duty to steward responsibly.
I believe in tolerance and acceptance of and for all humankind, so as to foster a more united and stronger species to steward our universe.
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Hi Sciforums - I was wondering what Sciform Member's have for beliefs, or lack thereof - what do we all believe? I know there are some interesting sub-sects of Islam and also some pantheists and maybe some UFOologists?

As for me, I'm atheist.

(one could say agnostic atheist but atheist all the same)

Muslim, Sunni, Shafi'i.