Sciforum Members - What do we believe?


Valued Senior Member
Hi Sciforums - I was wondering what Sciform Member's have for beliefs, or lack thereof - what do we all believe? I know there are some interesting sub-sects of Islam and also some pantheists and maybe some UFOologists?

As for me, I'm atheist.

(one could say agnostic atheist but atheist all the same)
I'm a skeptic with a lifestyle of rational self interest.
You would be in a minority in India, wouldn't you? I admit my knowledge of Indian demographics is poor. :p

11.4% of Muslims in India yes. But second largest Muslim population after Indonesia (140 million).:eek:

edit: oops looks like numbers have changed

1 Indonesia 207,000,105 88.20%
2 Pakistan 159,799,666 97%
3 India 151,402,065 13.4%

Most Indians are Sunni Hanafis, with some Shias, like Bohra, Khojas (followers of Aga Khan) and Ismailias.

There may be others.:shrug:
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Being unaware of any credible evidence to support any of the worlds religions, I'm left with atheism.
I don't believe in different denominations for Islam. There should only be one interpretation.

As for me, I'm just Muslim (maybe a bit of a "five-percenter" as well, for those of you who know what that is).
ohh im into which ive always been into all my life is dark energy
and i guess there is education here in australia and involves traveling to usa also
is part of learning dark energy ahmm you know all that dark stuff
but dont mean im bad just means im different
we even got a school here in brisbane called all hallows eve its a high school for those certain different societies and we got very nice spooky primary schools if you would like to sent your kids to one of those
its all i grew up with dont know nothing else