
What was Ron Hubbard?

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Valued Senior Member
this is a public poll: How do our fellow Sciforum members view of Scientology?

Do we think that it's OK to openly critize Scientology? What if Ron Hubbard was the real Prophet? What if it is just a scam to make money? Do we openly discuss this or is that a line we can not step over? Was there really a Xenu or was it all an elaborate scam to milk millions from gullible people by a SciFi writer?
It is like a pyramid scheme. If you sign up early or can make it up to the top of the pyramid, it is good business, otherwise shite....
Ron was a writer of science fiction who made up a religion for the fun of it. Many fools thought it was for real and made it a reality.
LOL some people believe anything...
is it true that scientologists believe we evolved from clams?????

typed in evolved from clams and loads of tosh came up in reference to scientologist's belief......

are human beings the most gullible creatures in existence, are there any scientologist's on these forum's
"You don't make money writing science fiction. If I wanted to make money, I'd start a religion." -- L. Ron Hubbard
Ron was a writer of science fiction who made up a religion for the fun of it. Many fools thought it was for real and made it a reality.

I have spent thousand of pound on courses, so I know Scientology is the only bankruptcy
LOL some people believe anything...
is it true that scientologists believe we evolved from clams?????

typed in evolved from clams and loads of tosh came up in reference to scientologist's belief......

are human beings the most gullible creatures in existence, are there any scientologist's on these forum's

Many engrams, for example, could be traced back to clams. The clam's big problem was that there was a conflict between the hinge that wanted to open and the hinge that wanted to close. It was easy to restimulate the engram caused by the defeat of the weaker hinge, Hubbard pronounced, by asking a pre-clear to imagine a clam on a beach opening and closing its shell very rapidly and at the same time making an opening and closing motion with thumb and forefinger. This gesture, he said, would upset large numbers of people.

'By the way,' he warned, 'your discussion of these incidents with the uninitiated in Scientology can cause havoc. Should you describe the "clam" to some one [sic], you may restimulate it in him to the extent of causing severe jaw pain. Once such victim, after hearing about a clam death, could not use his jaws for three days.'

After which Ron, born of a virgin, apparently rode a winged flying creature through a split moon and "up" into heaven to take a peek.

I'm not sure if funny or scary or even just plain interesting - these superstitions people believe.

Everything you ever needed to know about this cult.

"Operation Clambake - Undressing the Church of Scientology since 1996"
- in respect and honour to all victims, and those who dare to stand up for them -

The woman who does the voice of Bart Simpson gave $10 million to Scientology. One of those things that causes you to lose faith in humanity.