Scientology is a con?

I was sure to include both quotes and be clear that I had altered it in the same post... but got it. I'll be sure to not do with with your posts in the future.;)
i love how many times people claim everyone else is obtuse, stupid etc etc. Are people willing to say, "we seem to be disagreeing on x y or z". Hey people, have you ever thought that it is possible that someone would think differently than you do and not be an idiot??? This place hasn't lost it's special charm in all the years i was gone.

I understand that someone might say, "go try it out" but i disagree that that is the most effective way to get information on a religion that operates as a secret society. In that case you would probably get more information by accessing testimony from people who were at the top, rather than joining in at the bottom.

Well, that's the kind of crap you get from certain posters whose pride is too great to let them admit that there are differing viewpoints than their own, or that they perhaps didn't come off well in their posts. SG and I agreed to disagree, but not before making sure the other knew where we were coming from. There was no malice or insults, but then someone has to come in and crap all over it.
Yeah, an extreme dislike. So where do you get off saying that my feelings towards the Patriots are not hateful?

i guess, in Freud's definition, it depends on whether you want to see the patriots disbanded or taken out of the league. If you merely want to see them embarrassed on the field, perhaps that isn't hate?
i guess, in Freud's definition, it depends on whether you want to see the patriots disbanded or taken out of the league. If you merely want to see them embarrassed on the field, perhaps that isn't hate?

I think it's more that the poster is question doesn't understand sports fandom.
Well, that's the kind of crap you get from certain posters whose pride is too great to let them admit that there are differing viewpoints than their own, or that they perhaps didn't come off well in their posts. SG and I agreed to disagree, but not before making sure the other knew where we were coming from. There was no malice or insults, but then someone has to come in and crap all over it.

...Incriminating photos of the admin...

Pot, meet kettle.
Yeah, an extreme dislike. So where do you get off saying that my feelings towards the Patriots are not hateful?

I was assuming that you confused the two. In my opinion, actually hating a football team is rather sad.