Scientology is a con?


Valued Senior Member
Been wondering about this and would like some input from anyone who is in, or has been in this cult/religion if possible.

It has a very strong message, well it's "greatest knowledge" message. Basically it says that no matter what people do to you never stop loving, never fall foul to hatred as you will become insane with anger. Pretty simple in theory, but bloody hard in practice.

Thing is is that I agree with this, BUT...

It was said 2000 yrs ago by Jesus, almost to the T.

The rest of Scientology goes from spending alot of money to UFOs, to maybe helping the less unfortunate out(think Salvation Army).

Some new ideas sure, but all crap if you ask me.

I am a member of no Church, I just try to follow Jesus' example when I can, doesn't cost a penny and has real benefits.

So, are you guys getting value for money?
I feel that all religions are a con, especially the God ones. I hate all kinds of things, but have never gone insane.
Maybe your one of the righteous ones Jesus spoke of? The ones that didn't need to hear His message. I'm serious.

Does hate not drive you insane sometimes? Just curious...
Prolonged hate isn't normal.

Of course it is. All human emotion is normal. I've hated the New England Patriots for 25 years, and I get along just fine. Where emotion becomes dangerous is when it threatens to take control of your life in a negative way.

The whole "Love everybody always, never hate, etc" stuff is sappy, simplistic nonsense. It's unrealistic, and nobody could possibly live up to it. It's also unhealthy. Anger and other "negative' emotions have their place, too.
Maybe your one of the righteous ones Jesus spoke of? The ones that didn't need to hear His message. I'm serious.

I hope you're not serious, because that kind of talk can't be taken seriously. If Jesus existed, he was an end-times rabbi with grand delusions, nothing more. Everything in his teachings reflected the worldview that the end of the world was upon them. It was a "Hurry up and get in the boat!" kind of cult, and no one who expects to live longer than tomorrow should ever attempt to live by his tenets.

Does hate not drive you insane sometimes? Just curious...

Literally insane? No, of course not. And don't pretend you don't hate things, too. We all do. And it's perfectly okay to hate things.
Maybe your one of the righteous ones Jesus spoke of? The ones that didn't need to hear His message. I'm serious.

Does hate not drive you insane sometimes? Just curious...
I find Jesus' message to be idealistic rather than realistic. Have you given away all your wealth? Do you not save or care for the morrow as the lilies of the field? I doubt it. He says to love, but you cannot command yourself to love, that's why most Christians are divided against their own emotions, and that tension comes out as neurosis and violence. Being who you are doesn't cause neurosis, it's being what you are not and cannot be.
Of course it is. All human emotion is normal. I've hated the New England Patriots for 25 years, and I get along just fine. Where emotion becomes dangerous is when it threatens to take control of your life in a negative way.

The whole "Love everybody always, never hate, etc" stuff is sappy, simplistic nonsense. It's unrealistic, and nobody could possibly live up to it. It's also unhealthy. Anger and other "negative' emotions have their place, too.

I understand what you’re saying I do but, you and I have different views on hate. Personal definitions of hate get a little shady I think. I don’t imagine you hate the New England Patriots, the same way Hitler hated the Jewish. That’s the kind of prolonged hate I am talking about.
The whole "Love everybody always, never hate, etc" stuff is sappy, simplistic nonsense. It's unrealistic, and nobody could possibly live up to it. It's also unhealthy. Anger and other "negative' emotions have their place, too.

Well said.

Scientology is not any more of a crock than Mormonism, Christianity and Islam and so on. All of them are equally silly and absurd.

Scientology... heh heh heh. This one's the most fun. You're actually not allowed to know what your doctrine is, until you reach a certain level. And, of course, you have to pay to level up!
But once you finally do get high enough, they let you in on the Grand Secret of the Galaxy, the reason we are all here and our origins...
Dim the lights please...
I understand what you’re saying I do but, you and I have different views on hate. Personal definitions of hate get a little shady I think. I don’t imagine you hate the New England Patriots, the same way Hitler hated the Jewish. That’s the kind of prolonged hate I am talking about.

Ah, well. In that case, all I can say is that Hitler's "hatred" was a product of his instability, rather than the cause of it, and as such isn't relevant to anyone who might be able to take such advice on board. In other words, the whole concept of keeping hate out of your life isn't referring to the kind of hate you're talking about.
Scientology is not any more of a crock than Mormonism, Christianity and Islam and so on. All of them are equally silly and absurd.

In the sense that they're all untrue, yes. But is Scientology more of a con than those? I'd have to say yes. At least more than most of Christianity and Islam. Scientology really is just a modern analog of Mormonism, in that it was founded for the purpose of taking people's money. While there are kinds of Christianity--particularly in the Big Tent Revival circuit--that really are just big scams, I don't think it would be fair to say that the original intent of the faith was to swindling people, whereas that was precisely the motive for L. Ron Hubbard and Joseph Smith.
davewhite04 said:
Basically it says that no matter what people do to you never stop loving, never fall foul to hatred as you will become insane with anger.

Aside from the obvious influence of Buddhism, I have never read anything suggesting that this sort of extreme is central to their beliefs.

And what religion does not subsist on its parishioners? People pay as long as they think they are getting something of value, whether imagined or not.
Aside from the obvious influence of Buddhism, I have never read anything suggesting that this sort of extreme is central to their beliefs.

And what religion does not subsist on its parishioners? People pay as long as they think they are getting something of value, whether imagined or not.

Check out there official website and watch a few of the free videos to find out more.

If you have got experience I'd love to debate with you.
Go buy an e-meter. Why ask questions? Better to experience the Glory yourself.

If this is relevant can you explain it in English? Otherwise if you have nothing of substance to add to this thread then leave and create your own and ramble away to yourself.
If this is relevant can you explain it in English? Otherwise if you have nothing of substance to add to this thread then leave and create your own and ramble away to yourself.

I think it was pretty clear, he was suggesting that you join Scientology and find out first hand what it is. I have a better understanding of Islam because I practiced it. I have a better understanding of Christianity because I practiced it. I don't know squat about Judaism because I didn't practice it. I have studied many religions however, but until you submerse yourself in one and actually practice it, you can never really have any grasp of what it is about.
If this is relevant can you explain it in English? Otherwise if you have nothing of substance to add to this thread then leave and create your own and ramble away to yourself.

That was in English. Perhaps it is not your first language.

It means, if you want us to watch Scientology Free Videos on their website, you can piss off.

It means, if you are so fascinated with it, go buy an e-meter and find out if you're being conned. If you believe it is not a con- great, I can sit back and laugh while I watch a fool and his money parted.
If you believe it is a con, you'll be out the money you spent finding out and I can still laugh.

And if you don't like it, feel free to come up with some witty retort. It won't inspire me to "leave you alone," however, so you may just want to save it.