Scientologist Levels Charge of "Pseudoscience"

Why is everyone ragging on Cruise because he's a Scientologist? Sure, what he believes is a load of stink, but so is any religion! If Cruise was a Christian, would people bring his faith into it? If anyone has ever read revelations, it's trippy shit, and Christians are supposed to believe that crap! (or excuse it and apologise for it at least)

Same goes for any other religion, they all have fantastic claims, equally as fantastic, unbelievable, untestable, and unproveable as Scientology!
Mystech said:
Haha good link, SkinWalker, I love how scientologists insist that Electroshock therapy is still going on to this day.

Actually Electroshock therapy can still be called upon if medication doesn't work. I know of this from a guy that had gone through a whole list of psychiatric drugs to try and remove his "demons", personally I thought the drugs they were giving him were more than likely to make the "demons" he suggested he suffered from.

I don't know it they ever actually used it upon him, but that was where his treatment was going to lead.

On another note, ALL these belief systems and religions look for ways to make themselves look more credible. This usually means finding people to bring into their ways of life that has public support, opinion or just being famous.

Cruise might be the one they talk about for Scientology but there were others too, like one of the Beach Boys fell in with the Manson Family for a duration, I believe even Princess Grace (Who died in Monte Carlo from a car crash in 1982) was allegedly involved with a secret society in the south of France.

If you ever get famous, just remember that opening that Shopping Mall as a publicity stunt might be funded by the Raeliens etc.
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Mystech said:
You don't seem to know very much about Scientology. Scientology was started by Sci-Fi author L. Ron Hubbard (some say as a bet with Robert Heinlen to see which of them could start a legitimate cult with their writings -
I hear they use the precursor to the lie-detector, an instrument called the galvanometer, that measures electrical impulses in the skin

but they say it "clears" you, not exactly what it was intended for :D
grazzhoppa said:
what Tom Cruise said, "there is no chemical imbalance," about mental health and current medications is not entirely off base.
and gave me about 2 months worth of "trial" pills and a prescription for Zoloft that same visit. Too easily obtainable? Yes
my problem with the psych branches of science, is that if they really worked, it would cure people in less time than currently, it would be permanent, and you wouldn't need gobbs of meds for the rest of your life (sort of like if you had to take the HIV/AIDS pill cocktail), cases in point;
Woody Allen (neurotic)
pedophiles (erotic)
Rush Limbaugh (psychotic)
phlogistician said:
I only saw part of the interview, but from what I saw, cruise didn't seem too crazy.

I for one, am confused as to why suddenly so many kids are diagnosed with ADD. Is it contagious? Is there a known cause? Why suddenly now? Surely, ADD is a product of modern living, too much stimulation of infants/young children by TV etc, and recent changes in dietary habits? We don't need to medicate the symptoms away, and kid ourselves we've solved the problem. What we need to do is look into the causes of this phenomenon, and change the way we raise kids. Our brains don't evolve fast enough for this problem to exist there. Our environment has changed fast enough to throw our brains off however. Lets look outside ourselves for a sure for this one.
Every person i know with ADD has had abusive parents interestingly enough, without fail, but its a link thats strangely pushed to one side it seems