Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and that’s not a joke

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I don't need to claim God exists.

Theist - believes in God
Atheist - does not believe in God.
Common denominator - God.

There is only the claim God does not exist.

Child - believes in the Easter Bunny
Adult - does not believe in the Easter Bunny

Common denominator - Easter Bunny.

Therefore, by your logic, he exists.
So these people practice "deity yoga" in which they practice visualizing a chosen patron deity, who supposedly eventually becomes real (as real as anything else) and capable of delivering religious teachings.
I understand the practical difference, but is the mental process not the same, except that a theist doesn't know he/she is practicing it and thus blindly accepts the notion of a single all encompassing God, rather than a personal "friend"?

In buddhism its a discipline, in theism its a belief from ignorance.
Child - believes in the Easter Bunny
Adult - does not believe in the Easter Bunny

Common denominator - Easter Bunny.

Therefore, by your logic, he exists.

:) Way to subtle. Will wizz past and never be noticed

Even if children believe in the Easter bunny, they grow up to be adults.
Doesn't matter. By your logic, the Easter Bunny exists - since children believe in him and adults do not. The common denominator is the Easter Bunny.

(But in any case, many theists grow up to be atheists as well.)
Every time you simply stamp all over a thread with your assertions, no help to anyone, never progressing discussion only hindering it. All seems rather disrespectful, does it not?
It's prejudicial by it's very exclusivity.
Doesn't matter. By your logic, the Easter Bunny exists - since children believe in him and adults do not. The common denominator is the Easter Bunny.

(But in any case, many theists grow up to be atheists as well.)

Rejection, and denial.
The atheist occupation, rears it's ugly head, once again.

Calm down mate.
No need to get frustrated.
It's only a discussion.
But you're not discussing, Jan. I'm not even sure you know how to anymore. Discussion usually involves the furthering of ideas. What you are doing is simply closing down any discussion with your repeated mantras and an insistence upon your point of view.
Good luck with that approach. I'm going to stop feeding the Troll now.
Doesn't matter. By your logic, the Easter Bunny exists - since children believe in him and adults do not. The common denominator is the Easter Bunny.
Some atheists will even play the Easter Bunny. After all Easter is a pagan holiday.
The most widely accepted theory of the origin of the term is that it is derived from the name of an Old English goddess mentioned by the 7th to 8th-century English monk Bede, who wrote that Ēosturmōnaþ (Old English 'Month of Ēostre', translated in Bede's time as "Paschal month") was an English month, corresponding to April, which he says "was once called after a goddess of theirs named Ēostre, in whose honour feasts were celebrated in that month"
(But in any case, many theists grow up to be atheists as well.)
As Carlin used to say; "I believed in God until I reached the age of reason".
But you're not discussing, Jan.

Billvon - Child - believes in the EasterBunny
Adult - does not believe in the Easter Bunny
Common denominator - Easter Bunny.

Jan - Even if children believe in the Easterbunny, they grow up to be adults.

Billvon - Doesn't mjatter. By yourlogic, the Easter Bunny exists - since children believe in him and adults do not. The commondenominator is the Easter Bunny.

It is obvious billvon is either frustrated because he can't penetrate my points, or he is simply trolling.

I think you should mind your own business, as you have your own task of explaining to do.

It is obvious billvon is either frustrated because he can't penetrate my points, or he is simply trolling.
On the contrary - like me before him, he has simply pointed out that your argument is flawed. That the child in his example grows up to be an adult is irrelevant to the underlying argument. Therefore billvon is quite correct that it doesn't matter that the child grows up to be an adult.
If you want it highlighted to you further, swap "Adult" for "Child" - now you have two children - one believes, one doesn't. Take it from there.
I think you should mind your own business, as you have your own task of explaining to do.
Ah, you mean the shift of burden of proof fallacy you're employing. No thanks, I'll pass on that.
But if you have anything sensible and meaningful to provide, do feel free to contribute further.

Damnit! I'm feeding the troll again!
My bad.
That the child in his example grows up to be an adult is irrelevant to the underlying argument.

Children - do not mean belief in the easter bunny.
Theism-- means belief in God.
Adult - does not mean Easter bunny
Atheism - means do not believe in God.

Your simple minds merely saw that the word "God" was at the end of each line. So you thought if you put "Easter Bunny" at the end of each line, it means the same thing.
Clearly you either do not understand how it is that God is the common denominator, or you are engaging in the atheist occupation, rejection and denial.

Therefore billvon is quite correct that it doesn't matter that the child grows up to be an adult.

You wish.
Try again.

It is obvious billvon is either frustrated because he can't penetrate my points, or he is simply trolling.
Ah. So you don't even understand the point you yourself made.

Jan: Group 1 believes X. Group 2 doesn't believe X. The one common thread is X; that proves X exists.
Me: So that applies to everything?
Jan: No that's ridiculous! That only applies to MY favorite X.

Sad that you can't even follow your own argument.
Ah. So you don't even understand the point you yourself made.

Jan: Group 1 believes X. Group 2 doesn't believe X. The one common thread is X; that proves X exists.
Me: So that applies to everything?
Jan: No that's ridiculous! That only applies to MY favorite X.

Sad that you can't even follow your own argument.

The outcome of the three points is not to show that God exists, but that God is the common denominator, despite belief, or lack of.
It also shows that the only claim on the table, in reality, is the claim that there is no God.

Your 3 points was an idiotic attempt to prove me wrong. But you only ended proving you're an atheist.

Try again

You seem to think it's a bad thing. Why?
What are you referring to Jan?
I cant find the pole "it's" be tethered to.
Truth be told, I think you're a hot-head, though you try to come of as a gentle soul.
You could be right Jan what does your evidence tell you?
I'm afraid I have.
OK then have it your way if that makes you happy Jan.
Sometimes I wish I was so petty.
Really ..when exactly.
You're an atheist because you have convinced, an continue to convince yourself there is no God.
The happy result of being honest with myself ...
Actually yes.
I have called you on your original claim and still you make it with no evidence so I win the round.
I don't need to claim God exists.
Of course you dont Jan Santa is.
There is only the claim God does not exist.
And a terrible claim it is Jan thats why I have changed my position.
I dont believe God exists and certainly happy for anyone to show that God does indeed exist.
Why did you ignore my chart?
It needs to be addressed man.

Will wait until you do.
What chart?
Really I missed it...or do you mean you
Theist - believes in God
Atheist - does not believe in God.
Common denominator - God.

Is that your "chart"...if so I say its very nice.
If not I have not noticed your chart.

Jan I would like to back off in our discussion, I am enjoying it greatly but I think I have made my point that claims need support and you presumably know that already.

But at the moment I percieve you are being given a hard time.

I take no joy from that.

It does not rest well with me to feel like I am in line to take my turn at kicking a corpse and the noticable fall off in your game leaves me thinking I should hang up my boots at least for a while.
You seem to upset some of the others or they let themselves become upset dont upset me and I just feel uncomfortable that being under intense fire that I could upset you.
I dont want to do that.

You know my position I know yours so I plan a break.

The outcome of the three points is not to show that God exists, but that God is the common denominator, despite belief, or lack of.
Exactly. And by that logic, the Easter Bunny is also the common denominator, despite belief (or lack of.)

If you see that and think "how silly! that proves nothing of the sort!" you are exactly correct - and you may now understand how foolish your claim is.

Or not. After all, you think Santa is real.
Exactly. And by that logic, the Easter Bunny is also the common denominator, despite belief (or lack of.)

If you see that and think "how silly! that proves nothing of the sort!" you are exactly correct - and you may now understand how foolish your claim is.

Or not. After all, you think Santa is real.

LOL! Billvon. :D

You cannot penetrate my chart without blatant dishonesty. :rolleyes:

The article has yet to be corrected.

And you also think Santa is real, in the same context as me. :)

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