Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and that’s not a joke

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No it's not. A theocracy is a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god.

Forcing people to do what you personally want, is what Alex is talking about. And we've seen the result, of godless (atheist) regimes. Jan.

There is a difference? Could have fooled me...:eek:

Perhaps this will refresh your memory.
The 1578 edition of the Directorium Inquisitorum (a standard Inquisitorial manual) spelled out the purpose of inquisitorial penalties: ... quoniam punitio non refertur primo & per se in correctionem & bonum eius qui punitur, sed in bonum publicum ut alij terreantur, & a malis committendis avocentur (translation: "... for punishment does not take place primarily and per se for the correction and good of the person punished, but for the public good in order that others may become terrified and weaned away from the evils they would commit")

Give it up, man. History is against you. You know those pesky facts that always come in the way of "good old religion".
This is child's play compared to what has gone down in communist regimes.... and thats without the protestant historiography angle
Really? But even if you are right, never in the name of God! There are enough bad people without needing religious wars, which rank fairly high on the scale of cruelty towards other humans.

Let me recite the Inquisition (purity police) credo again, so that you will be forced to read it!
"... for punishment does not take place primarily and per se for the correction and good of the person punished, but for the public good in order that others may become terrified and weaned away from the evils they would commit"

Pray tell how others may become terrified and weaned away from evils they have not yet committed. Oh yes, literature is full with depictions of instruments of religious torture.


Note the cross signifying religious supremacy.

Are you going to argue with me about who committed the worst offenses and cruelties in the name of Theism or in the name of Atheism?
Please do, it will be revealing.
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How Many People Have Been Killed in the Name of Religion?
How many deaths have been caused by religion? Here's a list of religiously motivated wars and genocides and their death tolls. Let me know if I missed any!
  • The Crusades: 6,000,000

  • Thirty Years War: 11,500,000

  • French Wars of Religion: 4,000,000

  • Second Sudanese Civil War: 2,000,000

  • Lebanese Civil War: 250,000

  • Muslim Conquests of India: 80,000,000

  • Congolese Genocide (King Leopold II): 13,000,000

  • Armenian Genocide: 1,500,000

  • Rwandan Genocide: 800,000

  • Eighty Years' War: 1,000,000

  • Nigerian Civil War: 1,000,000

  • Great Peasants' Revolt: 250,000

  • First Sudanese Civil War: 1,000,000

  • Jewish Diaspora (Not Including the Holocaust): 1,000,000

  • The Holocaust (Jewish and Homosexual Deaths): 6,500,000

  • Islamic Terrorism Since 2000: 150,000

  • Iraq War: 500,000

  • US Western Expansion (Justified by "Manifest Destiny"):20,000,000

  • Atlantic Slave Trade (Justified by Christianity): 14,000,000

  • Aztec Human Sacrifice: 80,000

  • AIDS deaths in Africa largely due to opposition to condoms: 30,000,000

  • Spanish Inquisition: 5,000

  • TOTAL: 195,035,000 deaths in the name of religion.
You think that's enough already? I think it's a wonder that there are any atheists left in the world.
Right back atcha: Why do you think it's impossible for somebody to be an atheist? Why is not believing in Santa Claus harder than believing in Santa Claus?

What exactly do you mean by belief in Santa Claus?
Santa Claus exists, as it is meant to exist.
Children love Santa, because it means presents, until they realise he doesn't really give you presents. Then the fascination dies off. Santa then becomes symbolic of Christmas. But there is no real belief in Santa.

They do. We just have different levels of denial and rejection
No, they don't. Some people believe in zero Gods. Some people believe in one God. Some people believe in several Gods.

You are not special, nor are your beliefs. You just have one of the more standard religious beliefs out there; no better or worse than anyone else's.
For the conditioned pigeon, yes.
Ah. So you are acting naturally for a conditioned human. Non-conditioned humans are often atheists.
How does the pigeon act without such constrains?
They learn how to find food without superstitious behavior.
I neither deny, or reject Santa Claus.
You think Santa Claus is real? How about the Easter bunny? Leprechauns?

That certainly explains your belief in God.
What exactly do you mean by belief in Santa Claus?
The same as what you mean by belief in God.

Children love Santa, because it means presents, until they realise he doesn't really give you presents. Then the fascination dies off. Santa then becomes symbolic of Christmas. But there is no real belief in Santa.
Children love God, because it means presents, until they realise he doesn't really give you presents. Then the fascination dies off. God then becomes symbolic of _________. But there is no real belief in God.
The same as what you mean by belief in God.

Children love God, because it means presents, until they realise he doesn't really give you presents. Then the fascination dies off. God then becomes symbolic of _________. But there is no real belief in God.

Where to begin?

This is such a bad understanding of God, and theism, one has to wonder whether there is any pont in taking this further. As your atheism is coming thru, so loudly.

Nah! I'll give this one a miss.

This is such a bad understanding of God, and theism, one has to wonder whether there is any pont in taking this further.
It's the same with your bad understanding of Santa Claus.

If you think there's a difference, point it out. You can't, can you?
The same as what you mean by belief in God.

Children love God, because it means presents, until they realise he doesn't really give you presents. Then the fascination dies off. God then becomes symbolic of _________. But there is no real belief in God.

As Carlin said; "Millions of prayers. On Sunday, God's day off. Asking God to change his Divine Plan. What good is a Divine Plan, when every schmuck with a 2 dollar prayer book can fuck it up?"
No, they don't. Some people believe in zero Gods. Some people believe in one God. Some people believe in several Gods.

All in relation to God.

You are not special, nor are your beliefs. You just have one of the more standard religious beliefs out there; no better or worse than anyone else's

Never said I, or my belief, was special. I've always maintained it to be the norm. As far as I'm aware I have not mentioned anything about religious belief. That simply shows that you're not responding to what I say, but what you think.

Ah. So you are acting naturally for a conditioned human. Non-conditioned

From your perspective, maybe. From all perspectives, humans are conditioned, primarily because we generally tend to accept this material existence as all in all.

They learn how to find food without superstitious behavior.

What was superstitious about their conditioned behaviour?

You think Santa Claus is real?

What is unreal about Santa Claus?

an imaginary fat man with a white beard and a red suit who gives toys to children at Christmas

the spirit of Christmas as represented by a plump jolly old man with a white beard who is dressed in a red suit and delivers presents to good children

Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Kris Kringle, Father Christmas, or simply Santa, is a legendary figure originating in Western Christian culture who is said to bring gifts to the homes of...

Imaginary? Legendary?
If that's what Santa Claus is, then Santa Claus is real, in the same way Mickey Mouse is real.

Imagine if someone of similar ilk to what you're saying, got in a position of great power.
Hang on! There already has been.

Do you refer to the Pope and his ban on the use of condoms?
There have been so many horrid religious regimes through out history Jan it is hard to know which one you mean...but what I suggest is really not in the same catagory you suggest. All I seek is that folk be educated on what they are signing up know have them read the fine print of a contract. .. I mean they join in on the basis that God is love and everything is nice but that is not what is in the fine print is it....

What would be so terrible to have folk read their bibles cover to cover apart from perhaps many realising that they are required to kill folk they find working on the day of rest and that slavery has Gods stamp of approval.

It must have been a worry for the church when the bible became available to everyone and in a language other than Latin such that what horrors it contained could be revealed.
Where in this thread have any theist alluded to that expression?

I did not indicate I found such lies in this thread.

And to be honest my belief that such lies are told comes only from impressions formed by watching that atheist show hosted by Matt Delahunty because of comments theists callers make about atheists and claiming that is what they have been told.

Not really good evidence I suppose but as we are discussing religion I feel evidence is not really necessary...Let me put it this way..I am certain that I am right and I am prepared to go with my feeling on this one.
What next? Concentration camps? Murder biblical teachers, and scholars? Burn down places of worship?

You have to stop reading that old testament Jan we dont do it that way anymore.

But certainly it is worth drawing attention to the cruel and nasty stuff in the bible...and that is really what I am driving at when I suggest these believers actually should read their bible to find out what they are signing up for...I think not many believers realise that as part of their faith they are required to kill so many people for so many different sins nor would most tealise that their good book is somewhat immoral as evidenced by clear rules as to slave ownership which don't prohibit slave ownershio but regards slaves ownership as entirely moral.
Really how many folk are aware of the bibles position on slavery...Not one believers that I have met and asked...and they are just so they should be...slavery is immoral and wrong but here it is in the bible presented as entirely acceptable...the fruit has a rotten patch and you can not deny around the rotten part if you want but for me I would throw it out and get something fresh with no rotting bits.

I just wonder how many believers would stay with the program if they were to read their bible cover to cover.

There is no sidestepping the fact that the bible is really not a good place to seek decent morals which is funny given most believers are convinced their decent morality comes from a flawless God inspired good read will show any reader the reality that the bible is full of terrible instruction to kill others, how to manage your slaves, how to oppress women and mostly full of made up stories to explain a mysterious world to bronze age people who did not know where the Sun went at night.
Reading the bible will cast doubt on the proposition that is the word of a perfect God and show it to be made up stories from the bronze age with no relevance to our modern era.

What surprises me Jan is your uptake to suggest a next step of murder and concentration camps..that may be your way but atheists are peaceful rational people who find that approach sickening...we dont want to revisit the witch hunts or the inquisition or any of the various horror approaches believers employ against the gentle peaceful bible reading atheist.

You're a dangerous man, Alex.

Jan you wont sway me with flattery.

Through out history it has been those who think about the stupidity and inequity of the prevailing system and point out flaws who are branded dangerous by those who seek to dupe the inoccent and manipulate the powerful to drive a religious agenda to control wealth and nations.

Why would you call me dangerous?

All I would like to see is that religious organisations pay tax and that children are not terrorised into belief by threat of hell.

Both of these ideas would seem progressive and beneficial to the community.
All in relation to God.
Nope. Some in relation to Gods. You disagree; that's fine. Your opinion is as valid as theirs.
Never said I, or my belief, was special. I've always maintained it to be the norm.
Yep. You are "right" and "the norm" and everyone else is "wrong" and defective. The usual theist attitude.
What was superstitious about their conditioned behaviour?
They believed that by spinning in a circle they would get food. That was a superstition, since spinning had nothing to do with getting food. It just made the part of their brain that was seeking a behavior to get food feel better.

Likewise, many religious types believe that if they say prayer X or go to church Y times a year they will get some eternal reward. (Or that some other behavior will be rewarded.) That is superstition, since there is no evidence of that. But it makes them feel better for the same reasons it makes a pigeon feel better. (Nothing wrong with that.)
What is unreal about Santa Claus?

an imaginary fat man . . . ..
Ah, OK. In that case, using your language, I will agree that God is real; he is an imaginary entity that makes some people happy. He does not actually exist, of course - like Santa.
Do you refer to the Pope and his ban on the use of condoms?
There have been so many horrid religious regimes through out history Jan it is hard to know which one you mean...but what I suggest is really not in the same catagory you suggest. All I seek is that folk be educated on what they are signing up know have them read the fine print of a contract. .. I mean they join in on the basis that God is love and everything is nice but that is not what is in the fine print is it....

What would be so terrible to have folk read their bibles cover to cover apart from perhaps many realising that they are required to kill folk they find working on the day of rest and that slavery has Gods stamp of approval.

It must have been a worry for the church when the bible became available to everyone and in a language other than Latin such that what horrors it contained could be revealed.

I did not indicate I found such lies in this thread.

And to be honest my belief that such lies are told comes only from impressions formed by watching that atheist show hosted by Matt Delahunty because of comments theists callers make about atheists and claiming that is what they have been told.

Not really good evidence I suppose but as we are discussing religion I feel evidence is not really necessary...Let me put it this way..I am certain that I am right and I am prepared to go with my feeling on this one.

You have to stop reading that old testament Jan we dont do it that way anymore.

But certainly it is worth drawing attention to the cruel and nasty stuff in the bible...and that is really what I am driving at when I suggest these believers actually should read their bible to find out what they are signing up for...I think not many believers realise that as part of their faith they are required to kill so many people for so many different sins nor would most tealise that their good book is somewhat immoral as evidenced by clear rules as to slave ownership which don't prohibit slave ownershio but regards slaves ownership as entirely moral.
Really how many folk are aware of the bibles position on slavery...Not one believers that I have met and asked...and they are just so they should be...slavery is immoral and wrong but here it is in the bible presented as entirely acceptable...the fruit has a rotten patch and you can not deny around the rotten part if you want but for me I would throw it out and get something fresh with no rotting bits.

I just wonder how many believers would stay with the program if they were to read their bible cover to cover.

There is no sidestepping the fact that the bible is really not a good place to seek decent morals which is funny given most believers are convinced their decent morality comes from a flawless God inspired good read will show any reader the reality that the bible is full of terrible instruction to kill others, how to manage your slaves, how to oppress women and mostly full of made up stories to explain a mysterious world to bronze age people who did not know where the Sun went at night.
Reading the bible will cast doubt on the proposition that is the word of a perfect God and show it to be made up stories from the bronze age with no relevance to our modern era.

What surprises me Jan is your uptake to suggest a next step of murder and concentration camps..that may be your way but atheists are peaceful rational people who find that approach sickening...we dont want to revisit the witch hunts or the inquisition or any of the various horror approaches believers employ against the gentle peaceful bible reading atheist.

Jan you wont sway me with flattery.

Through out history it has been those who think about the stupidity and inequity of the prevailing system and point out flaws who are branded dangerous by those who seek to dupe the inoccent and manipulate the powerful to drive a religious agenda to control wealth and nations.

Why would you call me dangerous?

All I would like to see is that religious organisations pay tax and that children are not terrorised into belief by threat of hell.

Both of these ideas would seem progressive and beneficial to the community.

There's really no need for these essays, Alex.
But. Whatever.

Nope. Some in relation to Gods. You disagree; that's fine. Your opinion. Your opinionis as valid as theirs.


Yep. You are "right" and "the norm" and everyone else is "wrong" and defective. The usual theist attitude.

Never said that.

They believed that by spinning in a circle they would get food. That was a superstition, since spinning had nothing to do with getting food. It just made the part of their brain that was seeking a behavior to get food feel better.

If the only way they got food, was by spinning around, because some idiot put them in that position. How is that superstition?

Likewise, many religious types believe that if they say prayer X or go to church Y times a year they will get some eternal reward. (Or that some other behavior will be rewarded.) That is superstition, since there is no evidence of that. But it makes them feel better for the same reasons it makes a pigeon feel better. (Nothing wrong with that.)

As far as I'm concerned, you're religious.

Ah, OK. In that case, using your language, I will agree that God is real; he is an imaginary entity that makes some people happy. He does not actually exist, of course - like Santa.

You really don't need to make that confession, as your designated label (not designer), tells me everything I need to know about you, regarding God.

The people who believe in more than one God. The people who believe in no Gods.
If the only way they got food, was by spinning around, because some idiot put them in that position. How is that superstition?
Re-read the original post; you completely missed the point of the test. The birds got food AT RANDOM. Their spinning had NOTHING to do with getting food. That's why it was a superstition (like religion.)
As far as I'm concerned, you're religious.
Believe whatever you like.
You really don't need to make that confession, as your designated label (not designer), tells me everything I need to know about you, regarding God.
OK, good. So you agree that God is real, and as imaginary as Santa Claus.
There's really no need for these essays, Alex.
But. Whatever.

Of course there is no need Jan.
I thought I was doing you a favour by presenting various ideas that you could reject as baseless☺.

I believe you are a good person and I believe most people are good people and I think I understand how difficult it would be to be raised in a religious household and find out that there are priests who rape children and not punished, that the good book is ok with slavery and ok killing folk for various reasons and somehow manage the inconsistencies and still believe you are involved with a good idea.
Thats the real evil with religion it appeals to decent folk but religion is far from decent.
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