Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and that’s not a joke

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Jan Ardena:

As usual, you're pretending to know a lot of things that you don't actually know, but just want to believe.

What would you expect to see, or predict, if souls did exist?
I don't want to repeat what Sarkus said too much, but I think it's worth emphasising that the whole "soul" concept is manufactured in such a way to make souls unfalsifiable. Sure, we might all have souls, in theory, but it seems to make no practical difference to anything observable whether they exist or not.

I know you have faith that the "problem of consciousness" won't ever be explained without introducing a supernatural soul, but that's just a belief you have, nothing more. You're guessing at what might happen (or not happen). You're hoping you're right. But you know nothing.

As far as we know, we are conscious beings with subjective experience of ourselves (as individuals), and the world around us.
No theory exists for how consciousness (specifically subjective experience or qualia) can arise purely from physical materials.
That's not quite true. For example, I have discussed the theory that consciousness arises from brains or, more fundamentally, from complex-enough nervous systems. It's an emergent property.

There is evidence for this. We can perceive gradations of sentience and consciousness in different kinds of animals, for instance. A fly or a worm, for example, appears to have a low level of consciousness and sentience. A rabbit or a dog has a higher level of consciousness. An octopus has a very high level of consciousness. In general, we observe that higher levels of consciousness correlate with larger brains and more complex nervous systems. This makes sense if consciousness is a result of a complex nervous system.

On the other hand, there's zero evidence for immortal souls driving the consciousness of worms, octopuses or human beings.

But as it stands, the best explanation for how consciousness just is, is the presence of a spiritual spark, commonly called a soul.
No. That's a lousy explanation. It's a non-explanation. You're just inserting a place holder term and pretending you've solved the problem. "Well, you see kids, we all have these magical things called souls, and - hey presto! - we're conscious. Thank the Lord!"

But let's go with the best nonsense scientists have to offer. Consciousness is an emergent property of the brain.
See, there's you pretending again. It is clear that you know next to nothing about neuroscience, for example, but you still imagine that you're qualified to dismiss what scientists have to offer as "nonsense". If you had any real expertise, you'd be able to suggest why it is "nonsense", but you can't and won't do that. Will you?

Note there is no evidence to support this notion. But, it keeps the divine foot out of the door.
It's almost endearing that you think that science is ideologically driven by an anti-religious bias. The truth is, good scientists go where the evidence leads. The soul is a dead end idea.

You can refer to your consciousness as yours. Consciousness is merely a symptom.
You keep talking about language, as if it proves something about souls when people talk about "my body" or "my brain". How else would we distinguish your arm from my arm, using language, other than by using possessive pronouns? We could do it, but it would be clumsy and circuitous. There's no difference when we talk about "my mind". It doesn't imply that the mind is separate from the body; it's just a device to specify which mind we're talking about.

Similarly, when we say "I think that ..." or "I want ...", it's just an obvious shorthand to communicate what my conscious brain and/or my body are doing.

The spirit-soul, is pure.
When it becomes a living soul, it runs the risk of contamination, by identifying as real, the character, and environment it finds itself in. Thus forgetting it's true identity. All of this happens in consciousness. Once you accept, what is now an illusion, it only leads to more illusory experiences, and notions. Hence our consciousness is now contaminated, while the "I" remains aloof.
How do you know any of this? You're just making it all up as you go along, aren't you? Or else you're parroting something you read in one of your "scriptures", that somebody else made up as he went along. Don't you realise that you don't know anything about these souls that you think exist? Doesn't it ever worry you, just a bit, that the foundations of your worldview are built on such shifting sand?

It is noted that while atheists are contented with this post-dated cheque of a promise, you have not seriously read any literature that explains what the individual soul is, and how it came to inhabit a body, so that it can live in an alien atmosphere.
Why did your God create an alien atmosphere and force souls to live in it?

That would be correct if the definition of soul was... anything we choose it to be.
But it isn't .
No? It sure seems like you choose it to be undetectable by science, for starters. Why does it have to be that way?

Why are you so stubborn Sarkus?
Is your worldview that important to you?
Silly question. Why are you in this discussion, Jan? Why did you start it? Is your worldview that important to you?

And that's where the delusion, and question as to whether or not atheism is real, comes in. You instinctively know it's a nonsense, just by the subconscious language you use, as discussed.
Regardless of any of the soul nonsense, atheism is indisputably real. There are real atheists right here, talking to you. And here you are insisting that we don't actually exist. Don't you feel embarrassed?

What is interesting about this response, is that you imply that because I'm theist, it's not surprising that I believe in God, or spirit-soul. Yet when I say you are atheist, therefore you do not believe in God, or a spirit-soul, you object. Like I said, your subconscious betrays you everytime.
As usual, you have the causation backwards. You're a theist because you believe in gods and spirits. The belief comes first, not the label. Nothing follows from putting an arbitrary label on yourself or on another person.

Do you think it is possible that God, and any spiritual notions, do not exist, as far as the atheist is aware, purely because they have chosen to adopt this worldview called atheism?
You keep concentrating on the "awareness" all the time. Step back and consider the bigger picture. That is not about what we're aware of, but what actually exists.

God exists as far as you're aware. Boring. I already know all about that. What I'm interested in is whether God actually exists, in reality, not in your "awareness". But you have nothing to offer in terms of enlightenment on that question. You admit it yourself.

By definition it has to be pure, because by definition, God has to be pure.
What do you mean by "pure"? In what sense is God "pure"?

As an aside, it's interesting how religion is so often tied to ideas of purity and cleanliness and health, don't you think? There's a hint right there about the origins of theism.

Are you accusing me of being "illogical"
If so, can you point my illogic out?
It's illogical to pretend you know stuff you don't know, then treat it as if it is indisputable fact, for starters.

You appear to be quite well read on the idea that consciousness is an emergent property of the brain. You even seem to think it is an explanation, equal to that of the spirit-soul. Did you require proof for that?
Like everything in science, it's a hypothesis that might turn out to be wrong. You never know. But I can't think of any strong competing scientific hypotheses. Can you? It is turns out to be true, then it will certainly be an explanation. I can't comment on whether it is equal to that of a spirit-soul, because I don't know on what basis you want to judge this vague "equality". I'm guessing that, for you, no naturalistic explanation will ever be "equal" to your God explanation.
Soul - my 2 cents worth

Soul is a made up CONCEPT - I'll let the clever ones in the thread work out which group of people made it up

After death and the body is rotting in the ground many people questioned "how / what from the body has gone to heaven?"

Taaa Dah - the soul is born

This is in and around 17th century but soul goes back futher (see notes later)

I have never seen any reference to a physical aspect to the soul, and even in the most ancient medical text I have read, never seen any anatomical aspect of a soul described, nor any drawings

Grey's Anatomy does not list the soul as a part of the body

The closest to being the best candidate for the position of a soul is concessness

Concessness does tick all the boxes and characteristics of the soul

Problem is none of the characteristics survive death as CHARACTERISTICS are a PROCESS, modern con-man uses words like spirit or life force as a label for the process

Giving the PROCESSES of life a name, soul, would then allow for the concept of some sort of existence after death

The body dies, the soul looks around, packs up all your memories, hopes, dreams, loves and looses - in essence the essence of you - and heads off to heaven / hell

Thought bubble - who gives directions to the soul?
As the soul leaves the body is there some? presence beckoning?
Is there any appeal system if the soul feels like something is not fair?

Notes later


The concept of an immaterial soul separate from and surviving the body is common today but according to modern scholars, it was not found in ancient Hebrew beliefs.[1] The word nephesh never means an immortal soul[29] or an incorporeal part of the human being[30] that can survive death of the body as the spirit of dead,[31]

PLUS more Notes later

The traditional concept of an immaterial and immortal soul distinct from the body was not found in Judaism before the Babylonian exile,[1] but developed as a result of interaction with Persian and Hellenistic philosophies.[2]


Plus read ALL the following Wiki article for a complete wipe out of some persons (in this thread) ideas of soul (which are I guess personal, and the article, after all said and done, can be classified as group consensus) which means reliance on its pronouncements comes under, appeal to authority

Concessness, as I noted earlier, does have the potential to earn the title of soul

But so what? It is a PROCESS - not a INGREDIENT

Die - no PROCESS - goodbye soul

Concessness is certainly being studied and in time hopefully understand

My take, purely from reading the research, is that from the billions of chemical and electrical operations within the brain some self organise into feedback loops which other sections of the brain access (subconsciously)

As the loops are "brought forward" into the conscious area the brain is aware (conscious) of itself AND the input coming from the bodies nerve stimulation system is aware "I (the brain) have a body (I, brain, am connected to and incorporated with the body) I, brain, am NOT a seperate entity"

I don't believe in duality

Gets down off soapbox

Coffee time


Comments welcome but not necessarily replied to
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The partakers of this thread, know where I am coming from.
Including the fact that the title of this thread is a falsehood, set up to wrongfoot a discussion of human spirituality. And this is not the first time you have done that.

You are often - even always - "coming from" some blatantly false claim, and trying to blow enough smoke around it to conceal the fact and distract attention from it.

Yes, where you are coming from is visible. It's not angels who blow smoke.
Theological question for you, Jan:

Which non-human animals, if any, do you think have souls? For example, consider the fly, the worm, the octopus and the rabbit. Do any of them have immortal souls?

Are these souls equal to human souls, or are they lesser in some way?

Also, do you believe in reincarnation, so that the soul of Jan might end up in a rabbit in the next life, or something like that? Or do you think souls go to be with God in heaven after we die? (Does that apply to rabbits, too?)

After death and the body is rotting in the ground many people questioned "how / what from the body has gone to heaven?"

Taaa Dah - the soul is born
Yes. It's very hard to accept that death is the end. It's understandable that people hope for something more.

I have never seen any reference to a physical aspect to the soul, and even in the most ancient medical text I have read, never seen any anatomical aspect of a soul described, nor any drawings
There was this (flawed, but interesting) experiment, done back in 1907, that claimed to produce evidence of a soul departing the body at the time of death:

Hollywood made a movie with the same name, which from memory wasn't bad. It wasn't about the experiment, but the experiment gets a mention. The movie, of course, glosses over the flaws in the experiment, IIRC, which is classic Hollywood, too.

Thought bubble - who gives directions to the soul?
I'm interested in the more immediate problem of who gives directions to the body?

Jan, for example, says we have a soul. And this soul apparently (somehow!) is able to control our bodies and our brains. But how does it do that? What kind of interaction takes place to interface the immortal soul with the material body?

Jan has no explanation. No other theist does either, as far as I am aware.

As the soul leaves the body is there some? presence beckoning?
Some people who have had near-death experiences report a bright light and a beckoning presence. Of course, there are other, more prosaic, explanations for NDEs. Jan probably buys the religious angle, though, I'm guessing.

My take, purely from reading the research, is that from the billions of chemical and electrical operations within the brain some self organise into feedback loops which other sections of the brain access (subconsciously) and as the loops are "brought forward" into the conscious area the brain is aware of itself AND the input from the bodies nerve stimulation system is aware "I have a body"
The "I" that Jan so worries about is, most probably, a story that the brain tells itself. It's a fiction we all create to compartmentalise conciousness. Of course, a lot of other things go on the brain that are totally inaccessible to consciousness.

A good example is that our brains actually back date sensory perceptions, to account for the delay in nerve conduction. When you burn yourself on a hot stove, you think you feel the heat almost immediately. That's an illusion.

I don't believe in duality
You're right. There's no good reason to believe it.
There was this (flawed, but interesting) experiment, done back in 1907, that claimed to produce evidence of a soul departing the body at the time of death:

Think that was about having set up a bed on some sort of weighing device and when the person died it registered a loss of 27 grams - which was the name of the movie

Never saw it as I thought it would be boring

Some people who have had near-death experiences report a bright light and a beckoning presence. Of course, there are other, more prosaic, explanations for NDEs. Jan probably buys the religious angle, though, I'm guessing.

I've been drunk less than 10 times, and alcohol is the only mind altering drug I've taken. Working as a Registered Nurse a lot of stories from those who indulge do report lights etc etc etc

It's generally put down to brain hypoxia though I sometimes wonder if the light is from our (nurse's / doctors) torches shining in their eyes trying to get a pupil reaction. LOL. Not likely as it happens when we are not around.

The "I" that Jan

Jan Jan poor cracked record Jan

Had him on Iggy so long

Have you heard of any theistic research on the soul?

Concessness (is to the soul) as the cross is to the vampire - keeps it at bay

Also, do you believe in reincarnation, so that the soul of Jan might end up in a rabbit in the next life, or something like that? Or do you think souls go to be with God in heaven after we die? (Does that apply to rabbits, too?)

I wouldn't worry about it, if I were you James.

I wouldn't worry about it, if I were you James.
Why are you always so cagey about your beliefs? Not proud?

I'd prefer you to make the effort, if that's alright with you.
Ahem. Do try to keep up.’s-not-a-joke.160736/page-22#post-3519406’s-not-a-joke.160736/page-22#post-3519407’s-not-a-joke.160736/page-24#post-3519493

I'm not seeing a lot of effort from you, Jan. Got nothing to say?
You sound like you're the go-to person for sniffing dog butts, that's for certain.

You must be dyslexic like me

You spetl god wrong again

You sound like you're the go-to person for sniffing god butts, that's for certain

There all butter now

Why are you always so cagey about your beliefs? Not proud?

LOL! I believe in God. What more do you want?
As for your take on reincarnation, I think you should learn about it, then ask relevant questions. But the idea of reincarnation is not spiritual, it is natural.

Once the spirit soul falls, it begins an evolutionary journey. Very similar to what Charles Darwin proposed, until it reaches progresses to a human form. It is the human being that undergoes karma.

If the human transgresses, it transmigrates to a body suitable for its particular conscious awareness.

This is a very loose vedic account. Which is why I suggest you comprehend for yourself.

If you're really interested, of course
But I doubt very much that you are.

LOL! I believe in God. What more do you want?
As I said, boring. I already know that you believe in God. What interests me in how and why.

As for your take on reincarnation, I think you should learn about it, then ask relevant questions.
How can I learn about it if you refuse to answer my naive questions?

But the idea of reincarnation is not spiritual, it is natural.
The idea of it. I see. Seems plausible.

But I was asking you about the theology of it, not about where the idea comes from.

Once the spirit soul falls, it begins an evolutionary journey. Very similar to what Charles Darwin proposed, until it reaches progresses to a human form.
I see. The old "animals are inferior to humans, and humans are made in God's image" thing. Funny use of the term "evolve" though, especially the conflation of religion with Darwin. Your idea of spiritual evolution is not at all "very similar" to what Darwin was on about, I'm afraid.

So, Jan's soul, after death, could end up evolving as a worm, then a rabbit in the next life, until eventually it is once again human? Of course, I suppose that eventually Jan could break the cycle and reach Nirvana, in theory.

It is the human being that undergoes karma.

If the human transgresses, it transmigrates to a body suitable for its particular conscious awareness.

This is a very loose vedic account. Which is why I suggest you comprehend for yourself.

If you're really interested, of course
But I doubt very much that you are.
No. Thanks Jan. That was moderately useful. So it turns out that animals (at least) have immortal souls, but handicapped ones. Can people be reincarnated as plants (or fungi, or bacteria, say), or is it always as some kind of animal?
I'm not seeing a lot of effort from you, Jan.

Think I have found a job for Jan on Star Trek

Just about every episode you hear about the deflector shields being down

Put Jan in charge

I'm sure he could deflect anything

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