Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and that’s not a joke

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Well one must factor in where folk have been educated.

So many of the private schools have specific support for a particular religion.

So folk learn in an environment where their particular scriptures are never questioned and are supported by all in the system in which they are educated.

How many private schools have daily prayers and scripture classes.

Hard to think if your brain is washed in nonsence daily.

They, theists, seek the larger picture but rush quickly past the undeniable fact that all the God stories are mere speculation and as speculation we can only call the God storys made up..there is no counter claim to that proposition.

That makes them uncomfortable when their story is reduced to simply all it can be...made up stuff.

Yet they waffle in the belief that waffling injects the mystery they seek but waffle as much as they like they do no more than waffle.

Follow some folk here as they discuss God over months and try as you may even with all the waffle they never say anything meaningful...oh they think they do, but that is them just kidding themselves ... read any of it and ask...what did he she they actually say...mmmm nothing..nothing but waffle...and in their defence at employing waffle I ask what else can they do...they really have nothing to work they speculate waffle and speculate some more on all matters about their made up God ...what God expects, what happens when you die, ... well its all waffle sadly not even their ideas, nothing original or indicative of originality,... but learnt from the ancients, that really ...really did not know where the Sun went at night ..seriously they take their information from folk who did not know the Earth orbits the most folk know that...and we have real evidence that the Earth orbits the Sun...they thought stars small enough to fall on the ground. ..totally crazy if you say that today...imagine some one at the shopping mall starts chatting and tells you stars will fall on the ground...he is insane you would say.. but if its in the book thats credible and still folk look to these uneducated and uninformed ancient folk as authority.

And worse still..they can not or will not see that such reliance is a problem if you care about truth and reality.

The well educated theist waffles that atheists talk about stuff they dont understand and therefore are somehow unable to understand the greater level of spirituality felt by the theist.

Yet these theists fail.

They, theists, actually believe their hopeless waffle is above any request for evidence or proof...oh you have not been brain washed so you cant understand☺

Look at so many here on this forum...obviously very well educated, express themselves in often an excellent manner and seemingly inteligent... yet none are able to do more than waffle and side step simple requests for information.

They can be so clever but never do more than waffle.

We read their waffle and it is such good waffle we get taken in and forget we are still only talking about made up stuff... made up stuff..and no one comes forward and seeks to show that it is not made up stuff..they cant ..I know that they cant and they show they waffle is the only option.

And how tiresome is the line that the atheist does not know what they are talking about as if years of private school religious brainwashing really was an education and not a careful destruction of the ability to apply critical thinking to ancient scriptures written by folk who simply did not know the workings of the world and employed superstition and wishfully thinking.

Presumably private schools, with a religious flavour, produce folk who seem to have a wonderful education but for me perhaps one could say they are turned out to be respectful and accepting of authority and somehow although they sincerely believe they are more capable of critical thinking than those they arrogantly rank themselves above yet they demonstrate total failure to muster the skill of critical thinking if called upon to apply critical analysis to their scriptures or rather their interpretation of their respective cults scripture.

And so although a child should be able realise the context for the production of the absurd anomalies by the ancient ill informed authors who wrote their scriptures it is probably impossible given that the child is trained to toe the line, respect authority and believe what you are told and above all dont rock the boat with questions that hint how stupid the stories actually present to anyone who stopped and wondered how could it be that the ancient superstitious authors knew so much about the universe a ten year old child knows more than the ancients... about things that in the past were mysteries and explained using superstition and made up inaccuracies.

Let them waffle that is all the theist has to hide the fact that they lack any ability to employ critical thinking to any of their made up stories.

That made me hungry for breakfast!
Most in the US do not go to private schools. Otherwise, I realize what you said. Recently, I said something about children being relentlessly intently influenced to believe stupid ignorant nonsense at a time when they are incapable of making good judgements.
You & I & others have said such over & over. I know about cognitive dissonance & other logic lessening mental maladies. Yet I have difficulty with people being unable to apply their education to their beliefs. Someone either knows about stars & gravity & meteors & accepts it or not. I sometimes accuse them of being unable to face reality yet I have trouble facing this aspect of reality.
I have to wonder whether they actually believe all that crap or they pretend to believe because their family & friends & a large part of society seem to believe it.
IF we someday invent a machine to enable us to read each others minds, that may be the end of theism because each person will see that everyone else is pretending just as they are.;f=32;t=000425;p=0

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Let them waffle that is all the theist has to hide the fact that they lack any ability to employ critical thinking to any of their made up stories.

Have pity for all those hit on the head by the Waffle Iron


for they shall be forever confused


From Stranger in a strange land in the Jokes and funny stories thread

Sorry but far to way waaaay out there not to have some exposure here

Perhaps FF might like to contact Sarah as a spokesperson for a thread


Is FF anymore deluded ..think of it he at least deals with something that is there even if he is talking about the Moon landing was filmed in Hollywood...there are some tangible things to argue about that if need be the parties can personally inspect the evidence or a good mark for FF he at least refers to something he presents as evidence and really that is so far ahead of the evidence or lack of by theists..
Mind you I dont know much about FF I stopped wasting time in that thread months ago...but my point os he at least offers something more than I am not my body and going to leave this body and...that is out there really.
Now I have the answer.
Theists say atheists are a religion...why not teach atheism in schools..minorities rights matter☺. Paganism at least.

Seriously? You can teach people NOT to believe?

Oh that's right it's called education

Or is it think for yourself or question everything or make up your own mind?

Its in there somewhere

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One would have to look at it and consider what would need to be done to do something to make the buildings suitable for some sort of rental..but I would not buy it...too far South for me.
Religious cults ...dont people ever learn...well no they dont it seems...but who can blame this chap he did what many others do or have done by conning folk with made up nonsence to obtain personal gain.

It is sad that in this day and age folk dont see through the made up crap that is religion.

Notice the theists have all run and hid...
They realise their waffle has been found out I guess.

This is about setting up a satellite in orbit around the moon to provide a coms link for a Lander it hopes to place on the Dark Side of the moon later this

The Chinese have always pretty good with rockets☺.
I have wanted to ask for some time now... what is your favorite top five hymms or do you just like them all.

And for a really silly idea...imagine if all the resources and energy that went into building churches was instead used to build hospitals.

Imagine if the education of priests etc were replaced with the education of doctors to treat mental problems.

Hiya Raithere.
Long time no here from. .
Are you just passing by?

Hi Jan,

I cruise by from time to time just to make sure everyone is behaving themselves. ;)
I just don't have the time to play I once had. Hope you are doing well.
The fact is that the belief in a god supernaturally taking care of your needs is no different than a belief that those needs are supernaturally cared for by a sacred rock, tree, or opossum carcass. If you can scientifically describe the difference, go ahead and be the first to do so.

Well first off, this isn't science, it's a philosophical discussion about poorly defined metaphysical beliefs. And, of course, there generally is a difference between how gods are typically defined as opposed to supernatural rocks and opossum carcasses. I'm not really sure of your point however. Perhaps you can clarify.
The Chinese have always pretty good with rockets☺.
I have wanted to ask for some time now... what is your favorite top five hymms or do you just like them all.

And for a really silly idea...imagine if all the resources and energy that went into building churches was instead used to build hospitals.

Imagine if the education of priests etc were replaced with the education of doctors to treat mental problems.

I'll Fly Away

"I'll Fly Away", is a hymn written in 1929 by Albert E. Brumley and published in 1932 by the Hartford Music company in a collection titled Wonderful Message.[1][2] Brumley's writing was influenced by the 1924 secular ballad, "The Prisoner's Song".
"I'll Fly Away" has been called the most recorded gospel song,[1][2] and it is frequently used in worship services by Baptists, Pentecostals, Nazarenes, the Churches of Christ and many Methodists.[3] It appears in many hymnals where it is listed under the topics of eternal life, heaven and acceptance. It is a standard song at bluegrass jam sessions and is often performed at funerals.'ll_Fly_Away

I'll Fly Away

"I'll Fly Away", is a hymn written in 1929 by Albert E. Brumley and published in 1932 by the Hartford Music company in a collection titled Wonderful Message.[1][2] Brumley's writing was influenced by the 1924 secular ballad, "The Prisoner's Song".
"I'll Fly Away" has been called the most recorded gospel song,[1][2] and it is frequently used in worship services by Baptists, Pentecostals, Nazarenes, the Churches of Christ and many Methodists.[3] It appears in many hymnals where it is listed under the topics of eternal life, heaven and acceptance. It is a standard song at bluegrass jam sessions and is often performed at funerals.'ll_Fly_Away

I listened to Alison Krauss do that song.


I hope she is as beautiful as I imagined as I listened to her performance.

I have not see her in the flesh nor do I want to as no one can match the vission she created as she sang that doubt she is an angel and no one can tell me different...

Stranger you have got me thinking to hunt down blues music that has religious inspiration from a musical interest point of view.
Although when you think about it the blues came from the church as a simple musical progression that once understood takes one to a musical indulgence and experience beyond the comprehension of others who miss the simplicity of making music.
The JAM is possible because of the blues progression and the most enjoyement I have had in life is Jamming with someone I just met in a pub whilst both wre sober enough to get their guitars out of the car and invent music that you never knew you would play.

And I suppose one can not ignore the results of creations inspired by a non existent God.

I have been up for over a week doing astro photos and getting to bed at Sunrise and my brain is scrambled so I am ...sorry I am sleep deprived.

But what an interesting thing..I see that folk can do great things believing that they are on Gods mission...that is a positive.

At last a positive dribbling from the made up nonsence...I will be up all night tonight and while the camera is running may learn that song...not for me but what a great tool to bring an audience on side...

Thanks for that.

My religion is turning around cats and blues and no creator...yes its crazy but that gets me there.
God is obviously a cat who plays the cigar box guitar and is into astro photography.

I find the need and reliance of folk on religion facinating.
It seems to be that they get reason for existing from their belief.
First question is why do they need reason to exist?
Second question I have not worked out yet but on relation to the first...maybe there is no reason and they are just dumb folk who cant do more than wonder and dont move from there..

Those of us who are normal would say to them " get a life" meaning ..get over it mate are inside too much and thinking stuff that is nonsence...get outside and live ..forget that God stuff..if he is there he would be happy to see you avoid religion..on that you can bet.

Most go along with religious dogma ... some / most because they are followers. Nothing wrong with that you have to bow down when someone stronget richer or more powerful dictates your reality.. I just hope in your private moments you take time to realise what a load of crap they burden you with simply to shore up their make believe whatever the head dude says is correct becomes the mantra of yhe underling...I get that.
And would I do any more for my underlings? No probably not...I wasted so much time recently trying to educate someone about reality but they have been brain washed and a damn good job O say as they have their lines and can run them out when someone like me is before them...they feel empowered and equal..that is good.

Imagine you work in a group where the boss is a believer you gotta go with that...ranking must dictate most folks stated beliefs.

I have no one to influence or impress so have a rare privilege to think independently. .. Thinking sees all the Gods disappear...
But I can see why they exist...I have reached enlightement and I tell you it is better than anyone can imagine...and if you could imagine how good ..well its better than that.

About the only way I could describe it is still too amazing for anyone to understand.

Like the song and love cats and dogs and horses and the stars but not sure about the con thst is religion.

My problem is it just seems wrong to lie to people particularly when they turn to the church for answers.
You know that car guy?.. he told me he saw something in a tree that as he described like "predator" sort of there and not yhere all at he asked his priest..."you have seen a demon" now what does that tell us?
The priests are full of it and helping propagate cruel, how nasty and most of all so very sad.
Is tbe priest a nut case? or just manipulative?

And so when this man asks me for the truth what do I do?
There is more truth than he can absorb...perhapd keep it simple..yes a demon for sure...I tried to explain we interpret things via our brain and as good as it is it can play tricks...well of course that only applies to other people and not him...

Need sleep but there is a clear sky and that is where I am going.
Or maybe the claim that atheism is scientifically impossible is not a claim that "scientists" make, but rather one that Nuri Vittachi wants to make.

Based on scientific claims.
Can you make a case against it?

No. That's a logical fallacy. Like doesn't have to come from like. It does not follow that the source of a lego person is another lego person, for example. The lego person is made of plastic, but it doesn't follow therefore that the maker of the lego person must be made of plastic.

It does follow, however, that consciousness brings forth consciousness. Why would you entertain the idea that consciousness comes from your brain?

Perhaps you are inclined to think that way, but that doesn't make it any more likely to be true.

How would you know?

Wrong again. Damage the brain, for example, and that "I am" of yours also visibly suffers damage. It is logical to infer that the "I" is therefore a product of the brain.

It appears that way from the outside, especially if you identify the physical body as the self. But you do not know what goes on internally. The "I" most likely enters into different dimensions, just like when we are asleep.
The "I" identifies with it's body, and expresses itself according to it's conscious state. For example the "I" acts accordingly, if it's body loses a leg, or arm. You cannot act like you have two legs, if you only have one.

What are you talking about? Your belief is grounded entirely in faith. If it wasn't, you would be able to present clear evidence that your God exists. But you yourself admit that unequivocal evidence of that is nowhere to be found.

Firstly, God Is. But you deny, and or reject it.
Secondly, trying to prove God to an atheist, is a futile task. The atheist is so, because there is no God, as far as the atheist is aware.

The atheists position is to rely on his senses, to understand God.

Accepting that the senses came about through natural forces, there is no way he can comprehend God, other than some material creature, that can be sensually observed.

Until he can let go of the idea that everything came about via natural forces, he is lost, as far as understanding what is God, self, and how they are related.

No one needs faith to belive in God, unless they're atheist. A bit like yourself.
Belief in God is natural, but there can be no belief for those who deny, or reject, God. God allows our desire to live as though there is no God, meaning they aren't bound by their conscience, if they choose not to be.

It appears that one needs faith to not believe in God.

When you don't apply the bullshit filter to ideas that seem to support your own biases, you can be led down all kinds of blind alleys. Your wide-eyed enthusiasm for the article your posted in this thread is a good example of that

"Wide eyed enthusiasm"?

Personally, I think it's a poor article. He's left out the important bits, like not giving any citations, or identities of the scientists. He left out his position with regards atheist, agnostic, or theist.
I would have liked to hear more of the science.

So I'm not exactly enthusiastic about this article, but in it's spirit, I think there are discussion points that can be raised, as the idea could be basically true, if looked at for what it is sactually saying.

As for the bullshit meter, I remember your defence of the whale evolution, a discussion we had years ago.

That sounds a bit like mystical mumbo jumbo to me.

It's quite simple. The conscious decisions we make, aren't the only decisions we make. Yet we are constantly making decisions. Most times we make decisions without thinking about it.
What you view as correct applies only to you, in that moment of time. You cannot really account for anyone, let alone everyone.

Wouldn't it be better to keep an open mind and not accept dualism until there is some evidence in favour of it?

I don't think you're in a position to talk about open-mindedness.

Or course, the same thing could be said about your jumping in to enthusiastically embrace your God belief.

Does your embellishment of theism, give you more confidence in your delusional position? Should I act enthusiastic, so the wishful thinking aspect of your delusion, appears rational, and thought out.

The author states that to go from a belief in some kind of "spiritual" reality (such as might power Reiki practices, for example) to a full-blown belief in an all-powerful God is an unimportant "minor detail". Maybe it's not a stretch for you, but it certainly is for me.

You didn't answer my question.

Let's assume they are pseudoscientificsessions. Why do they participate?

Having said that, however, I recognise that once you open the door to belief in supernatural forces, sliding down the slippery slope to the bottom is by no means an unforeseeable consequence. In opening the door in the first place, you're giving up on critical thinking in favour of adopting the kind of faith-based stance that is common to theists.

What is "supernatural" about Reiki?

Tell me: do you consider all ritual to be a kind of prayer? (Birthday party? New Year's celebrations?)

I consider them rituals.
We all pray, more than we realise.
Praying is natural to humans.
But not all prayers are directly to God.
But, ultimately, the only is God, and everything else is subordinate.

I'm assuming God Just Is, as opposed to your assumption that God may, or may not exist. If that's okay with you.

Here? The old "no atheists in foxholes" myth. It's fairly blatant. But perhaps you believe it (?)

I don't have to believe it.
The consciousness, about to leave the body, with the realisation that it has acted foolishly, out of ignorance, asking for forgiveness. Would come as no surprise to anyone. However it would be foolish, to stick to your delusional guns, when that time comes. Reality can be a bitch!

He is welcome to believe what he likes, just as you are. The question of his bias in the article, however, is one that can be discussed on the basis of the available evidence in the article itself, and that's what I have tried to do.

It's just an article. Why get so het up over it?

Sure they do. Babies don't believe in God. Nobody believes in God until they are introduced to the idea and old enough to understand it.

Typical atheist understanding of God.

Do you think one is theist, because one asserts theism?
Then again, what else can you think.

One is not a theist, because one says so
The same applies to atheists and atheism.

If his (or your) assertion is that atheists are less social than theists, that needs to be supported by appropriate evidence. On the other hand, the evidence is in that religious people, on average, procreate more. But that has to do, at least in part, with lack of contraception, and lack of education.

What? :?

I have no particular argument with that. Is it your assertion that theists are more likely to be altruistic towards their fellow citizens than atheists, then? And if that is true, what would be the reason? The theism? The threat of punishment that so often goes with theocracy? Or something else? This needs a lot of unpacking, even if it's true.

Theocracy? Theism?
As for the rest of the point, it doesn't really matter.

Now, if that is in fact the case, the next question is: what happens to people who believe in an omni-present, supernatural watcher who might punish them in the afterlife for their transgressions? I have a hypothesis...

What is a supernatural watcher?
Why would someone who believes in God, think they are going to be pinished in the afterlife?

Why do you think people, naturally have a sense of justice?

Why is having a sense of justice, beneficial for human society?

How is it any better than a society with no justice, assuming the human has no sense of justice?

Then it's a pity you haven't posted anything substantive to address my criticisms of the article.

You're entitled to your criticisms .
But aside from the obvious things I mentioned, regarding the article, I think it is a good one. Let's expose atheism for what it actually is. A mental construct.

I know you believe such but I do not believe it simply because the soul is unevidenced other than existing as a superstition carried over from times where folk did not know where the Sun went at night.

Like so many of these notions without foundation they are born from the union of superstition and ignorance.

How do you know the soul is unevidenced?

Given that the spiritual-soul describes the essential you. The dude who claims his own body parts as his, including his brain. How did you conclude that the soul is unevidenced?

While you're at it, please explain what the essential you is, and how you decided that the evidence stands up.

How do you know the soul is unevidenced?
By the absence of evidence Jan.
Given that the spiritual-soul describes the essential you.

I do not see it that way Jan.

There is little mystery as to who one is...a human being which is a life form like many others on this planet arguably no better than any other life form, although you perhaps dont see it that way and think humans are somewhat special but we are a highly evolved animal related to other animals including apes and rats or on a wider approach we are even related to the grasses and the fact all life.

That general statement is supported by scientific observation and research and notably none of that scientific research or observation offers any evidence of a soul.

While you're at it, please explain what the essential you is, and how you decided that the evidence

I dont understand what an "essential you" is...I am me... a simple human, I live and breath eat etc and think...
Nothing special when compared to other humans or indeed other animals.

I see humans as just another animal who will dominate during their era but like 90% of all creatures that have lived on this planet will eventually disappear to be replaced by another animal who survived the catastrophy that humans did not.

As to me, when I die there is no more me..the brain dies and me is just a construct of my brain.

If you have evidence of a soul you should publish your evidence in a medical journal as it will no doubt be the first evidence ever published.

I say there is no soul and until someone provides real evidence I will continue to say there is no soul and presume it just is yet another made up story speaking to us from the bronze age and before.
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