Scientists attack 'intelligent design'

Well, Spurious, the lord works in mysterious ways! :)

Just 'cause YOU don't understand it, doesn't mean there isn't a good reason and/or explanation.

Baron Max
As a Christian I have talked to other Christains that happen to be more conservative on the subject than I. I personally believe that science and God go together quite well. With that said, conservative Christians or Christians who are afraid of evolution think that evolution explains everything. They believe that if evolution is taught then people won't belive in God or they will say, "I am an animal and I am not responsible to any so I can do whatever I want, there is no God cause I am a product of nature and so I don't have to obey social values or laws.". Yup, I thought it was a scary thought too. I think if most Christians would sit back and take in all the facts then maybe they wouldn't get so paranoid and yell about something they don't know much about. I believe that evolution has a potential to explain adaptation and what not. I don't believe it will lead to a total social meltdown. Sorry, I have a tendancy to ramble and get off topic. So, I hope I am clear as to what I have said, if not just yell at me, as I'm sure you may or may not.
macabre said:
As a Christian I have talked to other Christains that happen to be more conservative on the subject than I. I personally believe that science and God go together quite well. With that said, conservative Christians or Christians who are afraid of evolution think that evolution explains everything. They believe that if evolution is taught then people won't belive in God or they will say, "I am an animal and I am not responsible to any so I can do whatever I want, there is no God cause I am a product of nature and so I don't have to obey social values or laws.". Yup, I thought it was a scary thought too. I think if most Christians would sit back and take in all the facts then maybe they wouldn't get so paranoid and yell about something they don't know much about. I believe that evolution has a potential to explain adaptation and what not. I don't believe it will lead to a total social meltdown. Sorry, I have a tendancy to ramble and get off topic. So, I hope I am clear as to what I have said, if not just yell at me, as I'm sure you may or may not.
i think rather you both miss the vitals....that Nature is alive........for volutionary theory Nature is random and 'blind'...whilst for Christianity, in its history it has tortured burn and hung people for saying that Nature is alive..intelligent. you lot put all of thatinto your 'God' who 'makes' Nature as an architect makes a buildin, a carpenter a chair.......what we are saying is that Nature IS sentient, Is alive 'all the way down', and thus is Intelligent. you you see the difference from the other two positions?