Scientist Claims to Produce Human Clone

Now that'll be a news story, when doctors create the first body part for tranplant by using cloning techniques! It'll be the biggest breakthrough since immunization was invented.

Of course, we'll have to address all the legal issues, but I think it can pretty much come under existing abortion rulings. That means it'll arouse the same religious opposition as well. At any rate, we can't let someone create a clone and start harvesting organs from and 8 1/2 month old fetus. But stem cells taken from a cloned blastocist should be no problem.

Imagine pre-emtive organ creation. I'm healthy now, but why don't I get a few clones going, then bank a few kidneys, a heart, a liver etc., and freeze them until I need them later on. Where can I buy stock in the company that will do this???
I've seen where organs (I think human) or partial organs were created, but has an actual organ (like a heart or kidney) been created for an animal and "transplanted" successfully?

If so, why wait to do it for humans?

I do remember the human ear grown on the back of a mouse. Now that was something to look at!!
no saddly the best we have made so far is a blader! that not to say that other organs are not possible it just were not adavnced enough yet. First heart predicted to be grown by 2005! kiddies will be one of the hardest becasue of it mircorscopic stucture
Oh, I have no doubt we'll be able to do this in the not too distant future.

Back to the cloning topic, though, I've been trying to understand why these Raelians would make a false announcement since they are clearly smart enough to know how easy it will be to disprove them if they are lying. Even if they were just trying to temporarily drum up membership, wouldn't they then have to deal with a mass exodus once the truth was out?

It won't surprise me if the first human clone comes from somewhere unexpected, or out of the mainstream. And, of course, these Raelians have been talking about cloning for quite a few years.
I don't know I think these freaks may have done it! It not easy to prove you know everyone is going to try to test the origional and the clone if there genetics don't match there not clones!
Ya that’s a good point there: cloning could be used to make your family tree look more like a knotted ball of string!!! Finally, becoming your own grandfather can be technically AND genetically possible!
Interesting point about jumbled famil trees.

We probably have to look at it legally vs genetically. If Eve is a clone, then genetically she is the sister (identical twin) of the woman who carried her. But I think she has to be the daughter, legally. No?

You don't need to have a clone to get confusion:

Bob and Bill (identical twins) marry Jane and Jill (also identical twins). Bob marries Jane, Bill marries Jill. Both have kids, lets call them Dave and Darelen. Are Dave and Darlene cousins or brother/sister? Genetically, they're brother/sister. Legally, though, I'd guess they're cousins. Could they marry in states that allow cousins to marry?
Good point as well, but what if you clone a man that can't bare his own copy because like most male life forms (except maybe seahorse) he does not have a womb :p So would that clone be his brother or his child?, and is it different in legal and genetic contexts?
Artificial wombs currently exist in labs but cant yet carry a child past the grain of rice size. It is currently being tested on baby mice.

When that comes out cloning will be a lot more dangerous and potentially valuble.
No doubt the holy Raelians are working on that to... actually that has great uses for other things as well... like making a clone army of undefeatable solider for are conquest of the world!, oh no I have written to much can someone show me how to edit this thing? LONG LIVE THE RAELIANS!!!

Sorry its new years and I’m not in a legally normal state of mind right now
I'm not for a complete ban on cloning. Rather, a ban on cloning for reproductive purposes, such as implanting a cloned embryo into a mother to yield a child. Cloning embryos for stem cells is fine, because stem cell embryos are not humans for the simple fact that they are blank slates. I think stem cell research and cloning for disease treatment is fine, but absolutely not for yielding a human child no matter what the cirumstance.
Sounds good tell that to the conservatives in the senate… heck I can put a good bet they might even make abortions illegal again.

What is the point of posting a statement that you are opposed to reproductive cloning w/o giving any reasons?

Are you aware that identical twins are clones? They all started off as one person, then split into two AFTER the fertized egg began to divide.

Would you ban identical twins as well? If not, then why on earth would you be so adamantly opposed to reporductive cloning. For the sake of arguemnet here, lets assume we are talking about the technology be advance enough that the danger of genetic and/or physical abnormalities was no worse than other commonly accepted forms of reprodcution.
yes, once we get all the kinks and bug out of it cloning will be as safe as IVF and the "old fashion way" (though more expensive). The problem is that there are alot of people that... Ooooh whats the word for it you know like when they use to burn witches and call people heratics for the littlest of things, You know: people that think there right and should kill anything that does not fit with them and their god or perseption of what is and is not natural. Whats a good word for those people?