Scientifically, give some reasons why it is NOT possible to be Allergic to WATER/H20?

DISTILLED water set them off? To me it really sounds like the culprit is the H2O molecule itself, degranulating mastytes and setting off a reaction or a toxic response.

Of course it isn't. We're 70% water (including all the cells of your immune system.)

It might well be water with the wrong osmotic pressure that causes the cells in contact with that water to either swell or shrink, though.
Lemonade, diet coke and milk are safe as the water is carbonated or bonded into another compound; making it entirely different altogether
'fraid not.
the water in these substances is chemically identical to any other "kind" of water. tap water, distilled water, etc.
no, it is not "entirely different".
SOURCES: Medical journals, Opera, Tyra, Maury, 1,000 ways to die (woman died because the fire extingushers went off, and she was allergic to water) news articles, talking to nurses/ friends and personal research.
i don't know of ANY fire extinguisher approved for home use that has water for the "active" ingredient.
water is ineffective on grease fires and poses a serious personal risk with electrical fires.
Sprinkler systems use water. They are commonly used for fire extinguishing.
i have never seen "sprinkler systems", which isn't a "fire extinguisher", installed in residential housing.
seen plenty of them in doctors offices and department stores.

water is not approved for all types of fires in residential dwellings, not here in the US anyway.

the only type of fire water is approved for is "paper" fires.
burning cardboard, newsprint, magazines, etc.

info about extinguishers:

i've found that "sprinkler systems" are indeed found in some residential housing but it was "retrofitted", meaning it was added by the owner after the dwelling was built.
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Aquagenic urticaria is a rare form of physical urticaria characterized by small follicular wheals with an erythematous flare upon exposure to water. We describe typical lesions in a seven-year-old boy with aquagenic urticaria, cholinergic urticaria, and symptomatic dermatographism, who responded to treatment with ultraviolet B and oral antihistamines.
i don't know of ANY fire extinguisher approved for home use that has water for the "active" ingredient.
water is ineffective on grease fires and poses a serious personal risk with electrical fires.

sorry your wrong there, the ones that are sold in woolworths and other stores here are water extinguishers, if your putting out an oil fire you use a fire blanket or dump a packet of flour on it
SOURCES: Medical journals, Opera, Tyra, Maury,

I'm somewhat experienced in the realm of safety and related fields, so I'd love to know what opera it is that provides information on this topic? Perhaps I missed something relevant in Don Giovanni?
sorry your wrong there, the ones that are sold in woolworths and other stores here are water extinguishers, . . .
yes, they do sell water type of extinguishers but they are for paper type of fires and are not approved for grease or electrical fires.
these extinguishers are for a specific type of fire and are not for general use.
i provided a link that goes into this.
No answers to the original question?
original question, as in first.
first question asked by you:
If those ALLERGIC TO WATER are actually allergic to stuff in the water, why does DISTILLED water set them off?

the only answer i can think of is the placebo effect.
No answer?

To answer you a second time:

To me it really sounds like the culprit is the H2O molecule itself

No, it's not. We're 70% water (including all the cells of your immune system.) It might well be water with the wrong osmotic pressure that causes the cells in contact with that water to either swell or shrink, though.

If those ALLERGIC TO WATER are actually allergic to stuff in the water, why does . . .DISTILLED water set them off?

Distilled water is extremely hypotonic and therefore can cause high osmotic pressures in cells.
original question, as in first.
first question asked by you:
If those ALLERGIC TO WATER are actually allergic to stuff in the water, why does DISTILLED water set them off?

the only answer i can think of is the placebo effect.

there is a way to check that, put a small amount of distilled water on them while they are asleep or sedated, the immune response should be the same

I'd suggest the only reasonable answer is perhaps these people lack a crucial protein (such as the water channel aquaporin) and can not regulate osmotic presser effectively which could lead to cellular damage, release of histamine and recruitment of the immune system.