Scientific Proof Christianity is the True Religion


Valued Senior Member
The Trinity consists of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. There are three qualities of the universe: Time, Space and Matter. To exist (except for God), all three are required. Each quality consists of three elements. Reality exists as a trinity of trinities. We live in a Trinity of Trinities: Romans 1:20 says, "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made..."

- The three qualities of universe are each three:
(1) Time

(2) Space


(3) Matter

Now, I figure that if waves on top of waves can equate to Atomic Orbital Theory then surely this is Scientific Proof that ONLY Christianity is the True Faith.

Of course, all but a few die-hard 2.0 Christians would believe that line of bullshit. And yet, there we were, gaily splashing about in waves on top of waves on top of Xemus.... It's silliness or insanity, which I'm not yet sure, they're both somewhat similar at times. Yet, I still wonder, how can one person see how silly this is, and another, due to their programming, not see how silly it is?

One answer may be found in the trisynaptic loop of the hippocampus and LTP. I was reading that paired stimulation, even if weekly paired, results in the up regulation of AMDA receptors via strong post synaptic depolarization and Ca2+ induced secondary signally cascades (once Mg2+ is knocked out of the NMDA receptor Ca2+ influx occurs). If the stimuli are paired there's a physical increase in the actual number of AMDA receptors on the post synaptic neuron of the weakly paired synapse (not sure of the full P-way though). In short, the brain is remodeled when these are paired. This may be what physically underlies Pavlov's Dog Classical Conditioning experiments (or a part of it). I haven't read of any good evidence that this is going to be able to be undone, although maybe. This suggests that once the paired stimulus creates LTP synapse, it's there pretty much there for the lifetime of the brain. I wouldn't say forever - but, probably for the life of the individual. Especially given repeated lifetime exposure.

Which is why it's somewhat a waste of time to discuss Trinities of Trinities.

Machines don't Think. They do as they are programmed to do. Don't be fooled into thinking we're all that different. Let's enjoy our Weekend Afternoon relaxing.
The Trinity

More proof.....






intelligent (senseless)
infallible (skeptical)
incorrigible (sinner)....... God made sure opponents of atheism had their descriptive trinity too.:D
no, actually, there are more than 20, as for toaday, we discovered only 22, and maybe there's more, liek in teh past we thoght there's only 3, but no,

oh,where's the proof? :p

didn't you read this part:
Yet, I still wonder, how can one person see how silly this is, and another, due to their programming, not see how silly it is?

By the By, don't you believe that Mohammad split the moon into two, the Qur'an is Perfect and there exists magical flying creatures? ;)

Yet, I still wonder, how can one person see how silly this is, and another, due to their programming, not see how silly it is?
Machines don't Think. They do as they are programmed to do. Don't be fooled into thinking we're all that different.
So in a post pointing out silly certainty in the religious you end by stating silly certainty weakly based on the scientific. And note: if you are correct that we are merely machines in this way, there is absolutely no point in discussions like this one. It would make it sort of like you think prayer is: a futile ritual based on faulty assumptions.
So in a post pointing out silly certainty in the religious you end by stating silly certainty weakly based on the scientific. And note: if you are correct that we are merely machines in this way, there is absolutely no point in discussions like this one. It would make it sort of like you think prayer is: a futile ritual based on faulty assumptions.
I should have been a little more clear - due to neural plasticity, it is possible to modify the neural net of the CNS and this is happening all the time, even now, as you read these words. However, once an actual synapse is grown and strengthened (ie: a totally new synapse as well as more receptor for the NT up regulated and embedded in the post synaptic membrane) the less likely it becomes to change these connections.

So, I wouldn't say we are "machines". However, don't expect a brain that's been hard wired with strengthened synapses to be able to easily think differently than the way these synapses generally dictate. In that sense we are machine like. While this complex organ is not well understood, we are getting a much better understanding of how each area of the brain does function. Our thought processes are completely dependent on the physical and chemical connections that make up our brain after all.

IMO this is why one person can see that Trinity of Trinity is not evidence of Divinity while at the same time maintain with certainty something silly, like the moon was split in half.

Why is it most of us can easily and with certainty understand that the silly story of Xemu is make-believe, while a true believer of Xemu can not?

I think the story of Xemu is pretty silly. But, the way in which children are brainwashed into believing in Xemu is not silly. The impact a lot of Xemu believers can have on societies is also not silly. There's a reason why it's best to teach children about Gods early in life, while their brain is developing, if you want them to maintain a life long belief in those Gods. I also wonder if the difficulty associated with altering strengthened synapses isn't perceived as mental stress and even a physical threat. These sorts of brains might be more likely to defend their belief as it would be the same as defending themselves. Isolating people, repetitious behaviors, changing identity, all of these work to strengthen synapses.

memes are interesting so lets enjoy that Saturday :)
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I should have been a little more clear - due to neural plasticity, it is possible to modify the neural net of the CNS and this is happening all the time, even now, as you read these words. However, once an actual synapse is grown and strengthened (ie: a totally new synapse as well as more receptor for the NT up regulated and embedded in the post synaptic membrane) the less likely it becomes to change these connections.

So, I wouldn't say we are "machines". However, don't expect a brain that's been hard wired with strengthened synapses to be able to easily think differently than the way these synapses generally dictate. In that sense we are machine like. While this complex organ is not well understood, we are getting a much better understanding of how each area of the brain does function. Our thought processes are completely dependent on the physical and chemical connections that make up our brain after all.

IMO this is why one person can see that Trinity of Trinity is not evidence of Divinity while at the same time maintain with certainty something silly, like the moon was split in half.

Why is it most of us can easily and with certainty understand that the silly story of Xemu is make-believe, while a true believer of Xemu can not?

This is a very interesting thought. About difficult to shake core beliefs as opposed to people readily changing their minds...
Michael=- you seem to have an obsession/compulsion over "Xemu", I suggest you get over it; it's getting tired.

There is no god but God. God is a singular ONE.
This is a very interesting thought. About difficult to shake core beliefs as opposed to people readily changing their minds...
I would like to see the regulatory DNA for people who have spontaneously had an epiphany like "There are no Gods" or "There is no Xenu" or "You know, I never really bought into it, even as a kid". Perhaps some people don't make as strong connections, while others a cemented in place? :shrug: Some people are more open to new ideas, other's can't seem to get their "head" wrapped around new ideas.

You know the old saying: It's like teaching an OLD dog NEW tricks.

Michael=- you seem to have an obsession/compulsion over "Xemu", I suggest you get over it; it's getting tired.

There is no god but God. God is a singular ONE.
*beep beep*

010100101001 1001 100101010 101001011101110001010101 00010101001 10101 101001 :p

jmpet, you know as well as I that there are millions of devout theists who worship and pray to Xemu/Xenu. Xemu is as real to them as your Gods are to you. There's really no difference in the belief. Not to mention there are millions of Japanese who believe in a Goddess. As well as the billions of people who believe or believed in all sorts Goddesses and Gods.
There is no god but God.

This is the scientific proof I`ve been waiting for. Convert me.

I think Michael is right, we are machines. In keeping with jmpet`s proof of God I offer this, found in the online dictionary:
An intricate natural system or organism, such as the human body
. How much more proof do you need? If the dictionary says so then it is.
I should have been a little more clear - due to neural plasticity, it is possible to modify the neural net of the CNS and this is happening all the time, even now, as you read these words. However, once an actual synapse is grown and strengthened (ie: a totally new synapse as well as more receptor for the NT up regulated and embedded in the post synaptic membrane) the less likely it becomes to change these connections.
If said brain as 1) been exposed to ideas like this one and decided to accept them and 2) is afraid of confusion, exploration, etc., sure.

So, I wouldn't say we are "machines". However, don't expect a brain that's been hard wired with strengthened synapses to be able to easily think differently than the way these synapses generally dictate.
This is a deep belief in many people. Is it a good one? How do you think this belief might affect how fixed other beliefs are held? It is a kind of a meta-belief. How is it functioning you?

and actually in the last couple of decades we've found that the brain is much more plastic than once thought. A great book on this subject is

The Brain That Changes Itself

which follows a variety of scientists who, against tremendous resistence from other scientists, discovered that the brain, even in elderly adults is vasly more plastic than previously thought.

In that sense we are machine like. While this complex organ is not well understood, we are getting a much better understanding of how each area of the brain does function.Our thought processes are completely dependent on the physical and chemical connections that make up our brain after all.
It is an effective model for certain things, but hardly been fleshed out. Correlation is often confused with cause. We still have no idea why consciousness would arise. We are just beginning to understand things about brains. The issue I mentioned about plasticity is one example about how a fundamental concept about the brain was simply in place because of habit. Hell, it is not even clear what the communication method of nerves is....

IMO this is why one person can see that Trinity of Trinity is not evidence of Divinity while at the same time maintain with certainty something silly, like the moon was split in half.

Why is it most of us can easily and with certainty understand that the silly story of Xemu is make-believe, while a true believer of Xemu can not?
Or why most people accept the official version of 9/11 and deny seeing ghosts even when they do.
Yes triads are everywhere, for example the three states of matter.


And the three people who matter

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If said brain as 1) been exposed to ideas like this one and decided to accept them and 2) is afraid of confusion, exploration, etc., sure.
I'm not exactly sure what you are saying. I was only saying that CNS function is based on the physical properties of the brain: structure (neuronal tracts) and function (chemical pathways). That's it.

This is a deep belief in many people. Is it a good one? How do you think this belief might affect how fixed other beliefs are held? It is a kind of a meta-belief. How is it functioning you?

and actually in the last couple of decades we've found that the brain is much more plastic than once thought. A great book on this subject is

The Brain That Changes Itself

which follows a variety of scientists who, against tremendous resistence from other scientists, discovered that the brain, even in elderly adults is vasly more plastic than previously thought.
I totally agree that the brain is very plastic. As a mater of fact, the example I gave of strengthening LTP synapses is a prime example of neural plasticity. One of the best models is a sea snail called Aplysia. The hippocampus is another interesting area of study. I've read some interesting studies on blindfolded individuals and how quickly areas in the occipital lobe that process higher order visual stimuli began processing auditory stimuli.

So, yes, I agree, the brain is very plastic.

And yet, most adult people do not alter the religious belief they were taught as children. Why? Most adult people have great difficulties changing the language they were raised to think in. Why? Some religions, for example Scientology, have come up with interesting processes to change people's faith. How does this work? Why does it seem to be that changing a person's name can somewhat alter their personal identity? What is happening neurologically?

Go back to the experiment of people who wore blind folds daily for a few weeks. This did change the structured function relationship of their CNS. Now, think about the daily religious rituals people are told the Gods or the Aliens require of them. IS there some similar processes going on? Daily religious ritual is there to strengthen LTP synapse. That's it's function. All of the rules of society are there to do the same. This means its much harder to change the way a brain "thinks" about information in a way that utilizes pathways that are either down regulated or no longer exist. In effect, these rituals could be retarding the variety of perspectives people are able to take? Lets face it, if you scoop out an area of the brain, it's going to alter the structure function relationship. If you strengthen synapses on a daily bases it makes it harder to remodel those synapses. IMO we're not as "free willed" as we'd like to think ;)

Think about this. Suppose you wanted to "de-program" a Scientologist.
Is it possible to de-program a Scientologist who continues to attend daily religious services? Not likely for most people (some people yes - most no). Which is why there's often a legal battle between a family who kidnaps a member and "against their will" attempts to have them de-programmed. One of the first things that seems to be required at an attempt to utilize this wonderful thing called neural plasticity is to stop the daily religious ritual. But, no one is really thinking about neural plasticity - - are they? Who knows, in another 10 years maybe a person could be given a pill and quickly learn a new language, or more easily brainwashed by the State, or quit believing in superstition, or start believing in a new one. I won't be surprised if so.

How do random reinforcements affect synapse strength?
Why do we regularly make type I and II errors?
Has our brain evolved with a disposition towards belief in the supernatural or are these memes piggybacking on the backs of other hardware up there :shrug:

It's all very interesting isn't it? :)

It is an effective model for certain things, but hardly been fleshed out. Correlation is often confused with cause. We still have no idea why consciousness would arise. We are just beginning to understand things about brains. The issue I mentioned about plasticity is one example about how a fundamental concept about the brain was simply in place because of habit. Hell, it is not even clear what the communication method of nerves is....

Or why most people accept the official version of 9/11 and deny seeing ghosts even when they do.
I agree, we've learned more in the last 15 years than in the last 5000 years about the functioning of the brain and we're only just scratching the surface.
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