plenty of people have gone to great lengths to verify itYou make an unsupported claim here. I've heard many tales of people recounting a "Past life" where they were a famous person. Or maybe, the rare one, where they were an unknown. Either way, they made claims that were unverified or unverifiable- so you nor I have any way of knowing if they actually knew something that they could not have known.
basically you are looking at not just one or two but literally thousands of cases where people can recall detailed information that they would have no way to access. Like for instance a housewife giving detailed information about the layout of a medieval village or a 4 year old child recalling a particularly dramatic moment of an individual during WW2
What is unverified is any scientific mechanism that could enable an individual's consciousness to survive death (but then there is not a verified scientific mechanism to explain how consciousness exists in one who is alive anyway)