science and the biggest bang ever!


Please get it straight. Fission and Fusion are two different things. Chernobyl was a fission reactor not fusion. Also, the Chernobyl disaster was an accident. It was caused by the poor judgment of inexperienced technicians running a test that they probably shouldn't have been authorized to run on a Soviet reactor lacking the fail-safe mechanisms used in the US and Europe. It is not the consequence of a properly designed and run fission reactor.

ellion said:
i think it is appauling, absolutely fucking disgusting, it sickens me to think that humans will manipulate other humans encourageing the killing of each other to serve religious, political, economical or whatever aggenda. religion no longer has the monopoly on controlling the minds of the public and the science of psychology is another threat to the liberty of humanity.
Well religion does that exactly ...good to know we are on the same page

ellion said:
what do you mean?
When I talk about salvery ..I did not read that Church or any religious missionaries sect tried to prevent/intervene the on going slavery or killing of innocent south americans or the native americans..this is because these were non-believers in their version of fairy tale..HOW MANY PEOPLE WERE TORTURED OR KILLED..

ellion said:
i dont think this is a fair and open minded atitude. to say you should not mention some negative aspect of science because religion has some negative aspect is would get us nowhere would it? should we only discuss the positive and pretend that no negatives exist?

I never said we should not discuss ..but why attack science is just saying what is the truth ..and not asking you to believe in something. Religion not only wants you to believe it also wants you to judge people who do not believe in your version of you imaginary friend.
Well religion does that exactly ...good to know we are on the same page
i do know this. my hope is that our intelligent community can find some positive (as well as negative) in both directions without becoming paranoid about being brainwashed and converted etcetera.

When I talk about salvery ..I did not read that Church or any religious missionaries sect tried to prevent/intervene the on going slavery or killing of innocent south americans or the native americans..this is because these were non-believers in their version of fairy tale..HOW MANY PEOPLE WERE TORTURED OR KILLED..
where were the japanese and the eskimo, the russians and the mongols? seriously though, i understand that you may feel the religion could do more and didnt. do you realize how many problems american government have caused over the last few years?

I never said we should not discuss ..but why attack science is just saying what is the truth ..and not asking you to believe in something.
and i am sking why attack religion when science is just as fallible. both parties are saying what is the truth, whether you see it as the truth depends on which party you stand with.
no, i do think that science carries a potentially huge destrutive charge.

Only if theists continue to use science for destructive purposes, then I would agree with you.

(the older religion [the science of the soul])

I don't know what that is?

how can you say "athiests are using science......." as though every athiest is morally and ethically scrupulous. and also implying with that statement that all religious are the epitome of immoral maleficience.

The proof is in the putting, as they say. The world we live today is the result of centuries of religious thought. Atheism brings to the world rationale and reason, but it will take a long time to preclude religion.

Why not allow the world to be ruled by atheism for a change? What have we got to lose?
q said:
Only if theists continue to use science for destructive purposes, then I would agree with you.
this will happen when scientists stop using theists as scapegoats.

I don't know what that is?
then is your opinion a fully informed one?

The proof is in the putting, as they say. The world we live today is the result of centuries of religious thought. Atheism brings to the world rationale and reason, but it will take a long time to preclude religion.
do you really see this world as being the result of religious thought. with no scientific influence, with no political influence with no economical interests being served. everything in your world, your reality was created by those nasty theists and their sky fairies was it?

Why not allow the world to be ruled by atheism for a change? What have we got to lose?
you mean replace capitalism and consumerism with a disbelief in god?

how would that work?

anyway, why would i want to be ruled by anyone.

why not rule your own world? let those who want to rule, rule those who want to ruled.
this will happen when scientists stop using theists as scapegoats.

If the shoe fits...

then is your opinion a fully informed one?

Not that, I simply don't what you refer?

your reality was created by those nasty theists and their sky fairies was it?

No, their version of reality has been thrust upon the world for centuries, it most certainly is not reality. It has infiltrated every aspect of our lives, political, economical and otherwise. Its only the last couple of centuries or so that we've finally begun to shed the slavery and ignorance of religion (only somewhat) and make small strides forward.

you mean replace capitalism and consumerism with a disbelief in god?

No, just replace religious thought with reason and rationale.

why not rule your own world? let those who want to rule, rule those who want to ruled.

Unfortunately, my world has been and most likely will always be ruled by religious thought.

What I meant was replace religious thought with reason and rationale.
Science does not manipulate anything, only the state and religious leaders manipulate, science finds facts of life, while these two evil entities use the knowledge of science to their destructive ends. While reading this thread I found a good article that pertains to our content of conversation:

Delusional Madness, True Believers, Reptilian Brains and Fatuous Apes
By Norman B. LeClair

Whether we like it or not, whether we approve of it or not, we have been consigned, through no fault of our own, to spend our life in the world of reality. The dictionary tells us that "reality is neither derivative nor dependent," reality is simply that which exists. It's the given, the actual, the undistorted, the true. Moreover, there is only reality, only nature. There is no such thing as a super nature, no such realm, no such domain, no such pale as the supernatural.

The unreal, the mythical, the fabled, the chimerical exist only in our very fertile, often overactive, imaginations. They are the by-products of our hopes and fears, a way of ameliorating the cold, hard uncertainties of a short and burdensome existence. They are our rejection of things as they are, our musings of how things could have been, should have been, if only we had had the power and the opportunity to fashion a world more to our liking. A world free of pain and suffering, free of disease and death, free of loss and despair and all the other adversities which reality imposes on every life form, but especially on that hapless and hopeless creature we have labeled Homo Sapien. So here we are, stuck in the world of reality, for the plain and simple fact it's the only world we have. There is no other.

Most of us would give a nod of approval to that moving observation made by the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860): "If God made the world I could not be that God, for the misery of the world would break my heart." History makes clear that the human race is basically made up of two kinds of people: those who work timelessly to make the world a better and less threatening place, a more livable, harmonious and productive environment in which humankind can not only survive but thrive and flourish; and those hell bent and determined on keeping humanity forever mired in the misery, the degradation and the abject depravity of the Dark Ages.

read the rest here
