School Sucks...

School fucking pisses me off. Fuckin' teacher gave me a goddamn "U" in Biology, even thought I turned in the work and got good grades on the worksheets and tests. School is bull-mcfucking-shit.
kazakhan said:
I've been reading The Underground History of American Education and come to the following (Ch.2 pg.4).

Any comments/opinions on the above quote or the book? (Follow the link read it online)
While I'm thinking about it, what do people here believe are the current problems with the education system and what changes should be made? I'm assuming that at least in western nations the school systems are very similar.

One of the problems with todays teaching methods is they are geared more to the female style of learning which is why males are falling behind (in Uk at least) in subjects such as maths etc. male and female learning styles are vastly diffrent and the changes in style over recent yrs have removed the 'male style'.

I'd like to see the following taught in class (along with the usual of course):
Anger management and stress control
Budget control and financial planning (to avoid debt in adult hood)
First Aid
Cooking and cleaning and other domestic life skills, nutrition/diet etc.
Basic manners and social skills!
Sign language (no reason why deaf can't be part of wider community)
Maybe globally esperanto
Basic DIY
basic car maintenance
self defence

basically some bloomin' life skills that the parents don't teach anymore!
cato said:
the only thing that can make schools better is students that want to learn. everyone blames all kinds of things, but it comes down to the students and their motivation to learn. so how do we motivate them? I don't know.

it all starts at home
I think school is troublesome but i guess if you don't go to it then your life will be troublesome
This isn't realistic, but I think school would be much more interesting if it wasn't fixiated on basis of someday we're going to grow up and have a set job in a set career, etc. etc., but rather we chose what we wanted to learn simply because we wanted to learn it, and didn't need to worry about deciding on a career. Of course, that just doesn't work with society today, and in a lot of cases, probably won't work at all.

A little more realitiscally, it'd be great if school was more hands on than sitting at a desk taking notes all day from a teacher who simply repeats things out of a textbook.
Unfortunately, most settle for what is "realistic", and thus, rob themselves of what is real. Society today has been for the most part blinded by this system, and most don't even have a clue how perverted and far from reality it really is. Then, there are a few who for a moment catch a glimpse of what is going on, but most of those realize that the cost for being true to themselves is too great, for their stomachs, and many fantasies and lust for vanity are more important than finding their true selves.

Strait and narrow is the way to heaven, and few there are that find it.
Ibanez said:
Of course, that just doesn't work with society today, and in a lot of cases, probably won't work at all.

Wake up, friend, it is society today that doesn't work.
Wake up, friend, it is society today that doesn't work.

True, I've been thinking what you said for quite some time, the reason why I called it unrealistic is for the exact reason you said:

Then, there are a few who for a moment catch a glimpse of what is going on, but most of those realize that the cost for being true to themselves is too great, for their stomachs, and many fantasies and lust for vanity are more important than finding their true selves.