School bans 'slovenly' mothers from wearing pyjamas when they drop their children off

Brian Foley

Valued Senior Member
School bans 'slovenly' mothers from wearing pyjamas when they drop their children off
Schools are following Tesco's example and taking a stand against parents who turn up at the gates wearing pyjamas.

They are chastising parents for dropping children off - and collecting them in the afternoon - without first changing out of their nightwear and slippers.

One head has written to parents warning that their failure to get dressed for the school run is 'slovenly and rude'.

He took action after up to 50 mothers a day began arriving in the mornings wearing pyjamas and slippers.

The moves comes after a Tesco store in Cardiff took the unprecedented step of banning customers from shopping in their nightwear.
Burkhas are excepted, no doubt.;)

I agree with this policy.

It used to be that people would not go out in public without being dressed neatly — look at any picture of a public space from the 1940’s, for instance.
wow, havent they got anything better to do. I would love to see what exactly they think they can DO to adults who arnt even on the school property more than likly. I would love to see them hit back by ALL the parents wearing Pjs:p
Burkhas are excepted, no doubt.;)

I agree with this policy.

It used to be that people would not go out in public without being dressed neatly — look at any picture of a public space from the 1940’s, for instance.

Burqas are a sign of oppression of women. It makes sense to ban them for the same reasoon we ban the wearing of KKK masks. What you are suggesting is that we all serve as fashion police. So long as they are not wearing symbols of open and notorious oppression I have no issue with what others choose to wear, but I am opposed to speech that tells them what they must wear, so let's ban that instead, and pretend we did your thing.
Burqas are a sign of oppression of women. It makes sense to ban them for the same reasoon we ban the wearing of KKK masks. What you are suggesting is that we all serve as fashion police. So long as they are not wearing symbols of open and notorious oppression I have no issue with what others choose to wear, but I am opposed to speech that tells them what they must wear, so let's ban that instead, and pretend we did your thing.

ANY inforced clothing is a mark of opression so should i strip down naked and walk out on the street? it is a compleate joke to critise what muslims concider to be apropriate dress code while at the same time we have indency laws on our OWN books
What you are suggesting is that we all serve as fashion police.
Private Schools and Privately owned companies have every right to set dress codes for those using their services, they dont want cheap riff raff hanging around.
I agree with this policy too. Wearing pyjamas outdoors sets a poor example. Just look at the chav in the linked article. Time she got her arse off the sofa and got a job.
Burkhas are excepted, no doubt.;)

I agree with this policy.

It used to be that people would not go out in public without being dressed neatly — look at any picture of a public space from the 1940’s, for instance.

ok, i say emos shouldt wear skin tight pants or men wear womans pants, if i can get this i support your no pjs,, or men wearing skin tight pants or wearing pants that sag below there a$$ so they have to walk with there legs spread so there pants dont fall off yet! they do wear a belt
Private Schools and Privately owned companies have every right to set dress codes for those using their services, they dont want cheap riff raff hanging around.

Yes, and I am saying those mothers should tell the school administrators to go fuck themselves. If the school expels the children, then the school had better provide a full refund of tuition for the whole of the year, as I'm sure the contract between parent and school did not give the school the power to select clothing options for the parents (though it probably did for the children). If they don't want the mothers on school grounds, that fine, kids can be dropped at the corner by PJed moms.

Seriously, if your job is to run an institution of *any* sort, and the best thing you can find to "improve" things is to criticize the clothing choices of your customers, you are either a genius at your job, and have run out of things to improve, or you suck a massive donkey cock at your job and need to be fired. In short, there had better be no child being bullied in that school and no kid failing anything if the administration has time to engage in bureaucratic masturbation like this.
Seriously, if your job is to run an institution of *any* sort,
The best thing is to set a good example for the Children, that includes dress codes and conduct. Department stores banning people in night clothes is done for the exact same reason bars and nightclubs set dress codes for admisssion, and that is to keep patron standards high.
If the parents are on campus then they should follow dress code standards. But if the are just dropping their kid off and not even getting out of the car then who cares? My mother rarely got dressed in her Sunday best to drop us off at school because she was going straight home afterward.
The best thing is to set a good example for the Children, that includes dress codes and conduct. Department stores banning people in night clothes is done for the exact same reason bars and nightclubs set dress codes for admisssion, and that is to keep patron standards high.

Schools are there to educate children, and once they accept the child into the school, they should not treat the parents as if they are "riffraff" in the way you suggest. The time to screen was the time the child applied to the school. That said, if they clearly spell out in their contract with the parent in advance that they can run the parents lives, that's fine, though I don't know why the parents would sign such a contract without striking that clause out. I would tell them to go fuck themselves, but that's perhaps because I am not a complete pussy.

But hey, the world needs complete pussies too, so to each their own.
I have no problem with that. You don't have to dress to the nines to drop off the kids, but at least put some effort in and get out of your pajamas and slippers. :bugeye: I don't know how they do it. I wouldn't be caught dead walking around in public like that. If I was their kid, I would be so embarrassed, to have my mom show up like that.
Why does anyone care what anyone wears if they are just dropping their kids off? I can see if you get out of your car but who really cares? Unless the pj's were ridiculous.
there are pictures hanging up in my local pub of how the area looked about 70-80 years ago and in one of them is a guy working in the field on a farm dressed in a shirt and tie.weird.
I have no problem with that. You don't have to dress to the nines to drop off the kids, but at least put some effort in and get out of your pajamas and slippers. :bugeye: I don't know how they do it. I wouldn't be caught dead walking around in public like that. If I was their kid, I would be so embarrassed, to have my mom show up like that.

And if the kids complained that would make sense. Why the school is wasting their time and, by extension, people's tuition money on this issue boggles the mind, though. They are being paid to do their jobs, and playing-acting that they are Joan Rivers and the school parking lot the red carpet is not it.

This is not very much different than if the prescribed what sorts of music people could listen to on the drive to school.
And if the kids complained that would make sense. Why the school is wasting their time and, by extension, people's tuition money on this issue boggles the mind, though.
This quote from the article seems to explain it:
Head teacher Joe McGuinness became so fed up with PJ-clad mothers turning up at his primary school he sent a special bulletin home with the children.
'People don't go to see a solicitor, bank manager or doctor dressed in pyjamas, so why do they think it's okay to drop their children off at school dressed like that?'
Haha. He's just pissed that he's not getting as much respect as certain other professions. And on a side note, I can personally assure you that people do indeed frequently wear pajamas to the doctor's. Sick people often don't feel especially inclined to dress fancily when going to seek medical treatment.
This quote from the article seems to explain it:

Haha. He's just pissed that he's not getting as much respect as certain other professions. And on a side note, I can personally assure you that people do indeed frequently wear pajamas to the doctor's. Sick people often don't feel especially inclined to dress fancily when going to seek medical treatment.

or they call them to come to you and i can assure you no one except my father-in-law (who would jump out of bed and spend the day scrubbing the house down before the doc arived) would actually care WHAT your wearing in that case
Perhaps he does feel slighted, but the quote is further evidence that he should be fired. Dropping kids off does not equate to "going to see Joe McGuiness or other school personnel" going to see the doctor requires an actual intent and effort to see that individual. The mothers, I'm sure, could not care less, about whether they bumped into him or other adults, and the building that is "the school" does not care what they wear.

I would not want that kind of sloppy thinking infecting my kids.

The parents should put together a bulletin and send it to him requiring that he improve his analogies, or else. Personally, I'd rather people see me in my underwear, than that they see me being that stupid.
Why does anyone care what anyone wears if they are just dropping their kids off? I can see if you get out of your car but who really cares? Unless the pj's were ridiculous.

Let's straighten this phenomenon out for you, largely, these are slovenly welfare queens who can't be bothered to get get dressed, as they plan to go back home and laze about on the sofa watching chat shows all day, instead of looking for work.

Dropping the kids off at school wearing PJ's says 'Fuck you, I'm spending your tax money' to all the parents who got dressed, and are off to work after dropping their kids off.