Scaling the Aether

As usual, you make claims and then can't back them up.

I'm calling a spade a spade. And even though I admit I've started swearing more recently I'm a darn sight more rational and coherent than most posters in Pseudo. And unlike you I actually reply to direct questions or points raised, I quote people's posts bit by bit and respond. So I don't think you can give me too many lecturers on posting etiquette. You've accused me of wishing you dead, more than once, in utter contradiction to what I've actually said. Don't talk about 'professional standards' when you act like that.

When I mention people like yourself to my friends in the office they ask why I spend my time talking to people who are clearly either mad, idiotic or both.

It's silly of you to call me egotistical while ignoring PP is much more egotistical. I don't claim to be a 'Di Vinci genius'. I don't claim to have all the answers. PP does. I claim (and can prove) I've got some answers to some questions. The problem is you see my confidence in particular areas of physics as ego. Is a doctor egotistical for saying "I know a little bit about how the body works"? Is a doctor egotistical for saying to someone "I don't think you know enough about medicine to be making such claims"? No. It's professional skill and in the case of doctors its important they appear confident and educated, who'd want to go to a stupid indecisive doctor? Physics is my profession. So I'm good at some of it. That isn't egotistical, it's a fact. I am certain you're better than me at some things, be it music, artistic ability, languages etc. I can't say I'm very good at any of those. But I can say I'm good at physics. Obviously its relative, I'd not expect to get a job if it were between myself and Ed Witten, but compared to the population as whole, I'm good.

So throwing around the whole "Pure ego!" attempt at an insult is both hypocritical and false. I work on small problems in physics, helping where I can. I don't claim to be doing anything earth shattering but what I do claim to be doing, I can prove I've actually done. PP is claiming huge things and has nothing to show for it. Don't throw ego insults at me unless you're deliberately trying to show you've got double standards.
You are the essence of unprofessional and you whine about the tactics of others? Funny.

If there has been discord between us you have always been the initiator. You lied first and if you can pass it out you have to take it. But you can't. You reply vengefully and troll people as you are doing here. I will return to you what you give.

Responding to your inane posts point by point is a waste of time. They always convey the same egotistical rhetoric and when someone does waste the time to respond line by line it results in a spasm of multiple proportions from you. Examine yourself before you start pinning labels on me.

Unprofessional, egotistical, repetitive, and yes sometimes unprovoked foul language is your calling card. Everyone knows you for those tactics. I am just responding to you as you deserve to be responded to. You keep proving my point.
I actually want to be banned from here. I was looking for a science forum at the time, but accidentally found this mess, that science doesn't exist yet.

Ok. Take a day off to start with and consider whether this is really what you want. If you really want to be banned, I'll make it permanent. Just let me know.
You lied first

Well done on failing to explain how I'm egotistical for knowing something while you're pally with PP after he claims to be a 'Di Vinci genius'. Good double standards. You can't retort any of my criticisms of your claims so you have to attack me instead. I might attack you but I do so on the grounds you've refused to engage in rational discussion about my critiques of your work.

Yes, its my fault I have to keep correcting you when you make the same flawed or false statements time after time.

Tell you what, you stop being wrong and I'll stop saying "You're wrong". Can't say fairer than that.

Everyone knows you for those tactics.
Yes, I'm known for telling cranks they are cranks and for pointing out the flaws in their claims. It's a terrible thing.

I am just responding to you as you deserve to be responded to.
The best way to get me to shut up is to put your work where your mouth is, to prove my critiques wrong, to back up your claims, to show there's more to your work then just "I don't like how the universe really is so here's how I'd like it to be" delusions. Cranks need only to put their money where their mouth is and I'll back off. I don't attack Ben, Guest, Prom, Trippy etc because I know if they make a mistake they'll accept correction and the mistake is accidental, rather than the result of wilful ignorance. You want to be treated with respect, earn it.

Well done on failing to explain how I'm egotistical for knowing something while you're pally with PP after he claims to be a 'Di Vinci genius'. Good double standards. You can't retort any of my criticisms of your claims so you have to attack me instead. I might attack you but I do so on the grounds you've refused to engage in rational discussion about my critiques of your work.

Yes, its my fault I have to keep correcting you when you make the same flawed or false statements time after time.

Tell you what, you stop being wrong and I'll stop saying "You're wrong". Can't say fairer than that.

Yes, I'm known for telling cranks they are cranks and for pointing out the flaws in their claims. It's a terrible thing.

The best way to get me to shut up is to put your work where your mouth is, to prove my critiques wrong, to back up your claims, to show there's more to your work then just "I don't like how the universe really is so here's how I'd like it to be" delusions. Cranks need only to put their money where their mouth is and I'll back off. I don't attack Ben, Guest, Prom, Trippy etc because I know if they make a mistake they'll accept correction and the mistake is accidental, rather than the result of wilful ignorance. You want to be treated with respect, earn it.
What critiques? Your egotistical rants about demanding I prove things I speculate about? If science cannot answer the questions:
What caused the Big Bang? What causes the presence of mass? What causes gravity? How much of a critique is it for you to say I cannot prove speculation about those things. I speculate about those things for discussion purposes.

And I don't need evidence of your lying. It is your MO; everyone knows that. Why waste time proving what you already know is true.

Edit: Why not move your weak and unprofessional comments and criticisms of me and my ideas over to the thread dedicated to that; link.
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