Scaling the Aether

Pincho Paxton

I proposed that Aether scale is part of physics, and that C is not a true speed it is a wave scale based on the minimum size of an Aether membrane, which suggests that Aether is made from bubbles of varying membrane sizes. But the smallest membrane size is the distance between two none bonded atoms with half push, half pull electron forces which equal zero force when combined.

I then had to explain why the none bonded atoms create this small scale membrane, and used frogs spawn to show how the distances of the nucleus is also the distance of the membrane. This lead to arguments that I had to prove it, which I thought was illogical, but anyway....

Speaking of stupidity:

Originally Posted by Pincho Paxton
For the frogs spawn to sit at the centre of each bubble, it requires that the bubble membrane is the same distance as the frog spawn.

Is the same distance as WHAT on the spawn?
Please restate that in English.

It is simple logic. why would I need to do a calculation to prove it?

Because if you can't prove it (calculation or repeated measurements [and measurement won't prove it, simply demonstrate that it happens to be the case for the ones measured, and those alone]) then all you have is a guess.
As we have seen your grasp of "simple logic" is exceeded only by your grasp of physics.
Oh wait, you're crap at that as well.

Now I have to answer this. which seems to suggest that the frogs spawn may vary in distance. But not grasping that C would also then vary in speed, and G would then vary as well. To get a constant we can eliminate changes in distance to just get an average. This maintains C, and G.
half push, half pull electron forces
Half push, half pull?

the distances of the nucleus is also the distance of the membrane.
Put that into English.
What "distances"?
The radii?

Now I have to answer this. which seems to suggest that the frogs spawn may vary in distance.
From what?

But not grasping that C would also then vary in speed, and G would then vary as well. To get a constant we can eliminate changes in distance to just get an average. This maintains C, and G.
In other words even at this stage you're having to fudge things. :rolleyes:
I proposed that Aether scale is part of physics, and that C is not a true speed it is a wave scale based on the minimum size of an Aether membrane, which suggests that Aether is made from bubbles of varying membrane sizes. But the smallest membrane size is the distance between two none bonded atoms with half push, half pull electron forces which equal zero force when combined.

I then had to explain why the none bonded atoms create this small scale membrane, and used frogs spawn to show how the distances of the nucleus is also the distance of the membrane. This lead to arguments that I had to prove it, which I thought was illogical, but anyway....

Now I have to answer this. which seems to suggest that the frogs spawn may vary in distance. But not grasping that C would also then vary in speed, and G would then vary as well. To get a constant we can eliminate changes in distance to just get an average. This maintains C, and G.
Pincho, it is a puzzle. But the solution to the puzzle seems impossible to connect to known science. Does that matter?
Just lock the thread this guy is too stupid to talk to.
You mean, that having failed, once again, to make any sense you're giving up?
If you wrote in English instead of gibberish maybe we'd have a chance at understanding what (if anything) your point is.
Just lock the thread this guy is too stupid to talk to.
I think my hypocrisy detector just exploded.

You are either a wind up with way too much time on your hands or you're mind bogglingly stupid, uninformed, delusional and wilfully ignorant. If you aren't just pretending to be as big a dipshit as you seem to be then I am amazed you have not been hit by a bus or accidentally drank diesel or stuck a knife in a toaster and killed yourself. You seem so detached from reality I can't see how you could possibly hold down a job. I wonder how you manage to feed yourself.
I think my hypocrisy detector just exploded.

You are either a wind up with way too much time on your hands or you're mind bogglingly stupid, uninformed, delusional and wilfully ignorant. If you aren't just pretending to be as big a dipshit as you seem to be then I am amazed you have not been hit by a bus or accidentally drank diesel or stuck a knife in a toaster and killed yourself. You seem so detached from reality I can't see how you could possibly hold down a job. I wonder how you manage to feed yourself.

I know how you got your job, by going with the flow. painting by numbers.
Yeah and its why I'm more competent, educated, skilled and successful at physics and maths than you.

But I'm not trying to be, I'm trying to get nature sorted out, and put back into science. If I was to be interested in physics, and maths I would blow you away. I only use physics as a mechanical reference for visualising nature. But you are trying to use a basic understanding as a weapon.
If I was to be interested in physics, and maths I would blow you away.
Keep telling yourself that if it helps you delude yourself. The abject failure you've been on these forums shows just how clueless you are. If you're such a genius, a 'Di Vinci' you called yourself, why have you utterly failed to achieve anything in any of the areas Di Vinci was so good at? You can't justify any claims you make with logic, you regularly claim to have irrefutable logic which is laughably bad, you can't actually do any maths or physics, you have no grasp of any area of physics, you're irrational, ignorant and seemingly happy to wilfully stay that way.

You have yet to display a single skill I'd associate with anyone even capable of learning physics or mathematics, never mind being good at it. You talk about visualising nature but you aren't even interested in checking your ideas. That isn't science, that's religious delusion. It would seem your interest is to construct a religious delusion where you're the prophet of Nature. Instead you're another crazy guy yelling out "The end is nigh!".
I proposed that Aether scale is part of physics...

As somebody trained in physics, I can tell you that it is not.

... and that C is not a true speed it is a wave scale based on the minimum size of an Aether membrane, which suggests that Aether is made from bubbles of varying membrane sizes.

1. What's a "wave scale"?
2. What's an "Aether membrane"?
3. What are the bubbles made of?
4. Please post the mathematics of your theory.

But the smallest membrane size is the distance between two none bonded atoms with half push, half pull electron forces which equal zero force when combined.

This sounds like meaningless crap.

5. What type of atoms are you talking about?
6. How can you have "half push, half pull electron forces"?
7. How are forces combined?

I then had to explain why the none bonded atoms create this small scale membrane, and used frogs spawn to show how the distances of the nucleus is also the distance of the membrane.

8. Show me your proof from frog spawn.

Now I have to answer this. which seems to suggest that the frogs spawn may vary in distance. But not grasping that C would also then vary in speed, and G would then vary as well. To get a constant we can eliminate changes in distance to just get an average. This maintains C, and G.

You're trolling, aren't you?

Answer my questions, or never post this kind of crap again. If you continue to troll without addressing the above questions, you will be banned from sciforums.
I actually want to be banned from here. I was looking for a science forum at the time, but accidentally found this mess, that science doesn't exist yet.
I actually want to be banned from here. I was looking for a science forum at the time, but accidentally found this mess, that science doesn't exist yet.
Wait, take it back? You don't get banned for making up science, you get banned for making up dumb science. Your stuff just needs a little touching up. Well, a lot of touching up but people will work with you if you go back to the beginning and ask questions that actually have answers before you speculate about answers for which there are no questions :).
Your stuff just needs a little touching up.
Yeah, in the same way the WTCs just needed a lick of paint after 9/11.

I actually want to be banned from here
No one is making you post. If you don't like it sod off. Show some self control and go away.

I was looking for a science forum at the time, but accidentally found this mess, that science doesn't exist yet.
You wouldn't know science if it beat you with a golf club till the police turned up.

Your attitude is typical of cranks. You posted your idea and expected replies of "OMG, you're a genius!". Instead you got "OMG, you're an idiot!" and now suddenly you don't want approval, you want to get banned. So why still post? Why still try to convince people you're a 'Di Vinci genius'? Because you still want approval but you're just sulking you aren't getting it.
Yeah, in the same way the WTCs just needed a lick of paint after 9/11.

No one is making you post. If you don't like it sod off. Show some self control and go away.

You wouldn't know science if it beat you with a golf club till the police turned up.

Your attitude is typical of cranks. You posted your idea and expected replies of "OMG, you're a genius!". Instead you got "OMG, you're an idiot!" and now suddenly you don't want approval, you want to get banned. So why still post? Why still try to convince people you're a 'Di Vinci genius'? Because you still want approval but you're just sulking you aren't getting it.
What is this, a whine-ola-gram? Man up to the standards of professional ethics. Trolling people instead of working with them is qutter tactics.
Man up to the standards of professional ethics.
And where did you get the impression I am in any way regarding this place or my posts in a professional capacity? If anything, I am not here in a professional capacity. You are not professionals, you are not my peers, you are not interested in rational discussion, you are not interested in rationality. Hence I treat you and others with varying levels of contempt and vitriol.

People I met in day to day life in the context of my work I'm polite to and will be helpful towards. They are informed, educated, rational and interested in discussion and so I treat them with respect.

You earn it, you'll get it.

Trolling people instead of working with them is qutter tactics.
But that's the point, nothing you or PP do could in any way lead to viable 'work' in the physics or maths community. Like I said, PP's work doesn't need 'a little touching up', it needs to be torn down and started anew. But PP (or you for your work) isn't willing to do that because he's got too much invested in it since its his personal view of the universe and to admit that's wrong means admitting he's got a completely flawed understanding of the world around him. He isn't interested in collaboration, he just wants to preach his personal cosmology, just like you.

People like Prometheus or Ben have posted questions on these forums and I've given them help and been polite while doing it. They've demonstrated they'll actually listen to people, understand the material they are discussing and have put in effort to learn. You and PP show none of that.

As for my work, I don't come onto the forums to get people to collaborate with me because the vast majority of people simply don't have the knowledge and ability to follow my work, those who do generally work in other things and actual collaboration is more than a few posts back and fore. I'll ask "Can someone solve this equation" but that'll be just one expression in a 40 page work so not serious collaboration. You've previously mentioned you know who I am so you know the work I've done. Do you think you could collaborate with me in any meaningful way in that? Of course not, other than you trying to convince me to ditch string theory and work on QWC, which is hardly 'collaboration'.

But please explain to me how I'd collaborate with you or PP on either their work or my work when I regard your entire work as just baseless BS. Collaboration is about building up, I think your work needs to be torn down.

And nuked from orbit, just to be sure.
And where did you get the impression I am in any way regarding this place or my posts in a professional capacity? If anything, I am not here in a professional capacity. You are not professionals, you are not my peers, you are not interested in rational discussion, you are not interested in rationality. Hence I treat you and others with varying levels of contempt and vitriol.

People I met in day to day life in the context of my work I'm polite to and will be helpful towards. They are informed, educated, rational and interested in discussion and so I treat them with respect.

You earn it, you'll get it.

But that's the point, nothing you or PP do could in any way lead to viable 'work' in the physics or maths community. Like I said, PP's work doesn't need 'a little touching up', it needs to be torn down and started anew. But PP (or you for your work) isn't willing to do that because he's got too much invested in it since its his personal view of the universe and to admit that's wrong means admitting he's got a completely flawed understanding of the world around him. He isn't interested in collaboration, he just wants to preach his personal cosmology, just like you.

People like Prometheus or Ben have posted questions on these forums and I've given them help and been polite while doing it. They've demonstrated they'll actually listen to people, understand the material they are discussing and have put in effort to learn. You and PP show none of that.

As for my work, I don't come onto the forums to get people to collaborate with me because the vast majority of people simply don't have the knowledge and ability to follow my work, those who do generally work in other things and actual collaboration is more than a few posts back and fore. I'll ask "Can someone solve this equation" but that'll be just one expression in a 40 page work so not serious collaboration. You've previously mentioned you know who I am so you know the work I've done. Do you think you could collaborate with me in any meaningful way in that? Of course not, other than you trying to convince me to ditch string theory and work on QWC, which is hardly 'collaboration'.

But please explain to me how I'd collaborate with you or PP on either their work or my work when I regard your entire work as just baseless BS. Collaboration is about building up, I think your work needs to be torn down.

And nuked from orbit, just to be sure.
Oh that is very professional. You may think these thread don't require you to live up to professional standards but people know you for your low character here. Whenever you get properly put down and it has been happening a lot to you lately, you just get more unprofessional and vengeful as if that could cover up your endless string of trolling and your failed attacks.
Where have I been 'properly put down'? What it you making up strawmen and paraphrasing me to the point of lying? Those were really good put downs.

And the fact you mass quote me and ignore my direct questions shows that you can't retort them. Yet you claim I'm the one with the 'failed attacks'? You and PP are just trying to justify wasting massive amounts of your time and having delusions of grandeur. You can't call me elitist or big headed or anything of that ilk while simultaneously ignoring how PP claims to be a Di Vinci character, a genius in so many things. The fact you and he are being amicable to one another is just a defence mechanism to help each other ignore all the flaws and contradictions and justified claims pointed out by people when it comes to your work.
Where have I been 'properly put down'? What it you making up strawmen and paraphrasing me to the point of lying? Those were really good put downs.

And the fact you mass quote me and ignore my direct questions shows that you can't retort them. Yet you claim I'm the one with the 'failed attacks'? You and PP are just trying to justify wasting massive amounts of your time and having delusions of grandeur. You can't call me elitist or big headed or anything of that ilk while simultaneously ignoring how PP claims to be a Di Vinci character, a genius in so many things. The fact you and he are being amicable to one another is just a defence mechanism to help each other ignore all the flaws and contradictions and justified claims pointed out by people when it comes to your work.
Anyone who cares knows what I am talking about. And to think that because Bentheman asks you questions and supports you in his forum doesn't mean that you can ignore professional standards in Pseudoscience. A professional is professional at home and away. Your posts reflect who you are and your associates and peers have expectations of you at work and at play. They see how you are in the forums and see you for a low class egotist. Anything else to say that will continue to prove my point?

And quit pretending that you have addressed the content of my threads. Like here, your posts are a litany of unprofessional egoism.
Anyone who cares knows what I am talking about.
As usual, you make claims and then can't back them up.

And to think that because Bentheman asks you questions and supports you in his forum doesn't mean that you can ignore professional standards in Pseudoscience.
I'm calling a spade a spade. And even though I admit I've started swearing more recently I'm a darn sight more rational and coherent than most posters in Pseudo. And unlike you I actually reply to direct questions or points raised, I quote people's posts bit by bit and respond. So I don't think you can give me too many lecturers on posting etiquette. You've accused me of wishing you dead, more than once, in utter contradiction to what I've actually said. Don't talk about 'professional standards' when you act like that.

Your posts reflect who you are and your associates and peers have expectations of you at work and at play. They see how you are in the forums and see you for a low class egotist. Anything else to say that will continue to prove my point?
When I mention people like yourself to my friends in the office they ask why I spend my time talking to people who are clearly either mad, idiotic or both.

And quit pretending that you have addressed the content of my threads. Like here, your posts are a litany of unprofessional egoism.
It's silly of you to call me egotistical while ignoring PP is much more egotistical. I don't claim to be a 'Di Vinci genius'. I don't claim to have all the answers. PP does. I claim (and can prove) I've got some answers to some questions. The problem is you see my confidence in particular areas of physics as ego. Is a doctor egotistical for saying "I know a little bit about how the body works"? Is a doctor egotistical for saying to someone "I don't think you know enough about medicine to be making such claims"? No. It's professional skill and in the case of doctors its important they appear confident and educated, who'd want to go to a stupid indecisive doctor? Physics is my profession. So I'm good at some of it. That isn't egotistical, it's a fact. I am certain you're better than me at some things, be it music, artistic ability, languages etc. I can't say I'm very good at any of those. But I can say I'm good at physics. Obviously its relative, I'd not expect to get a job if it were between myself and Ed Witten, but compared to the population as whole, I'm good.

So throwing around the whole "Pure ego!" attempt at an insult is both hypocritical and false. I work on small problems in physics, helping where I can. I don't claim to be doing anything earth shattering but what I do claim to be doing, I can prove I've actually done. PP is claiming huge things and has nothing to show for it. Don't throw ego insults at me unless you're deliberately trying to show you've got double standards.