Scalar waves on other ways to control the weather???


Registered Senior Member
Yes,the same question I put here,on these forums...
Can you with scalar waves control weather,artificially create hurricanes,storms,earthquakes,volcanic eruptions and etc...
Here is why I don't believe in such a crap:Scott Stevens,who's meteorologist said that volcanic eruption of Santa Helena was artificially made by scalar waves,and he said that Russians combined quantum theory of physics with classical physics,and they have caused hurricane Ivan,he also said that japanese mob uses electromagnetic generator to create artificial storms,mind control and etc...
I just want to mention one thing:What the crap these guys are talking about-their consiracy theories don't support a thing.That's all crap really,true scientists,I read,know exact difference between artificially made and natural disaster.
What makes you think humans can control nature,this is all because of global warming,ice caps are melting,even Siberia is melting(the newest report from russian scientists),the greater the warming is the more destructive,more intense and longer-lasting hurricanes are.
Any thoughts from scientists?
no i am not a scientist, but i can see patterns.
one thing i kow, and that is thepower elite want to control. that's a cert

there are covert things oing on that have been going on for many years. a huge emphasis on secret ware technology happened when the U.S Nationl Security Act came about in 1947

you tlk of 'conspiracy theory' and define it ALL as crap. how do you know that?....have you looked between the lines and seen patterns?....oooking at the details. cause they aren't gonna tell you. but hey do leave clues. ie., they are blatant.

A clue--a big one, is their leaving occultic numerological and symbolic clues, whic hey have done ofver the 'terrorist' atrocities, etc.THAT IS A CLUE_UE!

They know that the bigger thelie te reater it wont be believed by the majority of people....Goebbels actually admitted tis in one of his nazi speeches, and other revealing shit...checkit out, as have other fascists

So the weather?...put it this way. first, IF theey could they would. do you agree wit that?...if not why not, nd if yes also explain
duendy said:
no i am not a scientist, but i can see patterns.
one thing i kow, and that is thepower elite want to control. that's a cert

there are covert things oing on that have been going on for many years. a huge emphasis on secret ware technology happened when the U.S Nationl Security Act came about in 1947

you tlk of 'conspiracy theory' and define it ALL as crap. how do you know that?....have you looked between the lines and seen patterns?....oooking at the details. cause they aren't gonna tell you. but hey do leave clues. ie., they are blatant.

A clue--a big one, is their leaving occultic numerological and symbolic clues, whic hey have done ofver the 'terrorist' atrocities, etc.THAT IS A CLUE_UE!

They know that the bigger thelie te reater it wont be believed by the majority of people....Goebbels actually admitted tis in one of his nazi speeches, and other revealing shit...checkit out, as have other fascists

So the weather?...put it this way. first, IF theey could they would. do you agree wit that?...if not why not, nd if yes also explain

The key word is they want to control,but they can't.If there was really such a case they would already beat Russia,and end war in Iraq.They would always win.They could create hurricanes,where is it totally impossible(where there is no warm water from which hurricanes can form,but on land).
It's all global warming,tthere are much greater extremes in temperature differences which make storms stronger and last longer.
As for the unexplainable things,that are unnatural-you forget one thing,there are so many things that people think are supernatural or artificially created,and that's because they don't know,you're not a scientist,but every professional scientist who has knowledge knows the difference between artificial and natural,also there were many phenomenons in nature that were thought even by professional scientists that artificially made(UFOs,ghosts and etc)-just because something doesn't act like it should,it doesn't mean it's unnatural.
And please,don't believe everything what they say on the net.
What's a 'scalar wave'? I can't find anything other than woowoo websites on the subject. 'Scalar' means simply having a value, as opposed to 'vector', which involves dimensions, and by that, I don't mean any mystic bullshit, I mean that a vector is a measurement of a physical property; distance.

Waves are vectors, because they have speed and direction, measurable physical aspects. They aren't therefore 'scalar', so Gravage, can you first define your terminology, and what you are referring to, exactly?
Scalar waves apparently are longitudinal (they had a dictionary :D ) and can either start tornadoes or be so finely focussed that they took out the O ring on the shuttle. This is more total bollocks, if you check far enough (OK I have far too much time on my hands), there's also a pyschological profile of the main scalar theory guy entiltled "Tom Bearden - A Study in Pyschosis" - apparently he's not too tightly wrapped.
What maths they do provide is not even self-consistent, let alone not having any tie-in to reality - there are no scalar waves.
Oli said:
Scalar waves apparently are longitudinal (they had a dictionary :D ) and can either start tornadoes or be so finely focussed that they took out the O ring on the shuttle. This is more total bollocks, if you check far enough (OK I have far too much time on my hands), there's also a pyschological profile of the main scalar theory guy entiltled "Tom Bearden - A Study in Pyschosis" - apparently he's not too tightly wrapped.

me:::that's right. true to form. whenever something or person is outta your box, or rocks your boat, call it mad or woo woo. that way you can carry on being smug and not really that creative.
This attitude is precisely why we are in te state we are in, wit people being brutally labelled mentally ill by theever so knowing scientist shrink priests.....meanwhile .....the brutality continues relentlessly.....i am defending the dude you attack here, and othe possible victims from arrogant know-it-all science boffins

What maths they do provide is not even self-consistent, let alone not having any tie-in to reality - there are no scalar waves.
listen Olly, how come your not EInstein 2, the amount you claim to know?
loook, i try and not be pretentious. that first article is blindin me wid science. cant understand a fukin word. ia m not a scientist. you might as well explain that in chinese....i COULDread the words, but so what. for all i knowhe's talkin a load of shit, and/or is stuc in rut of old fashiouned science, or a government agent diverting attention away from...or all 3 and more. how te heck do i do you know? are you a scientist. are you just takin him by his word cause he is an accepted 'peeer reviewd' etc' scientist?

the second article my sstem cant download, but i will say this........the title of the article says more where the AUTHOR's heads at rather tan what he may 'uncover'...throwing labels like 'psychosis' about is straifht up...wait for it folks..PSEUDOSCIENCE..the irony is you'll who are makinggreat effrot to debunk 'woo woo' theories dont seem to be aware of this profound facxt. profpund cause it gpoes right to te centre of the paradgim we're being its foundations
very strngely enuf...only yesterday i heard the name of te guy he's attempting to 'rip apart'''nice huh?......what i read seemed human enough....again i dont know te science he's on about. maybe it is shit. wonder if HE's taken in by the 'mental illness' pseudoscience myth to...?
Duendy, you admit you aren't a scientist. OK. Why don't you try and learn some? Enrol in a night school course in basic physics, or take a postal course. It would be time better spent than reading about 'scalar waves' and the like. Once you have a grasp of science, you'll see all of these pseudo scientific topics in a different light, and will probably be embarrassed that you ever gave them any credence.

You think scientists are afraid to challenge their views. Well, this is my challenge to your view. Go learn some real science, and then see how you view the world.
phlogistician said:
Duendy, you admit you aren't a scientist. OK. Why don't you try and learn some? Enrol in a night school course in basic physics, or take a postal course. It would be time better spent than reading about 'scalar waves' and the like.

me::: phlo?....dont be patronizing!

Once you have a grasp of science, you'll see all of these pseudo scientific topics in a different light, and will probably be embarrassed that you ever gave them any credence.

me:::eek:h my gawwwwd, you get better. listen phlo, dont get too dizzy up there, you migfht fall off, and you know what thy say? ythe higher you fall the harder you drop. how do you know you are NOT yourSELF so conditioned by your mainstream scientifi indoctrination tat you cannot see chasms of insight in the other alternative stuff you call woo woo? ...obviously your educaton would blind you you know anything bout mythological history?....about oter stuff like the drug war, themyth of mental illness. all the authors that speak on this are pople that have been villified by the general science community you want me to becomes a member are so dusty. like yer old sciencebooks

You think scientists are afraid to challenge their views. Well, this is my challenge to your view. Go learn some real science, and then see how you view the world.

your arrogance never ceases to amaze me. it is a perfect advert NOT to follow your advice!
oh yes phlo, and while i'm about it, please let us know oh great learned one...what do you KNOW about occultic symbolism?
Duendy, I only seem arrogant because of your ignorance. You revel in it! It seems you purposefully remain scientifically illiterate. Well, that's your loss, it really is.

What do I know about 'occultic symbolism'? Firstly, what has that got to to do with this thread? Secondly, is this some sort of point scoring. with you effectively saying 'I might not know science, but I know something you don't'? Well, let's look see, nope, I don't know much on the subject, because I prefer facts, not fantasy. I got qualifications in science, see, and have since followed a career in IT, and used to work for a bunch of scientists as their computer technician. Your experise in symbolism pay your bills, does it ;-) ?

Get an education, learn to spell, and really concentrate hard, and try and quote properly. It's not too hard for you to learn how to do that I'm sure. Or maybe you really are too stupid to work it out? Yeah, maybe you really are that stupid.
phlogistician said:
Duendy, I only seem arrogant because of your ignorance. You revel in it! It seems you purposefully remain scientifically illiterate. Well, that's your loss, it really is.

What do I know about 'occultic symbolism'? Firstly, what has that got to to do with this thread? Secondly, is this some sort of point scoring. with you effectively saying 'I might not know science, but I know something you don't'? Well, let's look see, nope, I don't know much on the subject, because I prefer facts, not fantasy. I got qualifications in science, see, and have since followed a career in IT, and used to work for a bunch of scientists as their computer technician. Your experise in symbolism pay your bills, does it ;-) ?

Get an education, learn to spell, and really concentrate hard, and try and quote properly. It's not too hard for you to learn how to do that I'm sure. Or maybe you really are too stupid to work it out? Yeah, maybe you really are that stupid.

Actually, I've come to the conclusion that he is. A strong desire to remain ignorant is a sure sign. <yawn>
Squeak22 said:
And here's the "Tom Bearden - A Study in Pyschosis"

It's a pretty well written article that goes into his studies and rips them apart.

Ah, that one is a great read! 'polarisatoin is bullshit!' hahahahahahahah! I guess I should throw away my polarised sunglasses then, because they don't actually work, and I'm just deluding mysefl they do!

Typical woowoo behaviour though, when pressed on the subject.
phlogistician said:
Duendy, I only seem arrogant because of your ignorance. You revel in it! It seems you purposefully remain scientifically illiterate. Well, that's your loss, it really is.

me:::not from where i am standing. you attitude, phlo, is whati feel is THE major drawback of science. ie., when it turns into areligion.......THEN, anyone not read the 'Good Books' is considered an ignoramous, woo wooer, mentally ill,illiterate, and all the other put-down names you can find. well, try as you might you are not intimidating me.
Do i harangue YOU that you cant draw, paint, compose colour, know abou art history, etc etc.i am an artist, sos why dont i do that then. art's a part of life too isn't it. yet you will big up yourself causeyou've grokked afew science books and have some letters after yer name. sorry it dont impress. there are as many ignorant scientists as there are others from all diverse individuals......someone who is himless propbably has as much if not more creativity an vision and understanding a yourself

What do I know about 'occultic symbolism'? Firstly, what has that got to to do with this thread?

me:::because you are gloating constantly how much more knowledgeable about everythng. so i am asking if you are kowledgeable about occult symbplism. if you KNEW just how relevant that question is for tis cultur you wouldn't be so surprised. in other was a trick question

Secondly, is this some sort of point scoring. with you effectively saying 'I might not know science, but I know something you don't'? Well, let's look see, nope, I don't know much on the subject, because I prefer facts, not fantasy. I got qualifications in science, see, and have since followed a career in IT, and used to work for a bunch of scientists as their computer technician.

me:::very glad for yer mate, but that doesn't make you the be all of knowledge and insight and intuition etc do it?

Your experise in symbolism pay your bills, does it ;-) ?

me::itis for the LOVE of exploration into the wonders and secrets of life, culture, not 'paying the bills'

Get an education, learn to spell, and really concentrate hard, and try and quote properly. It's not too hard for you to learn how to do that I'm sure. Or maybe you really are too stupid to work it out? Yeah, maybe you really are that stupid.

cheeky old fart
Duendy, firstly, I haven't claimed to all knowing. That's just your perception of me. Work that one out for yourself.

Secondly, science is not a religion. You need to read the right books to learn, it's not about worship, but facts. The antithesis of religion, in fact.

Do you harangue me that I can't paint, draw, or now art history? No, because the subject has never come up, and you would be wrong to if it did. Put it this way, what do you think scientists do for pleasure? Indulge in the arts, maybe? Do artists read physics text books in their spare time to widen their experience? Apparently not. Therefore scientists are always more rounded individuals. Personally, I do draw, I make things, sculpt, and at one point supplied props and costumes to a theatre group. I've also recently got into nature photography. I think that's enough art.

So, you are kinda playing catchup, aren't you?
Plus, you are commenting on a science board. Shouldn't we expect SOME scientific literacy?
Phlogistician, I can only stand in genuine dumbstruck awe at your ability to respond to Duendy's innanity in a sober, logical, even helpful, fashion. She is too much for me to stomach. Literally. After reading her 'contributions' to this thread I was barely able not to vomit up my recently eaten dinner.
For my own mental health she is now on my ignore list.
Squeak22 said:
Plus, you are commenting on a science board. Shouldn't we expect SOME scientific literacy?
nooo, on a PSEUDOscientific board. i wont be condescending and tell yo to learn to read....and have YOU got ecoliteracy by chance? much more important. i know THAT science, do you?